Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3508: Evil years

It was a few days later.

In just a few days, the same thing happened all over China.

Somewhere in the domain master's house.

In front of a middle-aged man stood two old men with amazing aura.

"Domain Master." The two old men arched their hands.

The middle-aged man nodded, "Evil repairs bring disasters and slaughters everywhere. Everyone in every region is in danger for fear of being poisoned."

"These days, there have been rumblings everywhere."

"Our domain master's mansion has been held for many days, and we dare not relax at all."

"But the owner of this domain has thought about it again and again, and still feels that he can't wait like this."

"Instead of living in panic and frightening day and night, it is better to take the initiative."

An old man frowned, "According to those evil cultivators, what they are targeting is only the Palace Master Xiao Yi."

"If we stay outside, maybe we can..."

"No." The middle-aged man interrupted in a deep voice, "Xie Xiu's words can be trusted, and the masters of this domain are all martial gods."

The old man smiled bitterly, "The domain master said and laughed."

The middle-aged man said solemnly, "Those evil repairs are a joke."

"The Eight Halls are there, they are so arrogant, but if the Eight Halls are not there, do they have it? I'm afraid that the entire Middle Region will become their slaughter paradise."

Another old man said solemnly, "What is the domain master's plan?"

Middle-aged humanity, "The two worshippers are the two most powerful people in our region."

"The master of this domain intends that one of them will be enshrined, go to the Eight Halls to answer the edict, and wait for the orders of the Eight Halls."

"The meaning of the edict of the Eight Palaces this time is obviously to go to Yingzhao if they can."

"In other words, the situation is still under the control of the Eight Palaces."

"Therefore, our Domain Lord's Mansion can only send one of the strongest people to enshrine it to Yingzhao, and the remaining combat power will unite with the Eight Palace Lord's Hall of the local domain."

"Just like the previous evil repair disaster, form a patrol team to stabilize the area."

"In my domain master's mansion, the formation is always on. Even if there is danger, it is enough to answer the enemy for a long time."

The two old men nodded.

The middle-aged man said coldly, "This group of **** is cultivating evilly, and it has stirred up chaos in our area."

"In just half a month, not to mention the consumption of spirit stones in our domain lord mansion to maintain the large formation, the entry fee in the region, the monthly amount, etc., will cause our domain lord mansion to suffer heavy losses."


Half a month ago, the evil repair disaster that suddenly broke out, and the sudden brutal massacre in various places, could indeed make people lose their position under this huge panic that was caught off guard, and even found a breakthrough in the rumors to vent the panic.

However, half a month is enough to let people cool down and react.

The one that belongs to the Eight Palaces, hidden in the hearts of the Central Territory warriors... If the mainland edict is issued, the mainland warriors will go to Yingzhao without reservation. This absolute trust in the Eight Palaces originated and was born in the Eight Palaces The faith in the temple has always been unshakable.

The water is cold, perhaps good at people's hearts.

But, after all, she underestimated the Eight Palaces, after all, she did not understand what the Eight Palaces were.

The edict of the mainland has never become a joke, and will never become a joke.

Because it was Badian who gave this order!

The only one who can give this order is the Eight Palace!


In the middle area, in a certain wilderness.

Xiao Yi's eyes of the lunar sun swept past.

"Xie Xiu." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

Just about to step forward to kill, he suddenly stagnated.

"Uh." Xiao Yi snorted, holding his forehead with one hand.

Through the cold ghost mask, the inner eyes are dry and uncomfortable.

Xiao Yi shook the purple lightning, and his figure flashed.

Although it was a step slower, at his speed, these evil cultivators could not escape.

The figure travels through space instantly.

After appearing for a moment, this evil cultivator team was only in the distance seen by the eyes.

Just about to shoot.


Kaka Kaka...In the distance, there was a roar of thunder.

A wave of thunder and lightning, mixed with fierce momentum, swept away.

That is a thunder gun.

The momentum of the thunder, the entire evil repair team, all drowned in the thunder, and all of them died.

Xiao Yi fell down.

A silhouette holding a gun also fell, with a cold face and sharp eyes.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Come here, you are the Young Master of the Sky Spear Mansion, Ran Qi!

"Why are you here?" Xiao Yi's indifference dissipated a bit, and asked with a chuckle.

Ran Qi said with a spear, "The mainland's edict is issued, and I am here in response to the edict."

"I was in retreat before, and I didn't know the edict."

"I just left the customs yesterday, so I should come here."

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "Those domain masters in the Eighteenth Mansion area..."

With the intelligence capabilities of the Eight Palaces, he naturally knew that half a month ago, the domain masters of the Eighteen Palaces were killed and their heads sent to the provinces.

Such a threat couldn't be more obvious.

Ran Qi sneered and interrupted, "I know."

"When I came, my father also hindered me and asked if I really wanted to respond."

"I only ask my father, since the ancestors of the Heavenly Spear Mansion, the palace owners of the past have been threatened by evil cultivation and feared evil cultivation.

"My father answered nothing."

"I asked, it won't be long before I take over as the palace lord. Why did the palace lords of the past not be afraid of the threat of evil cultivators, but did they have it in my term as Ran Qi?"

"If so, it would be a shame nailed to Ran Qi's life."

Xiao Yi frowned, then nodded, "Sovereign Realm, not bad."

"Your soul-in-the-soul should be awakened almost completely."

"Not bad." Ran Qi nodded.


The spear in his hand shook suddenly.

"Let's start, fight against evil repairs, I will kill a lot of them."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi said softly.

Ran Qi said proudly, "When I came, passing by Ye Shengfu, I met Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu."

"They are also planning to come to answer the edict, I scolded them back."

"For Ye Liu's sake, I will take care of their responsibilities."

"Huh, woman, it's better to bring a baby at home when you come to this battlefield."

"Have you seen the little fellow Meteor?" Xiao Yi asked with a chuckle.

"See you." Ran Qi nodded, "I didn't see anything when I was a baby, but the longer it is, the more it looks like Ye Liu's romantic tricks."

"The woman Gu Lianxing doesn't know how to teach."

"When this evil repair is over, I have to take a trip. Meteor is a good seed. You must not grow up and go astray in the future, and linger like Ye Liu's kid."

Xiao Yi snorted, "Meteor has a martial arts teacher like you, his martial arts path will be quite boring."

"Okay, hunt separately." Ran Qi said proudly.

"Yes." Xiao Yi shrugged.

"Set a time?" Ran Qi grinned with a confident smile.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "I originally set a time to resolve all the disasters within a month or two, but now it's already half a month."

Ran Qi said coldly, "In other words, there is at most one and a half months left."


"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded.


at the same time.

Middle area, black cloud area.

Heiyun learning and teaching.


With a loud explosion, the door of the deputy dean's study was kicked to pieces.

"Old guy, didn't you tell me the mainland edict issued by Junior Brother Xiao Yi?"

"If I hadn't left customs today, I wouldn't know yet."

The vice president looked at the angry Qing Lin and the door of the study that had been shattered, his face twitched.

On one side, two young people came quickly.

"Elder Qinglin, do you want to ignore the dean's orders?" Listening to the wind sweeping Ye, the two glared at Qinglin.

"Yo." Qing Lin glared at the two of them. "The two little guys dare to come and frown my brow."

"If it wasn't for those two stinky women who begged Brother Mo You all the time, you two were from the Eastern family and the Sikong family, I would let you learn and teach in our Heiyun?

Listening to the wind and sweeping Ye, the two proudly said, "That's the master's wise eyes and beading, I two are talented..."

"Fart." Qing Lin interrupted coldly, "Through the face of Brother Mo You these years, you two have got the most training resources for learning and teaching, and you have today's cultivation."

"You really are so talented and enchanting, what is the youngest deacon of education?"

Qing Lin looked at the deputy dean, "Immediately set up a team of learning and teaching disciples, and immediately respond to the edict."

The deputy dean frowned, "The rules of learning, you know, the dean's order is..."

"It's bullshit." Qing Lin shouted angrily.

"Why, no one in Central Region responded to the edict, just watching Junior Brother Xiao Yi fight alone?"

"The villain is very afflicted, can't you co-author and bully Junior Brother Xiao Yi?"

"This mainland edict, our Heiyun learning and teaching should be determined."

"Elder Qinglin, you are presumptuous." Listening to the wind sweeping Ye's cold voice, "Master has orders..."

Boom...The two of them vomited blood and flew with a loud noise before they finished speaking.

"Elder Qinglin, you..." The two were pale.

"If you have any comments, let Senior Brother Mo You come to me Qinglin." Qing Lin said coldly, turned and left.

"Tong Ye, Qin Yi, summon a group of warriors to learn and teach."

"We black cloud learning and teaching, today should be the edict."


Third more.

Update today, over.

It's half past two noon, it's noon too.

Good afternoon, everyone...!

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