Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3539: Return of Water Girl

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at Gui Yi suspiciously, "How can you be a little serious today?"

The ghost gave a chuckle, "Lord, do you mean that I was not serious in the past?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi joked.

"What about your mouth, ask the Sword Sovereign Chixiao who has been with you the most these days."

The ghost gave a wry smile.

The ghost shook his head, "Lord, you know the invincible power, but you are confused."

"I am gradually returning to the peak, but...that feeling, I can't tell."

As soon as the ghost took up his hand, he looked up at the sky, "When I was at the peak of the Ghost Saint of Rank Nine, I was also in the Invincible Sovereign Realm. There are many powerful people in this world."

"Although I am not an elder, I am the leader of the underworld, and I am more powerful than an ordinary elder."

"I only came to this normal world eight million years ago, but the years I have lived, from my birth to the peak of my growth, have been very long."

"It stands to reason that I should have lost a lot of sentimentality and looked down upon countless people in the world."

"But, over the past eight million years, I have grown from the weakest to the strongest again and again, and from the strongest to the weakest again, every one million years."

"I suddenly felt that these eight million years are much more exciting than the long years I have lived in the Underworld before."

"After that, during the first ten thousand years, I took the ghost two with them as my eldest brother, and I suddenly felt that these ten thousand years were more exciting than my consciously wonderful 8 million years."

"Until I met you, the lord." A smile appeared on the ghost's face. "How many years have I been with you? Ha ha, these short years have been more exciting."

"But in this wonderful experience, but I don't know when to start, it gave me unclear pressure."

"Um..." The ghost paused, then smiled bitterly again, "Master, I said, I really can't tell how this feeling is."

"I have followed the Lord and I am very happy all these years."

"I should be happy now, but derived from it is another kind of..."

The ghost was silent again and again.

"What kind of?" Xiao Yi asked.

Guiyi smiled bitterly, "I'll tell you, Lord, don't blame me."

Guiyi said earnestly, "A kind of feeling that seems to push me into the abyss, and it's overwhelming."

Xiao Yi frowned.

The ghost shrugged his shoulders suddenly, "Lord, you know, we have been involved in the mystery of heaven and earth for a long time."

"Our feeling is not without reason, but also very accurate."

Xiao Yi was silent for a while before spitting out, "Perhaps, I am a disaster star?"

After that, Xiao Yi smiled bitterly again, "Otherwise, wherever I go, I will hit a wall."

"One by one, they call me a little thief, and at the worst they call me a thief."

"In this world, everyone seems to be my enemy."

"No no no." The ghost shook his head.

"Those who call you like this are all bastards."

"You won't be a disaster star, you just feel like..."

The ghost smiled lightly, but his smile was very solemn, "Wherever it passes, endless darkness descends!"

"Come less." Xiao Yi waved his hand, "If I am in the endless darkness, I will first swallow the Heavenly Origin Realm..."

Xiao Yi's words gave a sudden pause.

Suddenly an inexplicable question came in my heart, if he really was endless darkness, would he be willing to be content?

Will he be willing to swallow the Heavenly Origin Realm? If the price is to accept this endless darkness.

"Master." Gui Yi suddenly said in a deep voice, "I derived from this feeling, it is Gui Liuhe...seems to be farther and farther away from me."

"My feeling tells me that he doesn't have much time."

Xiao Yi nodded, "In the perception of my master and servant, Ghost Six's breath has been weakened, but it is far from the point of death."

"Of course, I don't know where your feelings come from, but I will try my best."

"Go, I have to go back to Zhongyu."

The ghost nodded, and left in the air.

Xiao Yi also returned to the Central Territory.


Wind brake main hall.

Xiao Yi returned and went straight to the closed room.

The main hall master Yaozun came, felt a little bit, and then left.

Xiao Yi's injury was by no means minor, but it was not a tricky injury, Xiao Yi could treat it himself.


In the main study room of the main hall.

Senior Luo's expression was cold and indifferent, "As I said long ago, the Heavenly Origin Realm will surely reverberate and fail to keep promises."

"Back then, only you fools would believe them."

The Lord Shura frowned and said nothing.

The head of the demon hunter said in a deep voice, "It's not worth mentioning the old things before the dust."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall said coldly, "To put it bluntly, if they are within their absolute control, they can give a high promise."

"But once it gets out of control, it goes beyond their control and threatens them, they can't manage any promises, and they can only destroy it."

The head of the soul hall said in a deep voice, "Heaven Origin and Earth Realm, unlike any other forces in the world, also has a much stronger confidence than our eight halls."

"Although Tianyuan is at the center of the mainland's aura eruption, it is a special space in itself."

"They can connect the space channel to any place on the mainland and show up instantly."

A look of fear flashed across the face of the main hall of the wind brake, "Fortunately, this kid has always left behind."

The main hall master Yaozun said with an ugly face, "We can't help this kid if we are outside the middle area."

"On the east side of the sea, the surname Luo can exert the strongest combat power."

"Fortunately, that kid got a blessing in disguise this time, and got the origin of the water ancestor, and it is now his place."


A few days later.

In the closed room, Xiao Yi lightly exhaled a foul breath.

Although his injury has not healed, it has stabilized and recovered more than half.

The previous backlash that used the magic brake gun to mobilize the power of the east sea magic road, in addition to the normal injuries, was the kind of physical damage that was almost crushed.

Physical injuries are more troublesome and time-consuming.

Xiao Yi was not interested in spending all this time here, as the injury was stable and it did not affect the battle.

"It's time to leave." Xiao Yi muttered to himself and got up.


the other side.

Zhongyu, somewhere in a quaint room.

Sure enough, as Xiao Yi expected, Shui Ninghan did not stay in the Tianyuan realm, but returned to the Central Region hiding place again.

"Girl Shui is still injured." Yuan Ruoli said, kneeling on one knee.

"Just leave it to Ruoli."

Shui Ninghan chuckled, "It's not a few days since everything is done."

"I don't want any waves or accidents in it."

"I personally come back and sit down."

Naturally, her injuries were much heavier than Xiao Yi.

But she doesn't matter, she basically doesn't need to fight on her own.

"Time, I have finally been delayed." Shui Ning coldly sneered.

"In order to kill me, I have been deliberate for a long time and put the battlefield on the east side of the sea, and even the Supreme Sword Lord, Crystal and others are included."

"As a result, can't you just watch me go and can't kill me?"

"Not only couldn't kill me, but I was seriously injured, which made me hold back all these time."

Shui Ninghan's smile became more and more gloomy, "Taking my origin of water ancestor?"

"It's the same and the same after you grab it. No wonder everyone says you look like a thief, a wicked thief."

"Unfortunately, you have robbed other people's things. Others can't help you. Those fools can only give you a few hard words and give you a little trouble, but they don’t have the ability and hard spirit to really make you bloody. Compensation."

"I am different." Shui Ninghan's eyes were full of killing intent.

"You seize my origin of the water ancestor, and I will... ruin your middle domain!"


First more.

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