Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3528: Three Heavenly Kings Appear

Xiao Yi frowned instantly, but also interrupted in a cold voice, "I'm in a hurry."

"A bunch of evil repair secret agents just escaped."

"Quickly kill, I have to rush back to Zhongyu to pacify this disaster."

Upon hearing the words, Sword Sovereign Jiuxiao nodded coldly, "Hallmaster Xiao Yi's words are reasonable."

"This Sword Lord is so proud, how can he be safer than countless creatures in the Middle Territory."

"This demon girl is making troubles and killing countless creatures. Let's kill it as soon as possible and end everything."

When Xiao Yi heard this, his brows loosened.

Jian Xiu, has always been arrogant, Nine Heavens Sword Lord is even more arrogant in arrogance.


At this time, the Supreme Sword Sovereign took a step back in the air.

Xiao Yi frowned again.

The Supreme Sword Sovereign shook his head slightly, "The old man is here just to avenge the three disciples."

"Joining hands to deceive a young junior who is still a woman is really wrong."

"If little friend Xiao Yi and the old man's disciple Jiu Xiao make a move, the old man will just watch."

Xiao Yi secretly said a bad sound.

Jian Xiu arrogant, this invincible Jian Xiu is even more arrogant in arrogance.

And if this kind of invincible Jian Xiu was an old guy, it would be even more insecure.

Crystal said coldly, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, with the strength of the three of us, it is enough to kill this demon girl."

Today, Shui Ninghan has been surrounded by the four great forces, and there is no chance of escape.

As long as four people violently rise, it is enough to make Shui Ninghan fall completely in a short time.

Xiao Yi frowned, "You are still injured, so you shouldn't be shot."

Crystal still has a terrifying power, but it is also not fake for a serious injury.

This serious injury was enough to become a flaw, and even an opportunity for Shui Ninghan to get out.

Xiao Yi stepped back abruptly, and said in a deep voice, "I want to come, the battle between Senior and Shui Ninghan in the east of the sea has not yet been determined."

"Shui Ninghan set up a large formation to lay down the predecessors, and the predecessors must also be angry."

"Seniors should resolve such grievances, new and old hatreds."

The Supreme Sword Sovereign had already had a monstrous cultivation base long ago, the world's strongest swordsman, and even the arrogant and like seniors admire him.

The Supreme Sword Master's combat power and vigorous cultivation are placed here, he shot alone, fearing that it is even more powerful than the three of them.

Xiao Yi thought about it a bit, and decided to let the Supreme Sword Lord take the shot.

If there is another accident in this case, and he is still in combat strength, he can still be sure of failure.

Otherwise, if one's combat power is exhausted, the Supreme Sword Sovereign will come up with something again, and then he will truly be powerless.

Nine Heavens Sword Lord also took a few steps back, "How dare a disciple be arrogant in front of Master."

Nine Heaven Sword Lord leaned slightly.

The Supreme Sword Lord nodded and looked straight at Shui Ninghan, "Three swords, the old man will not deceive you, only three swords."

"If you don't die in the Three Swords, the old man thinks he is useless, and you are considered to be an excellent girl."

Shui Ninghan had a little hope in his eyes, but he still sneered, "How can the words of Supreme Sword Master be counted?"

"Don't go back and forth like your eldest disciple Sword Master Jiuxiao."

The Supreme Sword Sovereign nodded slightly, "The old man deceived your long years of cultivation."

"If the three swords cannot kill you, the old man asks himself if he is not qualified to kill you, he will take the sword and leave."

"You and I are both grievances."

Xiao Yi's face suddenly changed, and he whispered inwardly.

Qiang...The Supreme Sword Lord no longer speaks, only a sharp sword in his hand appears out of thin air.

The sound of the sword, the waves and the sea are quiet for a million miles, and the clouds in the nine days tremble inexplicably.

The world, almost in this instant, was deterred by the sharp edge of this magical soldier.

"Supreme Dao Sword." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, "Supreme Sword Sect inherits the most treasure, the imperial rank of the magic weapon."

According to the rumors, the Supreme Dao Sword is the founder of the Supreme Sword Sect, and the magic weapon in the hands of the Supreme Sword Emperor is unpredictable.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi chuckled, his worries also disappeared abruptly.

At the beginning of the battle against the sea in the east, the Supreme Sword Sovereign even had time to sacrifice this sword in the future, and he was deeply trapped in the great formation.

Today, there is no large formation of the Shui clan, and the Supreme Sword Sovereign takes the lead in offering this sword.

Obviously, the Supreme Sword Sovereign is moving true at this moment. How powerful should the strongest swordsmanship in the world be?

Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign grabbed Chixiao Sword Sovereign, and his figure retreated to the sea behind.

Xiao Yi grabbed Crystal's collar, and the figure retreated.

Only the sword energy that the Supreme Sword Master had formed at this moment had already caused the four spaces to collapse, and the world seemed to be under his sword.

Deterred by Jianfeng, unmatched.

"On my own, I am not afraid of you." Shui Ninghan's eyes were cold.

Shuizu Daoyin's radiant works are masterpieces, and huge waves rise to the sky.

Millions of miles of sea water rushed endlessly in an instant.


The Supreme Sword Lord's face remained unchanged, still light, and he slashed out with a sword in his hand.

It is still a huge wave.

But this time, the sword fell, and the sound of the sword shattered millions of miles of sea water.

Visible to the naked eye, millions of miles of sea water seemed to contain endless sword sounds, and then the water in it shimmered, and within a breath, the water flow actually shattered like a real thing.

There is no water cut or water flow.

It is the sound of the sword covering the sea, like a sword that gathers countless unpredictable mysteries from the world, breaking up the endless stream of water.

"The collision between martial arts?" Xiao Yi frowned in the distance.

At that moment, he saw it clearly.

The sword of Supreme Sword Sovereign seemed to be simply hacked.

However, millions of miles of sea water seem to be divided into countless parts in an instant.

Everything in the world is under the laws of heaven and earth, and their composition and existence are determined.

That sword seemed to contain endless kendo mysteries, crushing all the martial arts that make up the water flow, so that millions of miles of seawater were shattered like a real thing.

"Puff." Shui Ninghan spewed out a mouthful of blood, blood-stained long gown, and a water blue dress that was so scarlet and dazzling at this moment.

"This is the first sword." The Supreme Sword Monarch said lightly to himself.


Suddenly, a rapid sound of sword ming filled the world.

"This is the old man's second sword." The Supreme Sword Sovereign exhaled slightly.


Whoosh... the world changes, only a figure that is difficult to catch in the eyes flashes by.

This sword is almost at its extreme.

This sword concealed the rays of the sun and the moon, leaving the world with only sword light.

"Quickly." Shui Ninghan suddenly shrank his pupils, only having time to sacrifice the Shui Ancestor Dao Yin body.

Can be the Shuizu Daoyin protection for a moment, and the sword arrives instantly.


The sound was soft and crisp.

The power of Shuizu Daoyin's body protection is like ‘thin paper’, which is vulnerable to a blow.

Shui Ninghan's eyes instantly froze, leaving only despair in his eyes.

This sword was enough for her to fall on the spot.

But... this sword freezes instantly.

In the distance, Xiao Yi frowned.

This sword, even if it was Xiao Yi, wondered if he could not stop it.

Even in his instant judgment, this sword, even the Invincible Monarch Realm, was enough to kill instantly.

Heaven and earth, who can stop this sword? Who can freeze this sword?

The answer is no!

Xiao Yi raised his head slightly and looked towards the sky.

Above the sky, there is space for martial arts to circulate at this moment, and three figures stand above the sky.

Three pairs of majestic eyes, like the gaze of heaven and earth.

Those are the three heavenly monarchs, the ancient Yuan Tianjun, the Beiyin Tianjun, and the Wuhei Tianjun.

Yes, no one in the world can stop this sword.

Then... three people!

The three heavenly monarchs were holding their hands imaginarily, and the three powers of the confinement of heaven and earth fell on this sword at the same time.

But even so, this sword still scored half a point.

The tip of the sword had already pierced Shui Ninghan's body for a half, and the water-blue dress was completely dyed with blood.

Shui Ninghan gritted his teeth, looked at the Supreme Sword Sovereign who was holding the sword in his hand, sneered, "It seems I don't have to wait for the third sword."

The light on the Supreme Sword Master's face turned into indifference, "The old man has more than three swords."

The sharp and unmatched eyes lifted slightly and looked at the three heavenly monarchs above the sky.

On the old face, there was an undisguised killing intent.

"Today, Tianjun blocked, Tianjun died!"


Third more.

Update today, over.

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