Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3509: In these years, the strong are like clouds

In the domain, beyond the north.

Deep in the endless snow-capped mountains, inside the Ice Palace.


Even in the Ice Palace, you can still see the snow all year round.

Pieces of snowflakes fell, gorgeous, but cold with too much sadness.

At this moment, the white snow became the endless dark snow.

Heixue seemed to flood the entire Ice Palace.

"Patriarch, why did you keep it secret?"

Xia Yiming's breath was violent, and the monstrous black snow surrounded him.

"The palace lord issued a mainland edict, and no one in the central domain responded to it."

"Palace Master has no helper now, and Ding has been waiting for Yi Ming."

"Half a month, if it weren't for Yiming to leave today, the palace lord would definitely be disappointed."

Xia Yifeng frowned, "Yes, you still have a breath, you want to submerge the entire Ice Palace in this black snow?"

Xia Yiming's face was cold, "The patriarch forgives his sins, and now he is full of anger, unable to suppress his breath."

"Yi Ming is going to Zhongyu, to the Palace Master's side."

"If the patriarch intends to obstruct, if you force to stay here, the black snow will indeed continue to fall until it floods the Ice Palace."

Xia Yifeng's old face twitched, "What did the old man prevent you from?"

Xia Yiming said coldly, "Then why did the patriarch keep a call? Don't go to the closed room to wake up?"

Xia Yifeng's face became cold, "Because the old man is not interested in letting you disappoint the palace owner again."

"Insufficient strength, are you going to hold back the palace owner?"


At this time, the guardian of Lu Long, the guardian of ice and the guardian of Nangong rushed forward, and Lu Fan was also there.

The four guardians, as well as the founder of the Ice Storm Sword Pavilion, all stood proudly.

"The second peak of the Monarch Realm is amazing." Lu Fan squinted.

Xia Yifeng smiled complacently, "Yi Ming's cultivation skills were on par with the palace owner many years ago."

"When Yiming was young, he had already solved the test left by Master Bing."

"Bing Venerable has been in the line of countless years. Like the Palace Master, he is the only person who has ever entered the snowy and gloomy land."

"In this most enchanting era, he is one of the few who can walk side by side with the palace lord. He is extremely outstanding."

Lu Fan nodded, "Such a cultivation level has caught up with the top talents of the Eight Sects and Four Clan."

"In time, it may not be impossible to catch up with those young masters."

Xia Yiming said coldly, "If one day they become enemies of the palace lord, Yiming will step on these young masters and others."

"Now I'm going to find the Palace Master."

"Hold on." Lu Fan chuckled and waved his hand.

Swish swish swish swish...

One after another, the figures came quickly.

Eleven people in total.

It is the twelve envoys of Bingzun's line, representing the twelve young evildoers who are the best in Bingzun's line.

Of course, it is also the most outstanding evildoer in the history of Bingzun.

"The first level of the monarchy, half a step of the monarchy?" Xia Yiming scanned eleven people.

Among the eleven people, more than half are in the monarchy realm, and the remaining, the worst is from the peak to the half-steps of the monarchy.

Guardian Ice and Guardian Nangong looked overjoyed, "Xie Lufan ancestor."

Lu Fan sneered, "If you want to, thank the palace lord."

"Our Bingzun is in the same vein. What we lack is always just an opportunity."

"The old man understands why the palace lord called the old man back."

"We Ice Venerable's Tianjiao evildoers, all of them are rare in the world."

"On talent, there is no shortage, and on cultivation resources, there is no shortage."

"What we lack is only the teaching of a strong man who has truly reached the realm of the king."

"Since the old man stepped into the monarchy and returned, the opportunity has come."

"The young Tianjiao of the Eight Sects and the Four Clan can step into the Sovereign Realm at a young age, so naturally our Ice Venerable line will do.

"Let's go." Xia Yifeng said loudly.

"These enchanting years belong to you."

"You are so young that you already have the strength of more than a group of elders, and even more than a few of our elders."

"In these most enchanting years, waiting for you to shine with the most dazzling light, the mainland will eventually boil with you."

"Go, come to the palace lord and shake this time!"

"Yes." Twelve people answered loudly.

Twelve people also left at the same time.

Looking at the back of the group of people leaving, Lu Fan held his hand and looked forward to it.

The four guardians chuckled lightly, looking at each other with inexplicable nostalgia.

"In those distant years, the ancestor Lu Fan mysteriously disappeared."

"At that time, the four of us were at such a young age, and I was afraid that they were not much older than these little guys today. We had to take orders in the face of danger to prop up the line of the great Ice Venerable."

Xia Yifeng sighed.

Nangong's guardian chuckled lightly, "At that time, although we had become a climate, we were the strongest in Ice Venerable, but we were not as strong as these little guys today."

The Ice Guardian shook his head, "I really miss those prosperous years."

Protector Lu Long said in a deep voice, "Aren't all the strong guys coming here like this?"

"From young, sheltered under the wings of the old guys; to fully grown up, although young, they ushered in the years that belonged to them. In this continent, their names were branded."

Lu Fan smiled lightly, "The mainland has never belonged to the old guys of the past generations, but belongs to the young people of the past generations."

"Of course, the old guys have also been young; young people will eventually become old guys."

"Generation after generation, time after time, cycle after cycle, new and old, this continent is wonderful, but also endless."

"Now, it's just that the years of the new and the old have begun again."

"It's up to them, young people, to cut through the years with their own hands."

Xia Yifeng smiled lightly, "However, in the past dynasties, there is no such a wonderful time, not as enchanting as this time."

Protector Lu Long said solemnly, "Of course there is a greater crisis."

Xia Yifeng smiled, "It is not so much that Lu Fan’s ancestor was the opportunity for our Ice Venerable’s line, it’s better to say that since the palace lord came to our Ice Venerable’s line... It has become the strongest opportunity in the long years."

"Just wait, it broke out."


In the domain, not empty mountains.

Whoosh... The two figures exploded in vigor.

"Frankly, grandpa, you may not be my opponent."

"If you want to stop me, I'm afraid I can't do it."

Meng Piao Piao's imposing momentum actually countered Meng's old Patriarch.

Patriarch Meng's face was ugly, "I have become more skilled, and I don't even listen to what the old man said."

Meng Piao Piao gritted his teeth, "If Grandpa wants me to forget the evil cultivator's murderous enmity against my Meng family members, Piao Piao can't do it."

As the voice fell, the dreamy figure slowly dissipated in place, and then turned into an illusory brilliance.

Patriarch Meng's face changed, "Mengdao?"

He knew that the real dream was fluttering, and he had already left Bukong Mountain at this moment.

"Old Patriarch." Swish...wish... Several dream parents arrived.

"Young Patriarch..."

"Fine." Meng Patriarch shook his head, "Leave him alone."

"Today's Mengjia, no one can help him except the old man."

"He can't stop what he is determined to do."

The old man Meng said with an ugly expression, "But those evil cultivators, and the head of the young Patriarch of the former Sagong family..."

The old Meng Patriarch interrupted in a cold voice, "Meng Piao Piao is the one who is in charge of the Eight Palaces this time, and has nothing to do with our Meng Family."

Although his tone was cold, Patriarch Meng looked into the distance with a smile on his face.

The old man of the dream frowned, "Old Patriarch, I heard that a few hours ago, the Murong family, the Gu family, and many other families all acted."

"Big action?" asked Meng Patriarch.

The old man of the dream shook his head, "No, the strong in the family stays still, all the little guys ran away."

Patriarch Meng chuckles, "How can these little guys resist the temptation of this wonderful time?"

"The cultivation base is profound and it has become a climate. They naturally can't wait to prove themselves in these years."

"Even if we are pressing, these years will automatically guide them forward."

"It's a pity." The old Patriarch Meng squinted his eyes, "Now it is the Hallmaster Xiao Yi and the water girl who are leading this time."

"Misfortune is unpredictable."

The old man of the dream frowned, "A few hours ago, a large number of respondents began to appear in various parts of the Central Region."

"There is no mighty team, but each of them is a strong player that has already become famous in Zhongyu."

"If this goes on, the head-on head will result in heavy losses, and the Central Region will completely shake the mountain."

Patriarch Meng shook his head, "Who knows whether the east wind is stronger or the west wind is stronger."

"Old guys, you can't control these years, so let them go."

"But my instinct tells me that this earthquake will end in a very short time."

"Why?" Meng's parents asked in confusion.

The host of Meng's old house had a light tone, "Because the Hallmaster Xiao Yi has been silent for a long time."

"If he chooses to be silent, he must be brewing an even more earth-shattering outbreak."

"That water girl, I am afraid it will be the same."


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