Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3130: Wu Ji Huan Yue

"Snatched by suction?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"How did the Overlord use it back then?"

"If I'm not wrong, the overlord's cultivation base and strength should not be as good as the level below the first generation crown."

Big eyes sneered, "What the emperor said just now is a nightmare that this thing is known as the emperor realm."

"So, this thing can be perfectly controlled in the hands of the Emperor Realm."

"Emperor Realm can forcefully change all the laws in a range except the law of longevity, the law of reincarnation and other Xeon laws.

"The imperial realm brand is enough to prevent this thing from being taken away by the opponent."

Xiao Yi frowned.

He knew that the Emperor Realm might change the laws of heaven and earth, but some strong laws could not be changed.

Like the sword domain, the laws of heaven and earth inside have been changed, and the warriors inside can cultivate sword power.

But the warriors inside will also have life and death, no one can except.

But, the imperial realm brand?

He didn't know this, it should be a means in the Emperor Realm.

Xiao Yi asked puzzledly, "Then how should I control it?"

"The power of Xingluo Deity Divine Cone is so amazing. Instead of falling into the hands of others, I might as well throw it in the corner of Universe Ring, so as not to trouble myself.

Big eyes replied, "You can easily grab this thing from the hands of a noble peak."

"Prove that if you guess right, no one in this generation knows how terrible this thing is."

"The Star Luo Destroyer Cone, who was as famous as the Sword of Killing in the past, has long since disappeared in time."

"So, you shouldn't have to worry too much."

"It is impossible for you to control this thing perfectly now, but it is possible to hold it in your own hand and make it more difficult for your opponent to take it away."

The big eyes floated to the front of Xingluo Deshen's Cone, "This thing can be ever-changing."

"Back then, the overlord turned this into a holy weapon of boxing."

"You can try it."

Xiao Yi nodded and sensed it.

Only half an hour later, his face was startled.

"Sure enough, it's amazing, I have perceived it carefully in the past, but I didn't get it."

"I have stimulated one of its powers this time, and I was able to detect that the stars in the Luomei cloth can be arranged separately."

"If I arrange the knowledge of boxing, this thing can be turned into a glove."

A light flashed in Xiao Yi's hand, and a gorgeous glove was already covered in his hand.

The most conspicuous aspect of the glove is the sharp cone shape at the peak of the fist.

Xiao Yi squeezed his fist, "If this fist goes down, I'm afraid it might break the ground."

Xiao Yi tried again.

Wow... the glove in his hand has disappeared.

Instead, it was a fierce sword that exuded destruction.

"Awesome, I arrange it in the sword way and it can be transformed into a sword body."

"I think I understand what's going on with this thing." Xiao Yi was completely taken aback.

"The stars within are like these endless stars."

"In Xingluo Deity Deity Cone, there seems to be an independent world."

"With the arrangement of stars, I can construct various other corresponding martial arts in this independent world, so that the appearance of Xingluo Deity Cone will change."

Xiao Yi looked up at the sky, "The starlight is infinitely mysterious."

"Just like my Star Slashing Sword Art, I need a lot of knowledge of the Star Dao to practice."

The big eyes continued, "Xingluo Desperate Divine Cone, in that emperor realm years, he has a fierce reputation."

"But the emperor hasn't seen it either. He just heard the Demon Ancestor talk about it a bit, and probably knows the existence and use of this thing."

"What other secrets or other mysteries are there in this thing, you have to find out by yourself."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, throwing his palm, Xing Luo Deshen's Cone concealed in the sky star light array.

As for the Purple Lightning Sword, it had already returned to his Universe Ring.

"Let's go." Xiao Yi turned and left.

He came to the extremely cold sea this time, but took the old monster away by the way.

After that, I will go to the East China Sea Fortress.

Xiao Yi paused abruptly and thought for a while, "The original plan was to fish you out and go directly to the East China Sea Fortress. I didn't expect to delay a day."

"I'd better go back to Xiao's house first."

Originally, I had agreed with Yiyi to go to the East China Sea Fortress, and I would be able to return to Xiao's house in no time.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi Yukong flew away.

He was still alone, but the phantom of the big eyes had disappeared out of thin air.


Ziyun City, Xiao Family.

In the mansion of the Young Patriarch.

Xiao Yi fell down, but saw a little guy in the courtyard dancing and practicing swordsmanship.

Not far away, Yiyi sat on a stone bench and guided carefully.

Xiao Yi smiled, "Is it only Xiao Lei that you come to me for advice?"

"Young Patriarch." The little guy is Xiao Lei.

Xiao Lei smiled sweetly, "To be precise, I came to seek the guidance of the young mother."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled lightly and looked at Yiyi.

At this moment, Yiyi frowned and looked directly at Xiao Yi.

"What?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

Boom...a loud sound.

Yiyi was suddenly violent, and hit Xiao Yi with a palm.

Xiao Yi's face was startled, but did not move.

Even if he could react instantly to avoid or block this palm with his strength, he still absolutely trusted that he did not move.

Snap...a ​​chuckle.

Yiyi's delicate hands were heavily printed on Xiao Yi's chest.

Xiao Yi didn't feel any pain, and even just felt blown by the breeze.

But behind him, a phantom was shaken out.

"Monster?" Yiyi stared at the phantom behind Xiao Yi, his eyes were cold.

"My son, be careful."

Yiyi took a step forward, and actually took the lead to reach behind Xiao Yi, and another palm blasted out, taking the phantom of big eyes straight.

"Da Ji Yuezhang."

The big eyes were startled at first, and then the sorrowful eyes surged, "Little girl, are you looking for death?"

Wow... a phantom power filled the air.

Xiao Yi also had a cold face, and the eyes of the lunar sun condensed in an instant.

Just about to move.

But seeing the big eyes sluggish, froze in place.

Above the sky, a round of seven-colored moon emerged from the clouds.

"What an astonishing breath of illusion." Xiao Yi glanced at Moon in the sky, his expression shocked.


On the sky, another pure and bright moon descended.

In the two months, the magic aura in the courtyard of the Xiao family was rapidly diminishing.

The phantom of the big eyes became thinner.

"Yiyi." Xiao Yi yelled anxiously.

"The son?" Yiyi stopped his palm instantly and looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

High in the sky, two rounds of bright moon stopped coming.

Ahead, the big eyes recovered from the sluggishness in an instant, glanced at the sky, and their eyes were full of horror, "Heaven and Earth Jingyue, and Wu Ji Huan Yue?"

"Boy, save me."


The phantom with big eyes instantly jumped into Xiao Yi's body.

"The son." Yiyi's face was cold, but seeing Xiao Yi's face as usual, so his brows were furrowed with doubts on his face, and he didn't make another move.

"The monster...?" Yiyi said with a puzzled voice.

"It's okay." Xiao Yi chuckled and asked, "Can you perceive these big eyes in my body?"

Yiyi nodded, "I saw the monster following the son from a distance."

"The son knew about the existence of this monster? I think this monster will make a illusion."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "Remember that the magic gate I told you before has the Magic Sky Demon Emperor?"

"These big eyes are."

Xiao Yi explained roughly.


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