Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3538: Hui Badian

The sea to the south.

With Guiyi's cultivation base and speed, it was extremely fast to come here at full speed.

Two people, dive all the way.

At a depth of eight thousand miles under the sea, the amazing sea vortex still exists.

Xiao Yi glanced, nodded slightly, "The prohibition is still there."

"Go through and continue to dive."

Xiao Yi said, and fell into the whirlpool first.

Gui Yi swallowed first, and then quickly followed.

The sea to the south is weird and unpredictable, even if it was his ghost one, he was a little bit frightened.

But seeing the magic brake gun in Xiao Yi's hand, he was relieved again.


Twenty thousand miles to the bottom of the sea, where the area is sealed off.

Sealing the domain stone has no effect at the moment.

"Huh." When Xiao Yi saw this, Fang let out a sigh of relief, and inserted the magic brake spear back into the range of the sealed domain stone.

"Master, there is no other abnormality, right?" Guiyi asked vigilantly.

"The bottom of the southern sea has always been a mystery."

"Last time you told me that it was the evil lord of the illusion tide and the endless evil beasts. I have a little understanding."

"But I still have doubts at the same time."

"As far as I know, there are many strange things at the bottom of the southern sea."

"I guess, here, I'm afraid not only the evil beasts, but also other monsters."

Xiao Yi nodded.

In the southern sea, there have been many weird things for a long time.

Even on the east side of the sea, although there are aquariums and a large number of sea beasts, the surface is rough, but there are still traces of warriors, and there are also large cities and regions of human warriors beyond the sea.

But on the south side of the sea, there is no aqua, the sea beasts in the coastal area are weak, and the sea is calm, but there is no trace of warriors.

Extending all the way from the sea line, there is only a desolation, and there is no big city of human warriors at all.

In other words, beyond the Middle Territory, the range toward the southern sea in this direction is completely desolate.

Of course Xiao Yi also remembered what Senior Luo had said about that huge face.

That was a weird thing that even Senior Luo and the ancestors of the Shui tribe were terrified of.

Will there be other dangers on this seabed?

Maybe, but Xiao Yi is not afraid of it now.

Here, within the coverage of the Demon Flame Array, he has already comprehended and controlled the formation, and with the mobilization of the Demon Gate Supreme Demon Brasher Spear, he is invincible.

Of course, it's two things that he can stand the backlash.

However, if he is willing to pay the price of fall, even if the real Emperor Realm comes, he will only die.

"To prevent accidents, I'd better take a look."

Xiao Yi's eyes condensed, and the eyes of the lunar sun suddenly condensed.

Under the perception of heaven and earth, the entire southern seabed can be seen.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi nodded, "There is nothing unusual, the confinement stone is the same, and the magic flame array is also circulating."

In fact, he rushed to the sea to the south, just a little cautious.

The evil way space passage here had been destroyed before he left the other day.

The evil domain has worked hard for eight million years and was destroyed once.

To rebuild such a spatial channel connecting the evil domain with the normal space here, it will definitely take a long time.

Those evil beasts simply cannot appear on the seabed in the south.

The only thing he worries about is what is being sealed under the stone? When the magic brake gun was released for a short time, would it let the enclosing stone open and release some monsters?

Now it is also obvious, not.

The confinement stone and the magic brake gun are just the first layer of protection here; the real protection is the huge vortex at a depth of eight thousand miles above, that is, the magic flame array.

Demon Flame Formation is the most powerful formation of Demon Gate.

And as the big formation set by the Demon Ancestor himself, its mighty power is only stronger than that of the restriction of Huantian.

"It's okay, let's go." Xiao Yi said, sneaking up and leaving with the ghost.

Back to the depth of eight thousand miles, Xiao Yi slightly opened a large formation crack, just enough for the two to pass through, and then immediately sealed the large formation crack.

The two left, and returned to the sea.


Xiao Yi stepped on the surface of the sea lightly, looking at the turbulent sea, and was slightly silent.

He now has several pieces of confidence that can guarantee his invincibility.

A copy, self in the center of the earth, can mobilize the power of the center of the earth with the fire control ability comparable to the fire ancestor, and the combat power is equivalent to the reincarnation of the fire ancestor.

One serving is the sea over there now.

With the power of the magic brake gun and the magic flame array, he can also see the emperor realm like an ant.

However, he simply couldn't bear the power of the magic brake spear and the magic flame formation.

The last two are from the sea in the east; the sea on the east side, as the glorious place of the magic gate and the birthplace of the water ancestor, possesses the greatest magic power and water power.

One copy is the magic brake gun to the east sea. With the magic brake gun, it mobilizes the endless magic power of the east sea.

He couldn't bear this share either.

The last one is the newly obtained origin of the water ancestor, and all the ten sources are in control, and his water control ability will be comparable to that of the water ancestor.

Based on this, he can mobilize the power of the waterways in the east of the sea, and his combat power is almost equal to the reincarnation of the water ancestor.


In other words, with the magic brake spear, whether he is in the sea to the south or the sea to the east, there will be backlashes, and they will not be able to bear it.

But by relying on the origin of the fire ancestor and the origin of the water ancestor, he can have the power of the fire ancestor and the water ancestor in the center of the earth and the east sea without worrying about any backlash, which is invincible.

The magic brake gun is a foreign object after all.

And the two origins had already been swallowed and digested by the accused fire beast.

Wuhun, following the martial artist for life, is a part of the martial artist; the martial artist controls what the martial artist controls, so there is no price or backlash at all.

This is the difference.

"My lord, what are you thinking about?" Guiyi asked suddenly, interrupting Xiao Yi's thinking.

"It's nothing." Xiao Yi shook his head and chuckled, "It's just that I don't know why, I know the power that is almost invincible, but there are countless feelings of confusion in my heart."

"Forget it, don't think about it." Xiao Yi shook his head again, "Go, I have to rush back to Zhongyu."

The ghosts were stunned, "What about me?"

"The sea in the east, according to the Lord, you don't care about it anymore."

"The Supreme Sword Sovereign has been rescued, and the Scarlet Heaven Sword Sovereign has also ran away. I am not interested in following a group of magic whales."

"Although Sword Sovereign Scarlet Heaven is the same as the fellow of the Demon Whale clan, he always has a straight face, he doesn't like to talk, and is very boring."

Xiao Yi thought for a while and nodded, "In this way, you will have more time in the sea to the east."

"After you go back to the sea to the east, see if there is anything wrong and clues. With the Shui Clan, if you go and explore, you may gain something."

The ghost frowned, "Those Shui people are all trapped deep in the sea to the east."

Xiao Yi chuckles, "Just go and say hello to Jingjing."

"Anyway, my instinct tells me that I seem to be missing something. Go and see if you can get anything."

"I don't have time or interest to take care of things about the sea in the east."

"In the case of the middle domain, I still need to go back to the main hall to retreat for a few days, recover from the injury, and continue to deal with it."

"When I leave the customs, you will return to Zhongyu to help me."

"Sure." The ghost nodded.


Third more.

Update today, over.

Make up the matter and complete it within two days.

Yesterday, I made up one more and still owed three more.

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