Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3517: The method of getting away

"Netherworld, will not help our human beings for no reason."

"The ambassador is the spokesperson of the monster in the meditation domain."

"On the continent, the more the envoys, the stronger the strength of the envoys, which means that the power of the envoys on the continent is stronger."

"Only the power of the Nether Territory on the continent is strong enough to shake this space of heaven and earth and break through the gap between the Nether Territory and the mainland."

Xiao Yi suddenly said, "The space is connected."

"Not bad." Li Yuanzong Grand Elder said solemnly.

"Life and death are opposed. As the dark side of the continent, the underworld should have only one connection to each other."

"That is, the life and death of life and death, the death of life and soul, and the fall of the Ming Dynasty within the normal laws of heaven and earth."

"But it is impossible for the undead to return to the normal world."

"Because that is limited by the laws of heaven and earth."

"It's easy to go, hard to come, or even impossible."

Xiao Yi remained silent and did not interrupt.

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong continued, "Yes, Palace Master Xiao Yi should have also heard of the former master of the Underworld."

"The one who seizes the power of the law of reincarnation... is almost the same as the monster of God."

"Even if he falls, the special laws he gave belong to the underworld, but forcibly formed the power that can resist the laws of heaven and earth."

"Therefore, although it is still easy to go and difficult to come, it is not impossible."

"Meditation, is the spatial connection point where the Nether realm exists in heaven and earth."

The elder of Li Yuanzong has a grim look, "No one knows what happened during the years of the ancient emperor."

"But obviously, Mingyu has always been around and planning for a long time."

"We left Yuanzong and became its pawns in the mainland."

In the ancient years, the Liyuanzong that flourished for a while, countless martial artists Fengruo the holy land of martial arts; but, this is just a puppet of the underworld, so ironic.

"Many kinds of plans have taken place in these long years."

"What we discussed between Li Yuanzong and the Eight Palaces was to resolve all this."

"But... after the discussion, it was not the Eight Palaces that really made all of this settled, but..."

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong sneered, "A dazzling existence than the eight first-generation masters in those years."

"It's not a human race, it's the emperor of the monster race...Six-pole wild lion!"

"We Li Yuanzong's powerful people, as envoys, are spatially connected points."

"In the long years, the gap in the Netherworld that made the space of heaven and earth weak is precisely the crack in the sky, and now the ancient lion holy land."

"Once we leave the Yuanzong strong and reach the cracks in the sky, the space belonging to the side of the underworld will greatly increase in strength, and the gap will suddenly arise."

"But when the gap is born, it will definitely be the endless monsters of the underworld rushing out, extremely dangerous."

"So what we have to do is very simple, but also extremely dangerous."

"Li Yuanzong Ming envoys all reach the cracks in the sky, letting the gap be born; when the monsters of the Ming domain rush out triumphantly, they will find that there are already strong mainlanders waiting here, and they will be killed by surprise."

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong laughed suddenly, "In those years, it almost represented the combination of the three strongest forces in the mainland."

"Eight Halls, the Liyuanzong at the time of its prosperous period, the six-pole mad lion and countless ancient monsters under its command."

"Everything, how wonderful is when I think of it; how perfect are all the plans; how invincible is the tripartite alliance?"

"Yes..." The elder of Li Yuanzong suddenly saw his eyes split, his teeth clenched and even deep blood.

"What are we waiting for?"

"Waiting for it is the unilateral dishonesty of your Eight Palaces."

"Eight hall powerhouses, those eight first-generation chief hall masters who should be convinced by everyone, a future."

"Outside the cracks in the Tianyuan, I am the only one who is Liyuanzong strong, as well as the six-pole mad lion and his demons fighting hard against the endless underworld monsters."

"Fight, even if the old man doesn't say much, you can think of how tragic it is."

"After the war, the monsters in the underworld are dead and the gap is destroyed; but when I leave Yuanzong, the strong will die, and the emperor of the six poles will fall into it."

"Hahahaha, hahahaha." Great Elder Li Yuanzong smiled frantically.

"How ridiculous, subtle."

"Because I believe in your Eight Palaces and those eight bastards, we have gone from Yuanzong 80 million to become strong and ruined, so there is no chance of turning over."

"Because I believed in your eight palaces and those eight villains, even the generation of emperors who had made the world so powerful at that time fell on the spot."

"And your Eight Palaces, without a single soldier, reaped all the results."

"You are praised by the mainland, and the eight villains are admired by countless warriors."

"Tsk tusk tusk... everything, how perfect under the calculation of those eight people?"

The laughter of the Great Elder Liyuanzong was already full of anger and resentment.

Xiao Yi squinted, "Who knows the old things about Qianchen? You have the final say?"

Elder Li Yuanzong sneered, "If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask the eight old guys in Badian."

"Although they haven't experienced that time, they are only a generation away. Their master is the person who has experienced it, so they will be quite clear."

"The Middle Territory and the Demon Territory, the Human Race and the Demon Race, are not without the opportunity to ease."

"During that discussion, the Emperor Six Extremes personally agreed that as long as the gap in the Nether Realm of the Tianyuan Crack is resolved, it will take the lead and return the monster race raging in the Middle Realm to the Demon Realm."

"With the status and strength of the Six Extreme Monarch in the Demon Realm at the time, its words are the promise of the entire Demon Race."

"It's a pity, the dignified emperor, after all, lost to the calculations of your Eight Palace villains."

"The emperor died tragically, and the ancient monster clan powerhouses fell countless, and the monster clan's vitality was greatly injured."

"Your army of eight palaces, Fang Erneng finally expelled the monster race with such a breeze."

"In the ancient years, how many years have elapsed since your eight palaces were born to rise, and how many years have the human race and the monster race fought."

"The victory or defeat that could not be separated for a long time will be completely ended in this despicable calculation."

"The Eight Halls have become the pillars of the mainland, and everyone admires them."

"The monster race has become a cruel and murderous thing in the mouth of the human race warrior."

"Everything in the future will be written by your Eight Palaces."

"And our declining Li Yuanzong has completely disappeared, no one cares about it, no one knows."

"Understood." Xiao Yi sneered, "Two o'clock."

"One, the emperor of the six poles, I will call him a predecessor for the time being, but how he is in my eight palaces, and how he is in our middle domain, I will not comment."

"Led by it, the monster race raging on the mainland returns to the monster domain?"

"Why not take the lead early and not take the lead late? When the demons have been raging on the mainland for tens of millions of years, and the human creatures are forced to survive in the cracks, where is it?"

"As far as the space between the heavens and the earth is weak at the crack in the abyss, there is the danger of monsters from the underworld at any time. Is it called a joint?"

"Elder Liyuanzong, I advise you to discuss, only the strong are qualified."

"If the eight first general hall masters are not there for their strength, how about the six-pole emperor's joint discussion?"

"Two." Xiao Yi sneered. "You left Yuanzong's 80 million years glorious and ruined? After that, the strong will die and completely decline, no one cares?"

"It's not your desire to get out of the underworld? That's your only way out, otherwise, it's just waiting for death."

"The strong are dead, and the sect has fallen, so I blame the eight palaces?"

"Then why in the final battle of the Ancient War, eight first-generation chief hall masters fell, but my eight halls have survived to this day? The mainland is regarded as the cornerstone?"

"The human race will fall, no one will come out to be the savior, the Eight Sects, the Hundred Families of the Hidden World, and you Liyuan Sect. It sounds so good that even the demon race dare not commit the crime, but what is the difference between you and that turtle? The Eight Palaces ignited hope, this is an indisputable fact."

"The eight first-generation masters are worthy of the admiration of everyone in the mainland."

"That's it." Xiao Yi got up and looked directly at the Great Elder Li Yuanzong.

"It seems that I have come to the right, you leave Yuanzong, there is a way to get Mingshi to get out."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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