Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3516: The cost of life and death

"Mingshi." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong withdrew his gaze and sneered, "Perhaps it is."

"In those years, I'm afraid no one knew how the master rose up so fast."

"Master is like a mystery, but it is brilliant."

"We Li Yuanzong also rose rapidly during those years and became one of the top forces in the Central Region, approaching Bazong."

"Even if the monster race's calamity breaks out and the human race is in danger, they dare not commit me to Li Yuanzong."

"Up to the rise of a hundred schools, the martial arts contend, and the light of the hundred schools combined, still loses to my dazzling Li Yuanzong."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

He had heard of this, the Li Yuanzong in the glorious period, but the eagerness of the ancient years.

When the elder Li Yuanzong said this, he was silent.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "The reason for Li Yuanzong's prosperity cannot be separated from the Nether Realm, right?"

"Yes." The Great Elder Li Yuanzong nodded, "The reason is the envoy in the mouth of Xiao Yi Hall Master."

"All wraiths."

"Except for the new disciples who came here admiringly, the elders, deacons, and disciples of the inner sect are all talented and peerless envoys."

"We Li Yuanzong possesses the largest number of peerless evildoers on the mainland."

"We Li Yuanzong's powerhouse can practice secret methods and borrow the power of the underworld to increase their strength."

"For 80 million years in ancient times, I have been in the same position as Yuanzong, and I am unmatched in strength."

"Until..." The Great Elder Li Yuanzong suddenly stagnated, his face began to become hideous and angry, and his old eyes were round.

"What?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Elder Li Yuanzong gritted his teeth, "Until a turning point...the rise of your Eight Palaces."

Xiao Yi frowned, "I haven't heard that in the ancient years, our Eight Palaces fought with you Liyuanzong."

"On the contrary, the major forces in the mainland have responded to the eight halls to fight against the evils of the monster race and restore peace to the mainland."

"Heh." The Great Elder Li Yuanzong sneered, his smile obviously mixed with anger and disdain.

"There is no fighting."

The Great Elder Liyuanzong once again fell into an ancient memory, "No one knows whether the master is a spiritual envoy."

"If he is, his growth rate is far faster than the countless envoys in our sect."

"If you say he is not, but you can't explain why he is obviously just an ordinary martial arts power that can only establish a school, but he has risen at such an astonishing speed."

"But there is no doubt that Master, the fate of Li Yuanzong is connected with the underworld."

"We have a way to practice the methods of the meditation domain, and a way to become a meditation envoy."

"Huh." The Great Elder of Li Yuanzong exhaled a long breath, "The world only knows that we are incomparably strong and powerful."

"But I don't know the price we paid for it."

Xiao Yi sneered, "If you seek a skin with a tiger, you will be backlashed, right?"

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong nodded, "Underworld, is the darkest place in the world, and the most evil place."

"There is only silence."

"Life and death are opposed to each other."

"Under the sky, the continent is full of vitality; the underworld is equivalent to the other continent, opposing our normal continent."

"Netherworld is like the darkest side of the continent."

"Therefore, normal creatures can't go to the underworld, only the dead, and the dead have a long flow."

"That's why, if the monsters of the underworld show up on the mainland, they will be where they pass. Their vitality will definitely be swallowed up, except for death."

The Great Elder Liyuanzong looked at Xiao Yi, "Life and death are opposed to each other, and the mainland world is opposed to the underworld."

"When we leave Yuanzong, we are in the middle of the opposing sides, at the border of life and death."

"We are human warriors. Once we become the envoy, we are also in the midst of life and death."

"How can a normal creature always exist in this state?"

"In life and death, we will be torn apart alive."

"Therefore, every strong Liyuanzong will die mysteriously and tragically after a certain number of years. The terrible state of death is difficult for outsiders to tell."

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, "but all of that is worthwhile for the martial artist, especially for you Liyuanzong martial artist, isn't it?"

"Xie Xiu gives the warrior a very fast cultivation speed, but it will eat into the mind and make the warrior become extinct."

"Therefore, even if the martial artist gives that level of cultivation speed, he will retreat and be extremely jealous, and he doesn't want to take it."

"But the envoy, has a faster cultivation speed than evil cultivation, and there is almost no other price."

"Therefore, you leave the Yuanzong martial artist, you are completely happy."

"It seems that you will die tragically in the end, but how long will it be? Millions of years? Millions of years?"

"What's the deal with these promises?"

The elder Li Yuanzong shook his head, "What is the purpose of martial artist training?"

"Strength? Yes, but the most important thing is Shouyuan."

"The higher the martial artist's cultivation, the longer the life span."

"Becoming an envoy, it seems that the cultivation speed is extremely fast, but we are in a life and death crisscross."

"On the one hand, it is the breakthrough of cultivation base, which comes from the longevity gift given by the sky above the head; on the other hand, it is from the darkest place under the feet, the deathly breath cannibalize the longevity."

"This goes down and the other grows, and the breath of death is always devouring the lifespan, so the lifespan of the envoy is far lower than the normal martial artist."

"Once the speed of the cultivation base breakthrough is not enough, the speed of obtaining new life yuan is slower than the speed of deathly swallowing, the envoy will be completely swallowed by the darkness and die tragically in the most terrifying way in this world."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I am not interested in arguing with you and talking about business."

"After that, why did you leave Yuanzong's decline?"

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong sneered, "We are ultimately a force on the mainland, and ultimately a human warrior."

"What is the hope of the normal forces on the mainland? What is our hope for leaving Yuanzong."

"Netherworld, it will not be our hope for Li Yuanzong, but only the grave that will eventually swallow our Li Yuanzong."

"Therefore, during a certain period of time in the ancient times, our lord of the generation from Yuanzong planned to completely break free from the constraints of the Nether Realm."

"It's a pity... how difficult is it to enter Yi and get out?"

"We are already in it, how can we get out of trouble?"

"Until, when the turning point came, the rise of the eight first-generation masters."

"They are the eight most amazing and brilliant people in the mainland in those years, the hope of Terran warriors."

"They are convincing and admirable. They can make countless powerful people in the mainland go crazy with the same look in their eyes. They are fearless."

"We Li Yuanzong's generation of sect masters, we also believe in eight of them."

The Great Elder Liyuanzong said in a deep voice, "Like a union between normal forces, that generation of sect masters and the eight first generation chief palace masters have discussed, planned, and arranged."

"What discussion?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong said solemnly, "Let Mingyu work hard for countless years, and it will fall short!"


Second more.

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