Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3326: Chi Xiao leads

"So that's it." Xiao Yi suddenly.

Shui Ninghan is definitely a very clever and difficult opponent.

I am afraid that she had already discovered it more than a year ago when he asked the Sky Swallowing Demon Whale to fight against the aquatic disaster in the East China Sea.

She might not know that the Magic Sky Demon Emperor is beside him, but she is absolutely sure that there is a magic door around him to help.

She obviously found out, but she kept pretending not to know.

Pretending to be confused, there is only one possibility, she is waiting, waiting for the fatal blow to the opponent.

Sword Sovereign Chixiao climbed up, his half-worn legs couldn't straighten up at all, and said, "The magic door is not a good one. If the hall master Xiao Yi really has evil remnants following him, it may not be a good thing."

"So I agreed."

The magic door is not the same as the magic way.

It is no secret that the ancient emperor cultivated the magic way.

But no one has ever dealt with the ancient emperor.

Of course, whether the magic gate is good or bad is by no means just a judgment from the Heavenly Origin Realm.

However, in the determination of the Bazong warriors, the magic gate is a non-good kind.

Xiao Yi sneered, "I'm afraid, you were thinking about more than that."

"You think, maybe that girl in the water will keep her promise?"

"Maybe there is no way I can save your master at the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm in my area?"

Xiao Yi walked towards Sword Sovereign Chixiao step by step, "I don't deny that Shui Ninghan's mouth can speak flowers."

"But you, Sword Sovereign Scarlet Heaven, can have today's martial arts cultivation base, you won't be a fool."

"Shui Ninghan's first condition is nothing more than asking prices, and paying them back."

"Let you kill me and directly cut off the back path you chose. You will never agree."

"The second condition is a compromise, and you will only agree to it only if it exactly caters to what you want."

"These two options are possible, you want to have both."

"But you have forgotten that it is not you who really decided to choose, but me and Shui Ninghan."

Sword Sovereign Chi Xiao showed shock, and lowered his proud head guiltily.

Obviously, Xiao Yi said what he had in mind at the time.

"True bastard." Sword Lord Nine Heavens was full of anger, "You know that the enchantress herself is not kind, and she is very good at calculating."

"She chooses to imprison Master, how can she really help you."

Sword Sovereign Chixiao tears down his clothes, "Master is stuck on the bottom of the sea, suffering from the coldness all the time."

"The great aquatic formation is extremely cold and will always erode the physical body of the master, like ten thousand maggots, and tortured extremely...I..."

Sword Lord Chixiao fell into silence.

Nine Heavens Sword Lord clenched his teeth, his face was ugly.

He said that he was not in a hurry, but he was very anxious, otherwise he would not rush down to his second junior brother several times in a row.

"Okay, that's it." Xiao Yi said coldly.

Xiao Yi looked at Sword Sovereign Jiuxiao, "Although I have promised Sword Sovereign Jiuxiao."

"But I can't get rid of my anger, I may not be willing to help you with all my strength."

"So I have two more conditions."

"One." Xiao Yi said coldly, "From today onwards, the life of Sword Sovereign Chixiao belongs to me."

Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign looked at Chixiao Sword Sovereign.

Sword Lord Chi Xiao nodded, "From today onwards, Chi Xiao's life belongs only to Palace Master Xiao Yi."

Xiao Yi said coldly, "Listen clearly, what I said is that your life belongs only to me."

Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign suddenly said, "From now on, Chixiao Sword Sovereign is expelled from the Supreme Sword Sect, he is no longer my Sword Sect disciple."

"How to deal with him depends entirely on Palace Master Xiao Yi."

"Very good." Xiao Yi nodded, "The second condition."

Xiao Yi looked at the Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign with a cold eye, "Back then, your Supreme Sword Sect, together with the Ancient Realm Sect and Qiong Yuzong, messed up my eight halls."

"I have killed all the three martial artists who were in direct contact with this matter."

"But the people involved are far more than Dongao Jianjun, Yixi Gujun and Kongshi Daojun."

"Ancient Realm Sect, I will ignore it for now."

"Qiong Yuzong, Sect Master Qiongyu has promised to give me an explanation just now. He will send the heads of those involved in the clan as soon as possible."

"Now, you still have the Supreme Sword Sect."

"This..." Sword Master Jiuxiao frowned.

Xiao Yi said coldly, "Whether the conditions are fulfilled or not depends on Sword Master Jiuxiao."

"Let me just say something."

"Since these people choose to stand beside Shui Ninghan, they are already my Xiao Yi's enemy, and I will kill them."

Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign instantly showed coldness and nodded, "Listen to Palace Master Xiao Yi."

"Since they helped this demon girl out of their own selfish desires, they already betrayed the master."

"Master Sword will clean up the door himself."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded, "It's so set, and Sword Sovereign Nine Heavens can leave."

Sword Lord Jiuxiao nodded, looked at Sword Lord Chixiao, but left without saying more.

Inside the Chamber.

At this moment, there are only Xiao Yi and Chi Xiao Jianjun.


A wave of Jin Yan shot out from Xiao Yi's hand.

Jin Yan swallowed Sword Sovereign Chi Xiao instantly.

Sword Lord Chixiao's legs that were nearly broken are recovering quickly.

Xiao Yi looked down at Sword Sovereign Chixiao, "Remember it clearly, now, your life belongs only to me."

"You are no longer a disciple of the Supreme Sword Sect, just under my command, Xiao Yi."

"If there is half rebellion, you know the consequences."

"Yes." Sword Sovereign Chi Xiao nodded earnestly, "As long as I promised Chi Xiao, I won't regret it when I die."

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "I will cure you 90% of your injuries."

"The remaining 10%, you recover as soon as possible by yourself."

"After recovering, immediately leave the western defense line and head directly to the sea to the east."

Sword Lord Chixiao was puzzled.

Xiao Yi's lips wriggled a bit.

Sword Sovereign Chi Xiao suddenly widened his eyes, his face was shocked.

"Have you heard the order?" Xiao Yi asked coldly.

Sword Monarch Chi Xiao nodded, "Yes, Chi Xiao leads the way."

"Go." Xiao Yi left, and left.


Leaving the chamber, Xiao Yi went back to the courtyard.

The dealings with Basong, and the things that should be handled, stop here.

Next, he has to do his own business.

Retreat indoors.

Xiao Yi released the Bingzun Hall, frowning and staring.

"This Ice Venerable Hall is a ghost weapon, and it is a very powerful holy weapon of ice attribute augmentation."

"It's a pity, I always feel that it seems to be missing something."

Xiao Yi kept staring for a long time.

After a long while, he finally shook his head, "No matter, this thing is almost useless anyway."

Yiyi asked, "Is the son planning to break through?"

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded.

A few years ago, he had been reluctant to break through the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm because of the iceberg and the sea of ​​fire.

Every time one reaches the nine-fold bottleneck of the great realm, an iceberg and fire will appear in one's own small world.

In the past, icebergs and seas of fire would always be a great obstacle for him to break through to the next great realm, making him extremely lack of training resources.

As a solid vitality, the vitality accumulation required by the iceberg and the sea is extremely exaggerated.

His own small world is already huge, and the vitality of the noble state is deeper than other ordinary warriors, and more solid and powerful.

As for the iceberg and the sea of ​​fire, the Yuanli must be compressed to a solid state, which is almost a difference of tens or even a hundred times.

In other words, the obstacles of an iceberg and a sea of ​​flames are actually much more difficult than his cultivation from the first stage to the ninth stage of the Holy Venerable Realm.


Second more.

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