Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3518: Lake Mingyuan


Elder Li Yuanzong's face was gloomy, but he was very happy.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and looked directly at the Great Elder Li Yuanzong, "Don't pretend, I can feel the blood squirming at the broken arm of your shoulder."

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong squinted his eyes, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, really good at it."

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi...

Where the elder Liyuanzong broke his arm, flesh and blood regenerated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, two baby-like green onion hands were born again.

But at the same time, Bai Ze's arm was constantly becoming old and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the vitality aura of the great elder Li Yuanzong obviously weakened a part.

"This is one of the abilities that the Ming Realm has given us to the Li Yuanzong Ming Envoy."

"The body of a living being, but the identity of the Ming Dynasty, overlaps between life and death, half a life and half death, like walking corpses, but nothing unusual."

"Of course, fast aging, costing a lot of life, this is the price."

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong was all right, so he got up and stood up for a moment, but he was obviously weak and unstable.

Nothing can be without a price, even if it is a method of the world, or something more unpredictable.

The general regenerative ability of'rebirth' is originally at the cost of the essence of life.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi, if you want to know how the Mingshi can get away, let me do it."

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong said, and left slowly.


The depths of the sect.

Elder Li Yuanzong paused.

Xiao Yi felt it, and there were countless prohibitions around him, including ancient prohibitions.

The Great Elder of Li Yuanzong sneered, "Hall Master Xiao Yi don't have to worry, I am not a villain from Li Yuanzong, and I won't use the prohibition here to harm you."

Xiao Yi sneered, "Just rely on the ancient formations and restraints here to harm me?"

"My handprint can break all the formations and restrictions here, and the great elder of Liyuanzong can be trusted?"

"Humph." The Great Elder Li Yuanzong snorted and took a few steps forward again.

"Look at Hall Master Xiao Yi."

In front, a small lake no more than a hundred meters long and wide.

The lake was actually dark.

"That is Lake Mingyuan."

"According to the ancestors in the clan, this is the place where Shizu rises."

"In the ancient years, every warrior of our Li Yuanzong will come here before becoming an envoy."

Xiao Yi frowned, feeling let out.

"Even my perception is hampered by layers, and I can only perceive the lake surface and the bottom of the lake for about ten meters."

"And the feeling that the entire Mingyuan Lake gives me, I am afraid the depth is extremely astonishing."

Elder Liyuanzong sneered, "Long years ago, the old man was only like you when he entered Mingyuan Lake."

"It's an abyss. Its coldness and darkness can freeze and degrade people's spiritual consciousness."

"No one knows how deep this Mingyuan Lake is."

Xiao Yi said coldly, "This is the entrance to the space."

"Not bad." Li Yuanzong Grand Elder nodded, "This is one of the entrances to the Netherworld."

"Compared to the cracks in Tianyuan, there are six poles of golden core power to suppress, and the soul of the soul has the ancient heaven and earth spirit, the ancient tree of the soul, and there is nothing else here in Lake Mingyuan.

Here, it is obviously another entrance to the underworld.

"But our space here in Mingyuan Lake is the most stable, without any cracks."

"Similarly, no one knows why Mingyuan Lake was born."

"It is only rumored that the birth of Mingyuan Lake is related to the Master, and the rise of Master is also related to Mingyuan Lake."

"In the years to come, Mingyuan Lake has given us the way for the Liyuanzong martial artist to become the envoy, and given us the power of the envoy."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Then how to make Mingshi get away?"

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong replied, "The envoy of the underworld is gone, so he naturally withdraws."

"There are two ways to make the power of the Pluto disappear."

"One, the initiative is in the hands of the monsters in the underworld, they can burst out the power of any envoy on the continent at any time until they are exhausted."

"One, approach the entrance of the Netherworld by the envoy."

"The opposition between life and death, and the envoy between life and death, is also equivalent to being in the laws of the two worlds."

"The envoy is near the entrance of the underworld, and the normal laws belonging to the heavens and the earth will push these underworld forces back to the space of the underworld."

"At the same time, the space power at the entrance to the underworld seems to'suck' back to the underworld power."

"So simple?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"It's that simple." The Great Elder Li Yuanzong nodded.

"But the price is that every time the power of the meditation is absorbed by the entrance of the meditation domain, the space power belonging to the side of the meditation domain will increase by one point."

"The stronger the opposite is the weakening of the other."

"That is to say, the more power of the envoy absorbed by the entrance of the Nether realm, the more unstable it will be until the entrance of the Nether realm opens."

"By then, it will open the deadly door on the dark side of the mainland, and endless ghosts will rush out."

Xiao Yi's face was solemn and nodded.

"Everything is very simple." The Great Elder Li Yuanzong said coldly, "During the tripartite discussions that year, we used the second method."

"We are all the strong from Yuanzong, and the power of the envoy was absorbed by the entrance of the crack in the sky, and the entrance that had created the crack instantly detonated."

"We Li Yuanzong finally withdrew, but the cost was that the whole army was almost wiped out by the outflow of endless monsters."

Xiao Yi nodded, then turned and left.

"You better not lie to me, I will come again."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi dashed away.


high altitude.

Xiao Yi Yukong is flying, and he will continue to eliminate evil and repair.

It was delayed for one or two hours in Li Yuanzong, but it also gained something.

The ancient secrets of the year, the tripartite agreement of the Eight Palaces, Liyuanzong, and the Yaozu, and the reason for the fall of the six-pole wild lion of a generation of emperors.

Who could have imagined that the Liyuan Sect, which has been flourishing for 80 million years, was actually a chess piece in the sect, and the powerhouses in the sect were all envoys.

Even if the strong were dead and completely declining today, there is still a strong at the old demon-exalted level, as well as a large number of strong at the holy-exalted level.

This kind of force is enough to crush any of the hundreds of hidden families.

So, what was the situation of Li Yuanzong in the glorious and prosperous days of ancient times? I am afraid that it is not only close to Basong, but it is enough to shake it.

The reason for the birth and existence of the envoy is probably clear.

As the opposite dark side of the continent, the monsters of the underworld must pass through space if they want to come to the continent, and they must also need spatial connections.

This, it seems to be the Ice Saint prohibition between the Eastern Region and the Middle Region.

Similarly, space is needed for connecting points, otherwise there is no possibility of passing through.

And even if you have a series of points in space, it is easy to go and difficult to come back to.

Of course, these are all past events.

The most important thing is now, and what he finally knows... Shui Ninghan's plan.

Underworld, through the envoy, created a giant like Li Yuanzong, such a super power.

Shui Ninghan, if there is a way to create the envoy, he can naturally use this... to create the same superpower.

As she is now, her combat power is probably no less inferior to any of the eight cases.

"It was a good idea to fight." Xiao Yi squinted.

"Unfortunately, even if I want to slaughter one, it is not too difficult."


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