Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3127: One way of illusion lies in the heart

"Oh?" Xiao Yi said softly.

Looking at the Xingluo God Destruction Cone in his hand, he was full of doubts.

Big eyes replied, "It's not difficult to use the method, but the difficulty is how to control it perfectly."

"You try to use it first, you can burn a trace of your own spiritual consciousness and let it recognize the master, it is not much different from using other heavy treasures."

"Even if other great treasures have spirits when they recognize the Lord, they may still struggle, resist, and so on, making it extremely difficult for the creatures to control."

"But there is no spirit inside this star Luo Mie Shenzhu, so it is very easy for you to control and use it."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Infiltrating into my own spiritual sense and thereby controlling it. I have tried this before."

This is the easiest way to control the treasure.

Mang Star Indestructible Armor, Ten Thousand Halberd, and many important treasures, including the Bell of Breaking Dawn, are used in this way.

Xiao Yi continued, "But after I took control back then, I found that its power was not as strong as I thought."

"how to say…"

Xiao Yi thought for a moment, "Back then, I used this Star Luo Deshen Cone to kill a Sovereign Realm Second Layer."

"But at that time, my own strength was already in the realm of monarchy. It only took some effort to kill the second level of the monarch realm. However, using the Star Luo Deshen Cone to kill with a single hit, saving all these efforts."

When he killed Xiao Leijun back then, he used the Xingluo Divine Destroyer Cone to kill it suddenly, which had a miraculous effect.

Big eyes sneered and replied, "There is not much strength in Xingluo Desire Cone, and the natural power is small."

"I'm going to make it simple. To stimulate power, this thing requires a huge amount of power."

"And what you need to do now is to let it absorb power."

Xiao Yi nodded, tossed the palm of his hand, and threw the Xingluo Deity God Cone into the starlight array.

A light flashed in his hand, and Zidian returned instantly.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi glanced at the top of the sky, and his face changed instantly.

After Xingluo Mie Shenzhu entered the starlight array of 30,000 spiritual veins, its amazing absorption ability was even more powerful than the purple electric sword.

That kind of absorption speed actually absorbs all the astral power drawn from the sky every second, leaving no trace.

"This thing is more edible than my purple electric." Xiao Yi's face twitched.

Big eyes replied, "That's natural."

"Xing Luo Deshen Cone, it's much stronger than the sword in your hand."

"But your sword has growth potential and can absorb the power of kendo. It is a sword of kendo. The future level is unknown."

Xiao Yi took back the purple power and chuckled lightly, "I still think my purple power is easier to use and stronger."

Big eyes are silent.

Xiao Yi glanced at the sky and asked, "How long will you have to wait?"

"One day." Big eyes replied.

"One day." Xiao Yi nodded, "Then wait."

After all, sit down cross-legged and wait quietly.

Beside, a phantom condensed out of thin air.

It was a phantom with big eyes, but now it was only tall, floating beside Xiao Yi.

After a long while, Xiao Yi was a little idle, glanced at his big eyes, and asked, "Is your illusion the strongest?"

"Me?" said proudly with big eyes, "this emperor is the emperor of illusion, he is..."

With big eyes, he suddenly paused and chuckled, "Who dares to say the strongest?"

"As you said, nothing is absolute."

"Even the sword emperor who is known as the best at fighting, known as the emperor of kendo, but there are always kendos he doesn't know."

"It can only be said that he used kendo to control martial arts and stepped into the throne of emperor with kendo."

"This emperor is the same, stepping into the throne of the emperor with the illusion."

"But in general, in those years, almost no one can compare to the sword emperor in swordsmanship."

"On the illusion, this emperor is also a leader."

Xiao Yi asked puzzledly, "During those years, was there an Illusion Dao Emperor Realm stronger than you?"

"Yes." Big eyes replied, "The two demon ancestors are."

"The Demon Ancestor does not specialize in demon way, but demon is omnipotent."

"The Demon Ancestor can cast a phantom that is much stronger than me at any time."

"Other than that, I haven't seen it before."

"Of course, this emperor has not seen many emperor realms."

"The emperor prefers to listen to the teachings and sermons of the demon ancestor more than to challenge other emperor realms outside."

Xiao Yi laughed and said, "Other imperial realms, like to challenge everywhere?"

Big eyes replied, "It's not, it's also the case of Tyrant Emperor and a small part of the Emperor Realm."

"Most emperor realms still like to discuss or discuss the Tao with the familiar emperor realms. More often, they either travel around the world and read the vicissitudes of the world, or can't get out of seclusion, which is rare for thousands of years."

Xiao Yi continued to ask, "In those years, were there many emperor realms?"

Big eyes replied, "Not too much, not too little."

"You have to know that there are many martial arts, and there will always be strong people who will eventually achieve the emperor realm with their own strength and experience for a long time."

"It's just that it's very difficult."

"If the emperor hadn't had the guidance and guidance of the demon ancestor, I am afraid that he would not have achieved the throne yet."

Looking at Xiao Yi suspiciously with big eyes, "What do you kid ask these for?"

Xiao Yi shrugged, "It's nothing, I'm curious, and I want to ask you some kind of illusion."

Xiao Yi's big eyes turned white, "I know, your kid is the kind of unprofitable person who can't afford to be earlier. No wonder you are willing to bring this emperor out."

Xiao Yi also cast a blank look, "What am I trying to do with you? In terms of fighting, you can't help me."

"It's just that an old monster like you lives a long time and knows a lot. Sometimes it can help me solve my doubts."

"Besides, I will take you out to see this colorful world, better than you are trapped in that cold and dark place under the sea."

Xiao Yi suddenly said with a solemn expression, "Illusory Dao, how strong can it be? Just use your level to solve my puzzles."

"How strong?" Big eyes sneered, "Remember the battle on the seabed a few years ago?"

"That time, the emperor just wanted to show you, by the way, to see if you were qualified, so the emperor didn't really use all the means."

"Although your eyes are the nemesis of the emperor, the emperor can't help you."

"But your cultivation level is here, and the gap with this emperor is huge."

"If the emperor is willing, this emperor can put you in more trouble, and it will take more time and effort to escape the illusion."

"If you use the illusion to deal with the enemy, it is called an entry."

"If you use the illusion to practice the imaginary and the real, the illusion and the real and the real, and change constantly, you are considered proficient in the illusion.

Xiao Yi frowned, "How do you know that I have the ancient emperor and sword emperor inheritance?"

"Also, the first time you turned these two people out to bluff me."

"Have you spied my memory?"

Big eyes smiled proudly, "This is an extremely advanced method that can only be controlled by those with profound illusions."

"Yes, the emperor spied your memory with the illusion."

"This is also one of the prerequisites for the profound illusion."

"Using illusion to deal with the enemy, if the people, things, and things that are transformed are unseen by the enemy, then there will be a lot of errors and omissions."

"If the illusion is what the enemy sees and experiences, then it is logical and makes people indistinguishable from being in illusory reality."

Big eyes looked up at the sky and continued, "Look at this day."

"You've seen it this day, so if this emperor turns into a sky, you won't be able to tell the truth from the false."

"But if the emperor turns into an abyss that you have never seen before, there are countless demons and ghosts in it, terrifyingly terrifying."

"You haven't seen such a terrible scene, but it's just a fiction by the emperor."

"If you saw such a situation, what would you think first?"

Xiao Yi frowned, "I would doubt it."

"Yes." The big eyes said solemnly, "Once you have doubts in your heart, you will lose your power."


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