Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3515: Origin of Liyuanzong

"Little Thief Xiao Yi, you..."

Elder Liyuanzong's face flushed, his breathing was uncomfortable and the pain of his arm bursting, his face was already distorted, and his face was full of anger.

But the words are not over yet.


There was another explosion, and there was a cloud of blood in the air.

The other arm of the Great Elder Li Yuanzong has also exploded.

"Great Elder." The elders of Li Yuanzong Venerable Realm who had already vomited blood and flew around, their expressions changed drastically.

The great elder of Liyuanzong is their heaven and the pillar of their entire Liyuanzong.

Now, this pillar is bursting with his hands, and death is not far away.

"This is the aura of the Lord of the Eight Halls?" An elder shouted angrily.

"Why Palace Master Xiao Yi is so aggressive and so aggressive?"

Another elder shouted angrily, "Back then, the great elder just went to the blocked Dongfang home to bring back my disciples from the Liyuan Sect, and he had no intention of having sins with you."

"The great elder and us Li Yuanzong did not even intervene in the battle of your many grievances, Palace Master Xiao Yi."

"Why come here today to kill people to vent their hatred, humiliate me, and torture me the great elder of Liyuanzong?"

Xiao Yi's eyes were ferocious, "Just to bring back the disciples? Not intending to have sins with our eight palaces?"

"It's the disciple you took away from the great elder of Yuanzong, hurting my followers, letting go of the demon clan, and almost let me be buried in the demon domain."

"I'm going to solve the scourge of the changing sky. You Li Yuanzong chief gave me a stumbling block. Is this called not to intervene?"

"To this day, you left Yuanzong Chief and joined Shui Ninghan's command, doing evil everywhere, causing me a lot of trouble."

"In the past, I didn't have time to come to you. Today, in my spare time, if someone from Xiao Li Yuanzong doesn't find you, who do I call?"

"Ruoli this rebel." An elder cursed coldly.

"We Li Yuanzong has always been calm, and we have inadvertently disputed."

"Hall Master Xiao Yi." Another elder said with a pleading expression, "Yuan Ruoli has long been expelled from the sect by our Liyuan Sect, and is no longer our disciple of the Liyuan Sect."

"There was no grudge in the past, no hatred today, can Palace Master Xiao Yi raise his hands high?"


With a flick of Xiao Yi's palm, the Great Elder of Li Yuanzong was blown into the air, spurting out blood.

It wasn't until he smashed the throne of the lord at the hall of the lord into a powder.

"Elder." The expressions of the elders changed drastically.

Xiao Yi's face was cold, "Back then, you bullied the small, my wife and the elite of the Eight Palaces. Today I abandon your hands and you should just expose it..."

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong gritted his teeth, "Beyond the edge of the demon realm back then, that saint sage already had amazing combat power, plus Yuezun Martial Saint was sheltering."

"The old man just slapped her a few hands and couldn't hurt her at all."

"As for the elite of your eight palaces, the old man hasn't even played against them, so how can you oppress..."

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Huh?"

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong looked at that gloomy expression, his expression changed after all, and he stopped talking.

Xiao Yi looked directly at the Great Elder of Liyuan Sect with cold eyes, "As for now, your chief of Liyuan Sect has already been expelled from Liyuan Sect. No matter what, I don't care."

"The **** thing he made, you better solve it."

"Otherwise, I can only treat you as accomplices and kill them together."

Li Yuanzong Grand Elder gritted his teeth and said, "We have nothing to do with Yuanzong and Xie Xiu."

"Since we left Yuanzong and established a sect, it has been a long time since ancient times, and we have never dealt with evil cultivators."

Xiao Yi said coldly, "I didn't say anything about evil repair."

"The evil cultivators I killed, the so-called secret agent, in addition to evil ways, also has the atmosphere of the underworld."

"Last time in the Middle Territory evil repair disaster, you Li Yuanzong chief, carrying a human corpse, there is a lot of dead silence in the underworld above the human corpse."

"Except for human corpses, they are almost the same as ordinary people."

"Such a weird method, only you Li Yuanzong has it?"

"It's also very obvious that in this evil cultivating calamity, the underworld aura on these dark envoys also comes from your Liyuanzong chief's handwriting."

The elders around, all face suddenly changed.

Today, if you have something to do with the evil cultivation of these troubles in the Central Region, it is tantamount to being an enemy of the entire Central Region and the Eight Palaces.

"Let's talk about it." Xiao Yi walked to the side of his seat and sat down indifferently.

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong lay weakly on his back among the rubble of the throne.

"What's the matter with you Li Yuanzong?" Xiao Yi looked at the Li Yuanzong elder indifferently.

"You can also try to conceal something, but it's better to be able to hide it from Xiao Yi."

"Otherwise, huh..." Xiao Yi grinned, "Those methods of restraining the soul, I, the chief hall of the Black Demon Hall, are many."

"Of course, it's not too proficient. One carelessness will make your spiritual sense collapse and disappear, but I can't blame it."

"You..." The Great Elder Li Yuanzong suddenly shrank his pupils.

As the strongest member of the Liyuan Sect, he is proficient in these spiritual awareness methods, and of course he knows how terrifying the pain of torturing spiritual awareness to pry into memory.

He also had no doubt that Xiao Yi had these methods.

The Eight Halls and the Black Demon Hall are known for their complicated and weird and cruel methods. The rest of the Soul Hall, the Demon Hunting Hall, and other halls are all unique in ancient times.

The master of the eight halls, and it is rumored that this palace master Xiao Yi went deep into the demon realm. He became the king of Sen Luo and was proficient in demon techniques. He also vaguely heard that the palace master Xiao Yi went deeper into the heart of the earth a few days ago. Obtained the inheritance of fire ancestors, proficient in the mystery of fire.

In short, it is difficult for outsiders to know how unpredictable this Xiao Yi Palace Master is.

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Yi, "As long as the Lord Xiao Yi is willing to let me go, Li Yuanzong."

"As long as you ask, the old man knows everything."

"The old man swears to the sky that if there is a half-deception, the old man will not die, and will never live beyond life."

Xiao Yi shrugged and said indifferently, "It depends on your performance."

"Tell me about you leaving Yuanzong."

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong nodded, and his eyes fell into an ancient memory.

"Since the end of the ancient years and the beginning of the ancient years, there has been our Li Yuanzong."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was slightly surprised. "It's more time-honored than I thought."

Even if it is a hidden world, it does not exist at the beginning of the ancient years, but amidst the evils of the monster race, the martial arts of the Middle Territory withered, and countless amazing talents among the human races rose from the cracks, thus opening up a period of glorious years of martial arts.

In other words, the existence of Li Yuanzong was even longer than the Hundreds of Hidden Ages.

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong gave a wry smile, "The beginning of the ancient years, and even in the ancient years, there are not only eight sects or those giants."

"Above the Middle Territory, there are countless small families, small sects, and ordinary warriors."

"It's just that small forces will not be able to withstand the erosion of time and will die."

"And when we leave Yuanzong, we have become stronger in the big waves."

The great elder of Li Yuanzong said in a deep voice, "We are leaving Yuanzong, originally only the last force in the Middle Territory, so we are just a corner."

"And our Liyuanzong's founder and factionist is just a humble and unfamiliar ordinary warrior in the Central Territory. He doesn't even have a peerless cultivation base."

"Until a certain day..."

The elder Li Yuanzong's eyes were full of amazement, "Master Suddenly has a sudden increase in talent, and in a short time, he has become the most amazing and brilliant person at the beginning of the ancient years."


First more.

Two or three is late, so it is not recommended to wait.

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