Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3325: Water girl's condition

Xiao Yi stood up suddenly, showing coldness and impatience.

The three of them quickly arched their hands and said, "I'm waiting for Palace Master Xiao Yi."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi spit out calmly, "but I remember it, you also know my temperament."

"I am starting to prepare now, but whether I am willing to save a hundred years from now is not certain."

The three nodded, "I'm waiting to know what to do."

Xiao Yi nodded and waved his hand, "Okay, don't disturb me, get out."

"Farewell." The three bowed their hands and bowed slightly.

The three of them are all eight sect masters.

Excluding the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Heavenly Monarch level, the eighth sect master level is the ceiling of this continent.

Now, the three sect masters were so respectful to Xiao Yi and did not dare to offend.

In this regard alone, Xiao Yi's height is no different from the level of the Heavenly Monarch already.

At this moment, the three slowly retreated.

The coldness and impatience on Xiao Yi's face disappeared, and he was relieved.

In fact, he has no way to rescue those heavenly monarchs.

A hundred years, but it was a delay.

The ghost knows what method Huantian uses.

As the guardian of the magic door, the former magical emperor, the strongest method before the death of magic sky is what he can see and solve today.

Before Huan Tian Lin dissipated, he said it very clearly, even if it was the reincarnation of Shui An, he would never want to wake up.

This means that at least even the strong in the emperor realm can't think about anything, never want to wake up.

Under Xiao Yi now's understanding and judgment, the realization of illusion is the ultimate of illusion.

That, in fact, is like the extreme of kendo, the end of kendo.

Perhaps, when one of his martial arts comes to an end one day, he will learn from it and learn about Huantian's methods.

Of course, now he is too lazy to think.

A hundred years is indeed very short for those old monsters.

These eight sect masters, under the nine-fold cultivation base of the monarch realm, have a terrible lifespan, and they have lived for at least tens of millions of years.

But for Xiao Yi, a hundred years is already extremely long.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed out lightly, and just about to leave the chamber, he saw Sword Sovereign Nine Heavens and Sword Sovereign Scarlet Heaven coming together.

"Evil disciples, kneel down." Nine Heavens Sword Master pressed it down.

Boom... Click...

Sword Emperor Chixiao knelt down on both knees, and the whole earth trembled.

On both legs of Sword Sovereign Chi Xiao, there were two clicks.

These two legs are at least half disabled.

Xiao Yi's face was ordinary, and he said lightly, "He is dead, and I won't frown."

These days, Sword Sovereign Chi Xiao was still kneeling.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi." Sword Lord Jiuxiao said with a serious expression, "This kind of evildoer, death is not enough."

"This evildoer will be dealt with by the Lord Xiao Yi. If he wants to kill or pluck him, he will never resist even the slightest."

"If it is not enough to calm the Lord Xiao Yi, this Sword Lord will not bother me anymore. This time it is indeed my Supreme Sword Sect who lost his morality first, and was ashamed of the Lord Xiao Yi."

The voice fell.

Nine Heavens Sword Lord showed shame and embarrassment, but he turned and left.

"Hold on." Xiao Yi said lightly.

Sword Lord Nine Heavens turned around, "Hall Master Xiao Yi has anything else?"

Xiao Yi whispered, "I will take a trip to the east side of the sea."

Sword Lord Nine Heavens heard the words, his face was surprised, "Really?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "A trip to the sea to the east is my promise to Sword Master Jiuxiao."

"The one who is ashamed of me is Sword Sovereign Scarlet Heaven, not your Supreme Sword Sect."

"You, the Supreme Sword Sect and I, only have hatred."

"Enmity?" Sword Lord Jiuxiao wanted to ask something.

Xiao Yi took the lead, "These days, I will retreat for a while."

"After that, the Eight Palace Elites will gradually withdraw to the Central Region."

"When everything is done, I will let you go to the east sea."

"No hurry, no hurry." Sword Lord Nine Heavens smiled, "I will wait for Palace Master Xiao Yi to finish the matters here."

Speaking of no urgency, Sword Master Nine Heavens is actually extremely anxious.

Xiao Yi continued, "Before that, I had two more requirements."

Nine Heavens Sword Lord nodded repeatedly, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, please say."

"Not in a hurry." Xiao Yi took a few steps forward and came to Sword Sovereign Chi Xiao, "When Shui Ninghan found you and what he said, you can say it completely."

Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign slapped it, "Nicky beast, don't you come here honestly?"

Sword Monarch Chixiao suffered a lot of pain, thought for a moment, and said, "Before going to the Forest of Six Balances, the girl in the water came to me first."

Sword Lord Nine Heavens frowned, "When was the exact matter? Why don't I know?"

Sword Sovereign Chi Xiao replied, "At that time, the senior brother left the customs for the first time. You asked me to take the disciples in the clan to the forest of Liuheng to support."

"Just a few hours after I took the disciple in the clan away from the clan, the water girl told me to see it alone."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, it is no wonder that the previous sneak attack by Sword Sovereign Scarlet Heaven happened without warning.

Since he saw the eight sect team in the forest of Liuheng, and then went to the eight sect fortress, almost everything has not been hidden from his eyes.

However, Shui Ninghan didn't show up at this point in time, but made a backhand earlier.

However, just a few hours after the sword sect team left the sect, Shui Ninghan knew? I also know that Sword Lord Nine Heavens is not accompanied, so I dare to transmit the sound of Sword Lord Chixiao to see him alone?

"Go on." Xiao Yi said solemnly.

Sword Sovereign Chixiao said with a murderous intent, "At that time, I thought that if I could kill this demon girl, I should be able to rescue the master, so I didn't think too much and went alone."

"Yes..." Chi Xiao Jianjun's tone was stagnant, his face full of anger and depravity.

"But what?" Sword Sovereign Jiuxiao asked coldly.

Xiao Yi sneered, "But you still follow Shui Ninghan's way, you were deceived by her mouth, didn't you?"

Sword Sovereign Scarlet Heaven showed ashamed face and nodded, "The condition that the demon girl gave me is that she will take the opportunity to kill the lord Xiao Yi, and then she will be willing to let the master go."

"She said that you are only at the top of the Holy Venerable Realm. No matter what means you have, as long as I suddenly attack and kill, I will succeed."

Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign slapped another shot, "Naughty animal, do you dare to think about such despicable acts?"

Sword Lord Chixiao was photographed so that his face was flushed and his mouth overflowed with blood, but he did not dodge, and continued, "I refused at that time."

"I know that this demon girl has many tricks and has no credibility at all."

"And the reason why our Supreme Sword Sect is willing to go out of the mountain to support the battle of changing the sky is to rush to Palace Master Xiao Yi."

"Only Palace Master Xiao Yi is the hope of saving Master."

"If I kill Palace Master Xiao Yi, this demon girl regrets it again, what should I do?"

Sword Sovereign Chi Xiao continued, "Then this demon girl gave me another condition."

"She said that Hall Master Xiao Yi, you must have the remnants of the magic door to help, so she gave me a drop of the essence of the water ancestor."

"She said she just wanted to fight you fairly..."

"So you agreed to come down?" Sword Master Nine Heavens slapped out again, "You bastard."

Sword Monarch Chixiao spit out blood and knocked heavily into the corner of the chamber.


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