Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3500: Secret agent

Xiao Yi felt it.

The eyes of the lunar sun swept away.

In this area, there are no evil repairs, only these hundreds of corpses are already evil repairs.

Xiao Yi secretly said as expected.

Today, the situation is similar to the situation of the evil cultivators in the Middle Territory at the beginning of the past. There are hidden evil cultivators in some areas, and evil cultivators are hidden in them.

It's just that now there is no evil repair branch, and a group of evil repair teams sneak around the area directly.

Now these evil repair teams are equivalent to the mobile evil repair divisions.

In addition, today's evil cultivation is more arrogant and stronger.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and he went to the next area.

Before starting to completely eliminate the evil cultivation, he still intends to see what the evil cultivation is going on.

In those short hours, although the eight halls had a strong ability to gather intelligence, it was impossible to fully cover everything, and it was impossible to truly investigate the evil of this evil repair.

It’s the best to walk by yourself now and investigate for yourself.

Not long.

It's another area.

"Xie Xiu." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

In this area, there is another evil repair team of about a hundred people. Now sneaking in the wilderness, it is obviously ready to move.

Xiao Yi followed the law, hitting his face with a ban.

Whoosh... the figure fell far away from the front of the team.

"Evil repair."

This time, Xiao Yi's breath was suppressed to the level of a peerless powerhouse.

The figure appeared, directly stopping this group of sneaking evil repair teams.

"Huh?" The evil repair team that was sneaking fast stopped here, and all of them showed a fierce look.

"Where's the little crap?"

"Can you find us? It's quite capable."

This evil cultivator team is headed by an old man, and there are also some capable warriors.

But like the previous team, it was filled with a lot of young talents.

"A joke." Xiao Yi yelled coldly, "Such a filthy and evil repair like Er, can't I find you in the Eight Palaces?"

"Eight Halls?" The headed old man changed his expression first, "Are you from the Eight Halls?"


Xiao Yi took out a token from his hand, "Eight Palace, Xiao Zhong."

"Ordered to kill you and other evil repairs."

"Anyone who is acquainted will be caught quickly."

The old man looked at the token pattern, his face was shocked again, "The chief deacon of one of the ten main halls?"

Yes, Xiao Yi's hand is the chief deacon token.

These title tokens such as the main hall master, branch hall master, deacon, etc., he has gone too much.

The token in the hand was raised casually and then recovered.

At the same time, the old man's perception has long been released, covering the surroundings strangely.

"Jie Jie." The old man's expression turned into a squalid expression, "It turns out that you are the only one here."

"Come to die?"

Xiao Yi sneered, "To kill you group of evil cultivators, the chief deacon is enough."

The old man had already made a gesture, and Xiao Yi was surrounded by packs.

Xiao Yi squinted and scanned.

Among the young Tianjiao, there is actually a teenager who does not seem to be in his early 16s.

"Young man, he has a great future, he also entered the evil way and became an evil cultivator?"

Xiao Yi looked directly at the boy.

The boy's face was cold and hideous.

"What's wrong with being an evil cultivator? One day, I will also become an envoy of heaven."

"The Eight Halls are nothing but rubble under our feet."

"The secret agent?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Xiao Yi looked directly at the old man, "You are in such a hurry, you are going to attack the nearby Eighth Hall main hall."

"With your combat power here?"

In a main hall, in addition to the main hall owner, deacons, and a lot of deacons, there is also a law enforcement team that has experienced battles. It can be described as strong.

In addition, there are various demon hunters and windshields who exchange tasks.

The strength of the warrior alone is already extremely strong.

The most important thing is that in the main hall, there are eight halls of ancient large formations.

"Jie Jie." The evil repair elder sneered, "There will be a mysterious envoy coming to help me and waiting."

"The main hall of the district can be destroyed with a wave."

In fact, Xiao Yi's remarks can already be seen as arrogant.

But these evil cultivators today are obviously extremely arrogant and don't care at all.

"Jiejie, let's take the head of you, the chief deacon of the main hall, first." The evil cultivator instantly violent.


In the air, a sword sounded.

A group of evil repairs were killed on the spot.

Xiao Yi dissipated the restraint on his face, frowning.

Secret agent? what is that?


A few days later.

Xiao Yi walked all the way, explored along the way, and of course he wiped out the evil spirits all the way, leaving no one behind.

Only by being in it, Fang deeply knows what the situation is now.

In just a few days, the recurrence of evil repairs has spread throughout the Central Region.

It is also this short period of time, so big and medium, and there is a lot of noise.

The evil cultivators are brutal, slaughtering wildly, and everyone is in danger.

At the same time, rumors suddenly spread and broke out.

The situation is the same as before, except that Xie Xiu is more arrogant than ever, no, it is extremely arrogant!


A certain area, a certain central city.


Suddenly, the four directions roared, and the whole big city was shaken.

The domain master's mansion suddenly became ruins in a burst.

Up to the domain master, down to the domain guard, no one lives.

Within the ruins, corpses were everywhere.

One after another, dark and cold figures rose from the sky.

Nearly Baixiu sneered triumphantly.

"Evil repair."

"It's evil repair."

"Evil repair is coming."

For a time, countless warriors in the city panicked.

That kind of rumbling, that kind of fear of facing evil cultivation, is also the same as before.

The leader of Xie Xiu sneered, "If you want to blame, blame the Eight Palaces and the Lord of the Eight Palaces."

"As long as the Lord Xiao Yi is still the master of the Eight Halls, our Evil Monarch Mansion will never die, and the entire Middle Territory will be buried with us."

The voice fell, and the killing began instantly.

One by one, evil repairs flashed by.

Every flash, it must be the death of a warrior, the corpse, full of mummy, death is terrible.

Panic spread astonishingly in this big city.

Until half an hour later, the nearby eight main halls and the nearby Dacheng branch halls rushed.

"Eight Halls?" Headed Xie Xiu sneered.


A group of evil cultivators turned into a black energy, fleeing strangely.

Killing, just stopped.

The panic did not dissipate.

Within the big city, countless warriors looked at the Eight Temple warriors who were rushing to help, and they were already showing some dissatisfaction and a touch of hostility.

The corpses everywhere, the astonishing smell of blood in the air, seemed to remind all the warriors in the city how cruel and evil they were.


The same slaughter incident not only happened in this big city, but naturally also broke out in other big cities.

In a short period of time, in addition to the rumors and rumors, the Dazhongyu added an inexplicable haze, a different kind of atmosphere.


Within a certain area.

Xiao Yi was able to appear, and as soon as he could see, a domain master's mansion was in ruins.

A group of evil cultivators leapt out, saying exactly the same ruthless words, declaring exactly the same threat.

"There is the Hallmaster Xiao Yi leading the Eight Halls for a day, and the Evil Monarch Mansion will never die!"


First more.

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