Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3501: Rumors spread

Xiao Yi frowned.

The evil cultivator who used to only dared to wander in the dark, now dares to show up in public.

First slaughter the main mansion of the domain, then relentlessly speak, then kill.

The arrogance of today's evil repair is evident.

When the ruthless words fall, this group of evil cultivators will begin to kill.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.


In the air, a burst of sword energy flew up, and Xie Xiu was killed.

Xiao Yi did not show up, and was alone in the ordinary martial artist.

At this moment, there were a lot of harsh words around him, and there were endless discussions.

"Which strong man made the effort to kill all these evil cultivators?"

"Is it the powerhouse of the Eight Halls coming?"

"Hmph, how is it possible, if the Eight Palaces are strong, how can they not show up."

"After all, the rumored Hallmaster Xiao Yi loves to show the limelight very much, and the Eight Hall powerhouses under his leadership are self-conscious."

"The Eight Palaces are strong, which time is it not mighty?"

"I think it's a certain legendary powerhouse passing by who is used to being low-key and reluctant to show up."

There was a lot of discussion around.

Each warrior had dissatisfaction and anger on his face, but more, it was the fear and joy of the rest of his life.

In just a few days, the evil repair slaughter from countless big cities has obviously become a nightmare for the big city warriors.

At this time, a demon hunter said coldly, "This evil cultivation is already arrogant enough."

"If there are no Eight Palaces, how arrogant should they be?"

"I am afraid that the entire Middle Territory will become their slaughterhouse in a very short time."

A warrior said solemnly, "Eight Halls are respected by everyone."

The demon hunter said solemnly, "The same goes for the Lord Xiao Yi."

"Since he took charge of the Eight Palaces, the Eight Palaces have been freed up, and all parts of the Central Region have become less troublesome."

"Outside the Middle Territory, the evil of the Demon Territory is the Hall Master Xiao Yi's great destruction of the Demon Territory, so that the Middle Territory can avoid the flames of war and life."

"The evils of repeated cultivating evils are also under the leadership of the Lord Xiao Yi, who has repeatedly eliminated the evils."

"Since he became famous, he is already a nemesis of evil repair."

"Hall Master Xiao Yi has already spread the prestige throughout the Middle Territory. With him, these evil cultivations will not last long."

The warriors around him were slightly moved.

But more, they still showed dissatisfaction, "Huh, I think it's getting worse."

"Didn't you hear those evil cultivators just now? He ruled the Eight Palaces for a day, and they will never stop cultivating evilly."

"Good luck in our big city today. A strong man passed by and saved me and waited."

"What about other big cities? In just a few days, Xie Xiu retaliated wildly, and the bad news continued."

"Hallmaster Xiao Yi is indeed famous, but Lao Tzu hears more about his ferocity, and he has repeatedly challenged misfortune since he was in charge of the Eight Palaces."

"Do you remember the disaster in the East China Sea not long ago? If he didn't insist on killing in the east sea, why would the sea beasts retaliate wildly?"

"At that time, the sea creatures in the east had already threatened that as long as he was willing to lead the Eight Palaces to leave, the waves would disappear and there would be nothing wrong with each other."

"It is he who insists on going his own way, not only does not retreat, but also kills more."

"Fang Rang's coastal area was flooded with hundreds of major cities and suffered heavy casualties."

"Not bad." Another warrior was angry.

"It's not far away. We don't know the situation in the sea to the east."

"Just say that these days, the Eight Halls of Power have come out to surround the Dongfang Family."

"The reason is unclear so far, it's more like the master of Xiao Yi Hall acting one's own desires."

"Huh." Another warrior said with a cold expression.

"I heard that the people who have surrounded the Dongfang family are the legendary powerhouses who have been famous for many years in the Eight Palaces. They are almost the strongest combat power in the Eight Palaces."

"Knowing that evil repairs are serious now, he wants to provoke a civil war?"

"If the white torrent of the Dongfang family can be separated from these legendary powerhouses, why are these evil cultivators so arrogant now?"

An old man said with an ugly face, "Eight Halls are indeed respected by everyone."

"But this Hallmaster Xiao Yi is definitely not a qualified Hallmaster, let alone the position of Hallmaster of the Eight Halls?"

"I heard that the mainland edict has been issued again."

"As far as the old man knows, every mainland edict must be a shock in the middle."

"If he is useful, why should he issue this edict and ask the warriors from all over us for help?"

"In short, if the old man is asked to answer the edict and put his life in the hands of these boys, the old man is unwilling to 10,000."


In the crowd, Xiao Yi frowned and gradually walked away.

Zhongyu, after all, is secular.

But now the combat power of the two sides has clearly reached the secular top to the ancient level.

He and Girl Water are completely at the ancient level.

The level of the game is much higher than the battlefield itself, so that even if the battlefield is large enough, many things can be completed and erupted in a very short time, and it is easy.

Such as these rumors.

Such as these massacres that broke out everywhere.

But he is not to blame.

Regardless of whether he is playing with Shui Ninghan or not, Xie Xiu is ultimately an extinction of humanity. If he exists, he will look forward to countless warriors in the Central Territory.


After half a day.

Xiao Yi held a file in his hand.

In front of him, a wind envoy was kneeling on one knee.

"Hallmaster Xiao Yi, the old ones mean to let you rush back to the main hall of the wind brake."

Xiao Yi put away the file and nodded, "I see."


An hour later.

Wind brake main hall.

"Master Hall Master."

"Master Hall Master."


As soon as Xiao Yi returned, the main hall masters rushed over with anxious expressions.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yi asked.

"For the master of the main hall." Tang Yin replied, "Since a few days ago, the main hall issued an urgent order to the main main halls and the back of the branch halls. All the main halls and branch halls of the Central Region have all entered. status."

"The main halls and branch halls of various places are now monolithic."

"In addition to the elite Eight Palaces and the first law enforcement team patrolling all regions, the situation has initially stabilized."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Just keep it steady."

A few days ago, the evil repair disaster that suddenly broke out and spread to more than a thousand regions was so shocking.

The main halls and branch halls were annihilated, and the warriors in the post were killed and wounded, how heroic it is.

Now, when the situation is stable, it is the best.

"However," Tang Yin Hall master said in a deep voice, "In the past few days, these evil cultivations have not only targeted us at the Eight Palaces, but also targeted the domain masters, city masters, and warriors of major cities in various regions.

"These evil cultivating teams are out of sight, and our Eight Temples powerhouses are limited in speed."

"The casualties are still not light."

"In general, the 13,000 region in the Middle Territory has become a weird battlefield where everyone is at risk in just a few days."

"Although it is not a large-scale battle, there are too many areas where the outbreak has occurred. The lowest disaster and the highest massacre happen all the time."

"From our judgment, Jinzhongyu is very bad."

Palace Master Chengfeng said in a deep voice, "According to our intelligence judgment and deduction, this evil repair will only be more urgent than the last time."

"A carelessness, or...the accumulation of misfortunes requires only one flash point, and the sky in the middle domain will change."

"The place to change the sky is in our midfield; the reason for the change is not the foreign object, but our Terran warrior itself."


Second more.

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