Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3128: The world is limited, the illusion is not condensed

"The illusion lies in the heart." Xiao Yi blurted out.

"Not bad." There was a hint of satisfaction in the big eyes.

"The emperor, you can see your heart through the illusion, and through your heart, you can trace back what you have experienced."

"This is the retrospective method of illusion."

"But this emperor doesn't see much, your mind is extremely terrifying."

"It is quite difficult to break through your heart defense with the illusion."

"And the emperor wanted to try you, so the first thing you see will be the strongest thing you have ever seen."

"The ancient emperor and the sword emperor were the first to see this emperor."

Xiao Yi shook his head and said in doubt, "But I haven't seen the ancient emperor and the sword emperor."

Big eyes replied, "But you know their existence, and you have their heritage in you."

"And in your heart, they are the strongest characters, the existence you need to look up to."

"They are things that can shake your defenses and make you fearful."

"What this emperor first saw was your experience in the ancient emperor's cave mansion. This is also because the ancient emperor's magical aura and the emperor's magical magic methods have a certain connection."

Xiao Yi nodded, probably understanding the meaning of big eyes.

"No, what about the Silver Dragon Emperor?"

"It stands to reason that the strongest existence I have ever seen and believed in my heart should be Senior Silver Lonely Emperor."

Big eyes replied, "You have the power of a reptile, which is enough to stop the emperor from prying on you and what it has experienced."

"What else?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

Big eyes replied, "No, you have already discovered the clue at that time, knowing that it is an illusion, this emperor is no longer able to snoop."

"Secondly, your mind is indeed terrible."

"The emperor doesn't know what you have experienced, but your defense seems to be stronger than those old monsters who have lived through millions of years."

"From your fledgling to your growing up, you must have suffered countless hardships, and even came here on the road of blood."

"It means that I am an emperor, or an illusion. Otherwise, if you change to another illusion powerhouse, you don't even have to condense your eyes, you can directly compete with those ordinary illusions."

Xiao Yi nodded, "It has to do with the mind, I can understand this."

"anything else?"

"Budo realm." Big eyes blurted out.

"The confusion of martial arts can make people feel sleepy, suspicious, and confused."

"For example, in the martial arts controlled by the emperor, any level of it is enough to make you illegible and instantly fall into confusion."

"Once you are confused, you are more likely to be confused by the illusion."

"Therefore, when a powerful phantom is dealing with an enemy lower than his own realm, he can make the enemy defeat without a fight with a single thought."

Staring at Xiao Yi with big eyes, "After asking so many questions, do you want to practice illusion?"

"The emperor can pass on your own inheritance now."

Xiao Yi waved his hand, "I have this idea, but I may not have that time."


The flame in Xiao Yi's hand condensed, "How does this illusion of heart and fire seem to you?"

The Heart Fire Illusion Dao was learned by Xiao Yi from the master of the second generation of Yandian in the tomb of the ancient emperor.

Big eyes glanced, and replied, "It's amazing and strong."

"The illusion of this emperor is a phantom and magical path, one of the magical paths."

"Your heart-fire phantom Dao belongs to the phantom Dao in normal martial arts practice. If you practice it all the way to the peak, it will be equally unpredictable."

"Imagine the heart with fire, break the enemy's defense with fire, and let him enter the illusion."

Xiao Yi frowned, "But I still don't think the illusion is so powerful, after all, it is illusory, after all, it is illusion."

Big eyes sneered, "You still don't understand the terrible illusion?"

"What if the emperor told you that you are still in the illusion now?"

"From the time you met the emperor, in your years, everything is an illusion created by the emperor specially for you."

"What you call being real is just what you think."

"Are you scared?"

"I..." Xiao Yi snorted, "Come on, my lunar eyes are enough to tell the truth from the false."

Big eyes sneered, "It's the same question back then, what if this emperor made you think so?"

"In fact, you have not condensed your eyes at all."

"In fact, the essence you see is only the essence that the emperor makes you feel."

"Your thoughts and minds have long been under the control of this emperor."

Big eyes said coldly, "This is what the emperor said, if the emperor is willing, it can make you more troublesome."

"I..." Xiao Yi was slightly silent.

Big eyes solemnly said, "Illusory Dao, there is one of the most fatal weaknesses, and only this weakness."

"What?" Xiao Yi asked.

Big eyes replied, "Illusory Dao is one of the martial arts of heaven and earth."

"So, no matter how deep and unpredictable the illusion is, it will never escape the restrictions of the rules of heaven and earth."

"If it is determined by heaven and earth, it is impossible for the illusion to condense."

"Like the essence, the essence of heaven and earth, is the most original power of this piece of heaven and earth, and the illusion cannot be condensed."

"This is also the reason why your eyes have become the nemesis of this emperor and all illusions."

"There are also some specific laws, such as the law of reincarnation."

"Essence." Xiao Yi said to himself.

Big eyes said, "No matter how powerful the illusion is, it cannot invade the essence of heaven and earth."

"If one day you are trapped in the illusion, without your eyes, or other people are trapped in the illusion, then there are three ways to solve it."

"One, rely on your meticulous observations to distinguish everything. There is no illusion without flaws, because it is illusory after all."

"As long as you find the flaws faster than the illusionist, you can get out of trouble."

"But the premise is that you first have doubts in your mind and know that you are in an illusion."

"Second, it is up to you to distinguish between reality and illusion. Anything you have never seen or experienced, if you are in an illusion, it will be the same as illusion and illusion. That would be the biggest flaw."

"But this will also be the place where the phantom path arranger spends the most effort to perfect it, so you can't find it."

"Three, condense the things limited by the rules of heaven and earth, if it belongs only to you that can condense, but the arranger cannot condense, then the illusion will be self-defeating."

"Just like your eyes."

"But this method is equivalent to directly condensing your eyes to break the illusion."

Finally, the big eyes fell into a sentence, "Anyway, you just have to remember that what is illusory is illusion after all."

"There must be flaws in the illusion."

Xiao Yi nodded, suddenly.

The power of illusion is related to both the martial art realm and the mind.

There are three ways to counter the illusion.

Restricted by the rules of heaven and earth, it is the most Achilles heel of the phantom.

Xiao Yi frowned, "What you just said is a person with profound illusions."

"What about the stronger one?"

A hint of pride flashed in the big eyes, "As I said just now, illusory, after all illusion, that is a flaw."

"But, what if illusory becomes real?"

"Illusions can be distinguished; but what if everything is real within the illusion?"

"That is the ability of the strongest illusionist builder."

Xiao Yi's face was startled, "Turn the illusion into reality?"


Second more.

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