Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3529: The power of a sword

The words full of fierce killing intent suddenly changed the expressions of the three heavenly monarchs who were standing above the sky.

This supreme sword sect old sword sect, the threat of the first sword repairman in the world, his weight is even more pressured by their heavenly monarch level.

In particular, the Supreme Dao Sword, in a certain period of time in ancient times, was the strongest Dao-killing soldier.

In such a state, the Supreme Sword Sovereign, I am afraid that even if his master, Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, comes in person, it may not be able to stop his sword.


Hearing Shui Ninghan, who was so close to killing and cutting words, his expression changed greatly.

She didn't doubt how terrible the murderous intent of the old man holding the sword in front of her was.

There is no doubt how terrifying its combat power is now.

If she hadn't had the water ancestor Dao-yin guardian body, the treasure of heaven and earth that claimed to be able to suppress the entire endless east sea, this thing could rank against the sky even in the most prosperous years of the Emperor Realm.

I'm afraid that the old man's simple surplus of sword energy is enough to make her die instantly.

"Supreme Sword Lord." Above the sky, Gu Yuan Tianjun yelled abruptly.

Although it was violent, but the tone was obviously very jealous.

"The third sword, as long as we have received it." Gu Yuan Tianjun looked straight at the Supreme Sword Master, his ancient aura seemed like the order of heaven and earth.

"To put it bluntly, you are only at the level of the invincible monarch realm after all." Beiyin Tianjun's eyes were full of gloom, "Your combat power is ultimately only in this category."

Wu Hei Tianjun only had a cold tone, "The Supreme Three Swords is the strongest sword skill left by the Supreme Sword Emperor, and it is also the most essence in the Supreme Sword Realm."

"The last sword of these three swords, even the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign has not been able to completely cultivate and control it."

"You are so talented, you should be the best candidate for the next Tianjun."

Gu Yuan Tianjun's face was condensed, "Three Supreme Swords, you have already made two swords."

"The first sword, the Way of Ten Thousand Swords, broke through the waves condensed by mobilizing the power of the sea in the east given by the origin of the water ancestor."

"The second sword, no upper way, directly broke the power of protection given by the origin of the water ancestor."

"The third sword will be the strongest sword you can strike. It is also a sword that can only be striked once."

"Except for this third sword, no matter how many swords you make, it's meaningless."

"Get out of the sword." Bei Yin Tianjun's face was already gloomy.

"If we can't stop us, we die."

"If we can stop it, you will have no chance."

"Hurry up."

The elder Sword Sovereign's eyes narrowed, "Yes."

"The last battle has been against Gu Yuan Tianjun for half a year and there is still no victory or defeat."

"This battle is directly related to the three heavenly princes. It would be better to have a better time."


The Supreme Sword Master shook the Supreme Dao Sword in his hand, and his steps retreated.

The sword was pulled out, and a tiny blood column sprang out from the position of Shui Ninghan's heart pulse.

"Um." Shui Ninghan snorted, and his heart was secretly afraid. The second sword just now, if the three heavenly monarchs took a half-minute slower, this sword would be enough to penetrate her heart and let her fall. on the spot.


The three imprisoned forces of heaven and earth that had frozen in front of Shui Ninghan's body also dissipated in an instant.


At the same time, San Tianjun instantly fell and stood in front of Shui Ninghan.

"Shui'er, step back." Gu Yuantianjun said.

Shui Ninghan nodded, pushing his figure into the distance.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold and he waved his hand.

Bang... bang... bang...

In the distant waters, there were bursts of sound.

The Sky-Swallowing Demon Whales and countless sea beasts are still blocking the sea area behind.

Seeing this, Gu Yuan Tianjun sneered, "Sky-swallowing Devil Whale? Demon Guardian Beast, unfortunately, it has long lost its glory in the past, but now it is just a reptile."

"Why do they want to block the sea?"

"Try it?" Xiao Yi sneered.

Gu Yuan Tianjun frowned slightly, then smiled, "Hall Master Xiao Yi don't have to worry."

"After receiving the third sword of Supreme Sword Sovereign, I will care about you."


At this moment, the sword sound trembled.

The sword in the hands of the Supreme Sword Master grabbed an inexplicable momentum.

All of a sudden, the sound of the sword pierced the sky, covering millions of miles.

"Come here." The three heavenly princes, at the same time, his expression changed, his face extremely solemn.

"Huh." The Supreme Sword Sovereign took a deep breath.

The momentum of his body is rapidly diminishing.

On the contrary, the sword in his hand has doubled its momentum.

"Secret of the Heavenly Sword?" Sword Lord Jiuxiao suddenly changed his expression, ""

Heavenly sword secret method, the most mysterious and strongest sword way secret method of Supreme Sword Sect.

With the martial artist's own power, the sword in his hand can be used as a heavenly sword.

The power of the sky sword is enough to cut everything in the world.

But such a sky-defying kendo secret technique, backlash is huge.

Gu Yuan Tianjun squinted his eyes, "Knowing that the third sword can only be cut once, would you rather cast the Heavenly Sword and use up all your own vitality in an instant?"

"Be careful." Bei Yin Tianjun's eyes narrowed, "This guy is going crazy."

Wu Hei Tianjun frowned, "The sword repairer is crazy and tragic, the Supreme Sword Lord is the best."

"Master." Sword Lord Jiuxiao and Sword Emperor Chixiao gritted their teeth.

The Supreme Sword Lord's face was cold and determined, "The enmity of your three junior brothers needs to be repaid."

"If you don't report, the old man is ashamed of a teacher."

After a few breaths.

The sword sound between heaven and earth is astonishingly sharp.

The whole world was completely filled with sword sounds.

The sword in the hands of the Supreme Sword Master was terribly heavy at this moment.

The hand of Supreme Sword Master was shaking.

"Nine kills and nine kills, ten thousand kills, ten thousand swords and ten thousand ways, supreme and infinite, the third sword, the one!"

Sword fall!


Heaven and earth are the only two-tone ones.

One with sword body and one with sword hair.

The complexion of the three heavenly monarchs changed drastically, and the three monstrous dragon flames instantly condensed, forming a vast land of dragon flames in front of them.

Everything happened in an instant, but it also ended in an instant.

Xiao Yi suddenly shrank his pupils. What happened just now?

The moment when it happened and the moment when it ended were too fast, so fast that he couldn't even catch what happened.

At that moment, was the storm of sword energy passing by?

Or was a huge sky-shaking sword aura swept away?

he does not know.

But what he saw in front of his eyes was shocking enough to make his heart startled.

In front of the Supreme Sword Sovereign, the entire sky crashed directly, without recovering for a long time.

In the collapsed space, countless sharp sword aura remained in it.

Under my feet, the whole sea... No, there is a black press under my feet, and the sea has all turned into nothingness.

In front of the three heavenly monarchs, Long Yan had long since disappeared.

The majestic Heavenly Monarch before, is now so embarrassed that all three of them are on one knee and half kneeling in the air.

The clothes of the heavenly monarch on him are in tatters.

The body of Tianjun is densely covered with countless sword marks, which is difficult to recover for a long time.

The three heavenly monarchs spit out a mouthful of blood, their faces pale.

This is already seriously injured.

Three Heavenly Sovereigns were severely wounded with a single sword, and the fighting power that the Supreme Sword Sovereign broke out just now is probably in the category of the ultimate monarch realm.

No, it might be said that it was like an ice saint's rebirth, the mainland collapsed with a sword.

If that sword hadn't been resisted by the three great heavenly monarchs, it would have been like cutting a corner of the mainland.


At the same time, the law of longevity came instantly.

"Damn, it's the law of longevity again." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, a star was shattered, and a sword aura burst out.


First more.

That little friend, don't rush, don't wait, sleep when sleepy, stay up late and hurt your body.

I haven't finished coding all the chapters, just post a change first so everyone don't wait, I will try to finish the code and update it in the morning.

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