Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3507: Slaughter

"Master Hall Master."

The person in charge of the main hall called out anxiously.

"Why?" Xiao Yi frowned, "Do you want me to give orders?"

The person in charge of the main hall quickly said, "It's not these evil repair corpses, it's... there are urgent reports."

"Urgent report?" Xiao Yi asked puzzledly, "About this evil repair?"

The person in charge of the main hall shook his head and said, "No."

Xiao Yi yelled coldly, "The main hall has already ordered the main halls and branch halls of various places to stop all the hall tasks at hand and fully cope with this evil repair."

The person in charge of the main hall changed his expression and said respectfully, "The main hall master calms down his anger."

"It's really urgent. We reported it to the main hall, but the main hall gave no instructions."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Go ahead, what's the matter?"

The person in charge of the main hall quickly took out a file and handed it to Xiao Yi, "The main hall owner, please see."

Xiao Yi took it, opened the dossier, read it again, and then frowned more tightly.

"In the past half month, how many slaughter people have been killed in the Central Region?"

"The frequency and number of outbreaks are astonishing?"

"What the evil repair did?" Xiao Yi looked at the person in charge of the main hall.

The person in charge of the main hall replied, "No."

"According to intelligence, there are no traces of evil repairs at all in the areas where these horrific exterminations broke out."

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "Eight palaces have never interfered in power disputes and enemy matters."

The person in charge of the main hall replied, "It's not like a conflict between forces and the enemy's revenge."

"When you look at the corpses in these horrible disasters, all those who shoot them are ruthless. Although the methods are different, the obvious crushing slaughter is completely the same."

"Furthermore, in a short period of time, it is impossible for such an astonishing frequency of disasters to occur in various places."

Xiao Yi nodded.

According to the intelligence display, it is indeed the case.

He should have seen it through.

It's just that he is now fully focused on evil cultivation, but he didn't react immediately.

"Oh, one more thing." The person in charge of the main hall reported.

"Every time you have cleared the evil repair team and hung the corpse behind the high wall, the main hall master, some mysterious black-robed warrior appeared soon after you walked away, looked at the corpse, and then left strangely."

"Tsk." Xiao Yi couldn't help but spit lightly.

Now the situation in the Central Region is subtle enough, and it is troublesome enough to deal with this evil repair.

Where did the massacre of the massacre come out again, causing the Central Territory to become more chaotic?

And those mysterious black-robed warriors.

Where did so many of these weird things come from?

"Hang these evil repair corpses on the city gate first." Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes." The person in charge of the main hall took the order.

Xiao Yi's figure disappeared out of thin air.


On the city gate, Xie Xiu's body just hung.

Not long after, several black-robed warriors appeared strangely.

Just about to move.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure appeared out of thin air, coldly scanning these black robe warriors.

Several black-robed warriors looked shocked, and quickly knelt down on one knee, "See Ghost Hunter King."

Xiao Yi frowned, "People from Ghost City?"

"What are you doing?"

"This..." Several black-robed warriors hesitated.

"Say." Xiao Yi scolded.

Several black-robed warriors replied in a low voice, not daring to hide anything.

Xiao Yi frowned, "By the order of the Ghost Sha City Lord, write down these evil cultivators' faces, and then trace the identity information of these evil cultivators?"

"No matter what the evil cultivator's status is, just one person, and the whole clan punish him?"

"you guys…"

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

The complexion of several black-robed warriors changed drastically, and they quickly said, "The ghost hunter calms down his anger."

"Subordinates heard the ghost hunting worship said, this is the meaning of Lord Luo."

"Senior Luo's meaning?" Xiao Yi's breath fluctuated.


In the domain, somewhere.

Somewhere in a quaint room.

Shui Ninghan looked at the dossier in his hand, his face instantly cold.

"In just half a month, nearly one-third of my combat power was lost."

"A whole hundred teams, he killed them cleanly."

"No sound, no ghost, like a ghost, you can't even find him?"

Shui Ninghan gritted his teeth, "The methods are fierce, killing people like numbness, Palace Master Xiao Yi, this girl didn't wrong you."

"In just half a month, how much blood should you have on your hands?"

Girl Shui's cold eyes suddenly looked in front of her again.

"Girl Shui calms down her anger." The warrior who knelt down in his head was panicked.

"Quite your anger?" Girl Shui stood up suddenly, "Originally you were besieging the main halls and branch halls of the eight halls."

"Now, it is you who are chased by him alone and you are not even qualified to escape."

"How do you want this girl to calm down?"

The warrior, who was kneeling on one knee, hurriedly knelt down, trembling, not dare to say anything.

Aside, Yuan Ruoli took a step and whispered a few times.

Hearing this, Shui Ninghan squinted his eyes, then nodded.

The frost on his face instantly faded away, replaced by a light smile.

"Yeah, I wanted to walk the dog, but he is a tiger."

"How could those cats and dogs under my command slip away from him, because they were only madly eaten by the tigers and chased them in a panic."

"What about the tiger." Shui Ninghan suddenly covered his mouth and smiled, "The tiger falls into the sun, and the dog is not as good."

"Let them go, you have been prepared long enough."

Yuan Ruoli nodded, "Miss Shui don't worry, Ruoli will live up to her expectations."

Shui Ninghan nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the kneeling martial artist, "As for you."

"You are useless, but you can make the fire more vigorous."

"Yes." Kneeling warriors led the orders again and again.

"Hey." Shui Ninghan smiled triumphantly and stared into the distance, "You are telling me that you can really turn the situation around by yourself, right?"

"You're saying that you are not embarrassed and still triumphant, are you?"

Shui Ninghan's eyes suddenly became cold, "I want to see you, how can one person's strength shake this entire enchanting age!"


In the domain, somewhere.

In a large city in a certain area.


As always, the domain master's mansion suddenly became ruins.

One evil repair, arrogantly leap out.

"Strange, I blame your Hallmaster Xiao Yi..."

I don't know when, rumors from various places have spread more and more.

The fire of rumors is growing stronger.

Evil repair disasters originate in the Eight Palaces, and Xiao Yi's words of disaster originate in the ears.

But this time...


The evil force surged throughout the big city.

All the evil cultivators will begin the feast of massacre.

Just at this time.

Bang... bang... bang... bang...

One by one warrior, the momentum burst out.

No longer fleeing in fear as before, panicking in panic.

But... in the big city, countless warriors exploded.

A team of warriors who seemed to be prepared for a long time surrounded the surrounding area.

"Xie Xiu should be arrogant enough."

"Everyone yells and beats, the rats crossing the street, but dare to show up and speak wildly?"

"I believe your nonsense?"

"A group of fools, do you think this uncle believes in your nonsense, or believes in the Eight Palaces?"

"Kill all these evil cultivators."

"Yes, the Eight Halls have already issued a mainland edict. Take their heads and go to the Eight Halls to receive their merits."

"You never die with the Eight Palaces? You really have that ability. As for hiding your head and showing your tail, sneak attack and kill?"

"Instead of looking at you arrogant, it is better to answer the Eight Palaces and kill all of you rats earlier."

"Kill kill kill..."

For a time, countless sounds of killing and killing, countless pairs of cold eyes fell on a group of evil cultivators.

The Middle Domain has always been cruel, with countless killings and countless disputes within it.

Warrior, how ischemic?


Second more.

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