Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3131: Fourth Generation Soul Emperor

"I was delayed for a while in the extremely cold sea."

"I just rushed to the East China Sea Fortress now."

Xiao Yi confessed a few words.

Yiyi nodded, but still looked at Xiao Yi with a worried expression on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Xiao Yi said seriously, walked up to Xiao Lei, and touched Xiao Lei's head.

"Or you are diligent and good at practicing."

"Yes." Xiao Lei answered earnestly.

Xiao Yi looked back at Yiyi, "I take a trip to the East China Sea Fortress and will return soon."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and once again left in the air.


It wasn't until Xiao Yi was far away that the big eyes appeared again, floating beside Xiao Yi.

"Boy, who is that girl?" The big eyes were full of shock.

"My wife." Xiao Yi replied.

"Hiss." In the air, the voice of big eyes gave a chill.

"It's no wonder that your kid wants to report back specifically, this girl is so fierce, you are often bullied by her on weekdays."

"I..." Xiao Yi's tone was stagnant, he just didn't want Yiyi to be half worried.

Xiao Yi looked into the big eyes and sneered, "What Magical Heaven Devil Emperor, just this ability?"

"I have some doubts whether you are the Emperor Realm now."

Big eyes are anxious, "What do you know, if this emperor still has the strength to cultivate, I..."

With big eyes, he suddenly stopped.

Xiao Yi asked in confusion, "What?"

Big eyes said helplessly, "I still can't beat that girl."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Is my Yiyi so powerful?"

"Because of those two rounds of bright moon?" Xiao Yi asked guessingly.

"I know the ancient Jingyue, but what is another bright moon with seven colors of light?"

The big eyes were startled, "Boy, don't you know?"

"The colorful magical moon, one of the most illusory existence in the world."

"There are thousands of creatures in the world, and it is rumored that only human creatures can control the power."

"What?" Xiao Yi frowned, he had never heard of it.

The big eyes said solemnly, "The colorful magical moon, the moon wheel emits seven colors, it is the seven-color grade product that fits your human martial arts spirit."

"In this emperor's years, this was the martial spirit of the fourth generation of the soul emperor."

"The seven-color martial arts ranks represent the ultimate of martial arts, so it is called the magic moon of martial arts."

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "Isn't Wuhun Extreme, black?"

Big eyes replied, "Black is the second awakening of your human spirit."

"Among the real martial arts ranks, purple is the highest color rank."

Xiao Yi suddenly said, "It's the colorful magical moon, making your magical path all invalid?"

"Isn't that the same as my lunar eye?"

"No." Xiao Yi frowned, "Where did Yiyi come from that colorful magical moon?"

"Her Martial Spirit is Ancient Jingyue."

Big eyes constricted, "Are you sure that is her martial soul?"

"Also, to be precise, she is different from you."

"You will also fall into the illusion, you just use your eyes to see through the essence and break through the illusion."

"And she, the illusion is invalid."

"Why?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

Big eyes replied, "There is only one possibility, she is the power itself."

"Don't ask the emperor the reason, he doesn't know, let alone how to explain it clearly to you."

"The emperor reminds you again, that girl is very dangerous, so be careful."

"Once she is half wrong or shows signs of losing control of her strength, don't hesitate to raise your sword and fall."

In the eyes of the big eyes, there was a sudden killing intent.

"Heaven and Earth Jingyue is the most effective force against our magic door."

"The emperor won't just watch the only inheritor of our magic gate die in it."

Xiao Yi's eyes became cold, and an invisible vortex condensed in the air.

Xiao Yi stared coldly, "Don't let me hear the same thing a second time."

"I will kill you first."

"You..." Big eyes put away the killing intent in their eyes, leaving only anger.

Xiao Yi also dissipated the invisible strangulation, and said solemnly, "You people in the magic way, you really all ignore the common people."

Back then, Senior Luo spoke almost exactly the same thing in the main hall of the wind brake.

The big eyes turned into a black air, disappeared out of thin air, and returned to Xiao Yi's body.

There was only a voice of anger in the air.

"Be soft-hearted, you will suffer a big loss in the future."

"Fart." Xiao Yi curled his lips.

A handprint condensed and struck out in Xiao Yi's hand.

Inside, there was a painful cry, that was the voice of big eyes, "Boy, what are you doing?"

Xiao Yi said lightly, "Seal you up so that your breath will not be exposed."


Not long.

East China Sea Fortress.

At the'Point Soldier Terrace' near the edge of the endless Black Sea, Xiao Yi's figure fell.

The breath on the body was unabashedly exposed.

In the distance, there was a sudden explosion.

A figure leaped quickly from a distance.

Not long after, the figure fell in front of Xiao Yi.

He was an old man, burly, majestic, not angry but majestic.

"Senior King Shenwu." Xiao Yi quickly saluted.

The old man, silently, just looked straight at Xiao Yi.

After a long while, the old man's tone was bleak, "How many years has it been?"

It is hard to imagine that such a majestic old man would show such a complicated expression and tone.

It's complicated, bleak, joyful, and inexplicable.

Xiao Yi smiled, "It's been more than ten years."

King Shenwu came slowly and patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder, "Okay, very good, but I'm back."

"This shoulder is much stronger than before."

"Your cultivation base now, even the old man can't see clearly."

"Your strength must be overwhelmingly strong."

"But the old man knows more clearly that you must have suffered a lot in that dangerous place like purgatory in the Eastern Region."

King Shenwu's voice was very heavy, but it was full of concern as before.

Xiao Yi smiled, "Fortunately, the bitterness of the hardship, the bitterness of the bitterness will come."

"Hahahaha." King Shenwu laughed boldly when he heard the words, "Good boy, he is still as arrogant as he was before."

"Go, go to the old man's place and sit down."

Xiao Yi nodded.

The two walked away.

Inside the residence.

King Shenwu sat in majesty, and Xiao Yi sat down gently.

"Remember, when the old man saw you for the first time, the first time your kid came to me was to reach out for benefits."

"Until I am satisfied, I am willing to nod and be the old man's successor."

Xiao Yi smiled awkwardly, "It was a kid who was disrespectful back then."

"Eh." King Shenwu waved his hand, "You have a sense of measure in your work."

"It's Jian Ji girl who is making trouble."

"Okay, let's talk about business." King Shenwu's face suddenly became straight.

"It's been more than ten years since you left, this time you come back..."

Xiao Yi suddenly laughed, and interrupted, "Senior King Shenwu promised me that he would allow me to travel for a hundred years, and it would not be too late to come back and take over after I polished my youth."

King Shenwu was taken aback, looking at Xiao Yi with a strange expression on his face.

"What?" Xiao Yi was also stunned when he saw this.

King Shenwu shook his head, "You kid, it's really an exhaustive plan."

"You already knew that the old man asked you to come back to talk about taking over."

"And I am afraid that on your way here, you have already figured out this excuse, so that the old man can no longer answer."

"You originally had no intention of taking over the East China Sea Fortress, but you don't want to forcefully reject the old man. This excuse happened to solve all the troubles."

"Now, there is still a long time before the hundred years the old man said."

"Haha." Xiao Yi smiled, not surprised that his mind was seen through by King Shenwu.

"Senior King Shenwu is still the same as before, his eyes are like torches, and things are like gods."


Second more.

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