Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3542: Step back each?


Xiao Yi was speechless, holding a purple electric in his hand, and shot instantly.


At this moment, Shui Ninghan seemed to be prepared, and the space was distorted.

An embarrassed figure was pulled out by his throat in this way.

"Uh." The figure was obviously seriously injured. At this moment, the throat was grasped by this seemingly fibrous hand with surprising power. His breathing was not smooth, and his face was purple and black.

"Gu Feifan?" Xiao Yi stagnated.

Yes, it was Gu Feifan, the contemporary director of the Tianzang Academy who had mysteriously disappeared, who was suddenly drawn from the space by Shui Ninghan.

"Chuck." Shui Ninghan's face disappeared in an instant, and he resumed his previous chuckle.

"A few days ago, a little mouse broke into my hiding place without his own means. I naturally caught him."

"Hall Master Xiao Yi." Shui Ninghan chuckled, "The little girl has no interest in fighting you now."

"Furthermore, this is not in the heart of your earth, or in the sea in the east that belonged to the little girl that you took away." Speaking of the words'the sea in the east that was taken away', Shui Ninghan finally flashed past. Yin and cold.

"Hallmaster Xiao Yi is not the eight masters after all."

"In the Middle Territory, the Hallmaster Xiao Yi hasn't been able to kill even if he wants to kill a little girl."

Shui Ninghan smiled lightly, but looked directly at Xiao Yi for an instant, "Step back each."

"The lord Xiao Yi today retires today, and the little girl will return this famous dean Gu, who has an unlimited future."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and said coldly, "Take his life for yours?"

"Did you underestimate your killing intent in my Xiao Yi's heart or overestimate his life is too valuable?"

Within the normal world of Central Territory, no matter he or she, there is no more invincible power that destroys the world at every turn.

Yes, it will only be the normal strength battle between the warriors.

Normal fight?

In the Central Region, Xiao Yi was far more sure of killing her than in the east of the sea.

Because he is still confident, the younger generation, no one needs to look at him.

Shui Ninghan chuckled, "There is no underestimation, nor overestimation."

"It's just that Dean Huo's position in the heart of Hall Master Xiao Yi."


"In just a few days, the general order of the main hall of Xiao Yi has spread throughout the main halls of the Central Region."

"The life and death of a mere Gu Feifan is not qualified to let Palace Master Xiao Yi give you the general order yourself."

"The only possibility is that Dean Huo asks you."

"Hall Master Xiao Yi's enemies are everywhere on the mainland, and Palace Master Xiao Yi himself kills people like a numb, extremely cruel."

"But it's exactly the case. The Hall Master Xiao Yi cherishes some old guys who treat you well."

"Wonder." Gu Feifei tried to endure her injuries, and the words were squeezed from the teeth.

"I don't need him to save me. I have the ability to kill me."

"Kill you?" Shui Ning smiled coldly, "Is Dean Gu arrogant, or is he simply disgusting that Palace Master Xiao Yi snatched the girl Linlang you have always admired?"

"Oh yes, Palace Master Xiao Yi has always been used to stealing things from others."

"It's a pity that the head of Xiao Yi Hall has a good skin, but you don't have head Gu."

"Wonder." Gu Feifan's eyes were about to split.

Shui Ning smiled coldly, "Don't shout, you are the most beloved and highly expected disciple of Dean Huo."

"Don't say the little girl dare not kill you."

"Even if you dare, Dean Huo is so respected and respected, the little girl doesn't want him to send a white-haired person to a black-haired person."

"Right, Palace Master Xiao Yi?" Shui Ninghan looked at Xiao Yi, his face full of joking.

Xiao Yi frowned, her eyes narrowed tighter.

Shui Ning smiled coldly, "If the little girl guessed correctly, the Lord Xiao Yi is looking for a chance to kill with one blow."


"Since it is difficult for the Lord Xiao Yi to make a decision, it is better to help you with a little girl."

A jade pendant in Shui Ninghan's hand appeared out of thin air.

"This was found from Dean Gu a few days ago. The aura in the jade pendant is so old and strong, I want to come...hehe."


The jade pendant was crushed.

"Don't..." Gu Feifan yelled.

That is the unique forbidden jade pendant of the Tianzang Academy, and it is also the jade pendant given to him by the senior director Huo.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

Gu Feifan's life is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

If he can save it, he will save it naturally; if he can't, he won't give up this opportunity to kill the water and chill.

He couldn't wait any longer to look for opportunities, and later it changed.


Thunder and lightning surged from the Purple Lightning Sword, and Xiao Yi shot instantly.

Shui Ninghan's face changed, and his figure retreated.


A folding fan blows the cold wind.

The violent purple thunder and lightning were instantly enveloped by the yin wind.

The black wind seems to swallow thunder and lightning.


A sharp arrow came through the air, directly blocking the Purple Lightning Sword.

Xiao Yi's figure paused, "Missing Spirit Fan?"

Yuan Ruoli and an arrow corpse stood firmly in front of Shui Ninghan.

Shui Ninghan stood in the void, still holding Gu Feifan's throat in one hand, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, the monarchy triple cultivation base, I am afraid that he may not be able to beat the two powerhouses under my command."

"Two Sovereign Realms are dual." Xiao Yi frowned, but the figure didn't stop, and he walked out again with a sword.

These two people, no, should be one person, one corpse, obviously the dual-level aura of the Sovereign Realm.

This level of cultivation has already caught up with the top young generations of the Eight Sects except for the level of the Sect Master Que.

In this regard, Xiao Yi was not surprised at all, he could already feel the chilling atmosphere of the underworld from the body of this person and corpse.

The envoy has an astonishing growth rate that is even more evil.

The envoy had a leapfrog fighting ability that was far beyond the ordinary Tianjiao, and the strange and tacit understanding of this person's corpse was a perfect combination. The combat power that even Xiao Yi could not easily do.

Of course, there is only the absence of the word ‘easy’, rather than being incapable.


A **** light on the Purple Lightning Excalibur converged, and the sword's edge suddenly increased sharply.


In the air, only a **** light that was astonishingly sharp and reaching the extreme flashed by.

Sure to kill a sword.

Boom...The Beiyin Sect's lord has turned into a blood mist, there is no bones, and he died high in the sky.

Yuan Ruoli and Arrow Corpse, who were guarding the front of Shui Ninghan's body, only had time to shrink their pupils.

When the corpse of this person reacted, scoffed... a blood stain on the two of them extended from the edge of the arm to the chest, and the blood ran like water.

There was panic in Yuan Ruoli's eyes, and what happened at that moment and that flashed by was not just a **** light, but a sense of death.

An irresistible sense of death.

Intuition tells him that if it wasn't for that sword's target, he just incidentally, I'm afraid that the bloodstain would not extend from the arm to the chest, but from his throat to the heart, and the sword would die.

Yes, the goal of that sword is the cold water behind them.

However, at this moment, this mortal sword was blocked.

A vortex of sky water, swiftly flowing non-stop, as if swallowing all things, taking all the space.

The half of the blade of the Purple Lightning Divine Sword had no longer entered the whirlpool.

Shui Ninghan's pupils shrank likewise, with fear lingering in his eyes.

If it hadn't been for her to condense the sky water vortex in a hurry, then this half of the sword blade would have penetrated her throat.


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