Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3543: Dean Huo's anger

"Han Hai."

Shui Ninghan was not a general, and reacted instantly.

In the sky water whirlpool, the monstrous waves burst out wildly.

Xiao Yi drew his sword out, the figure retreated.

The space is collapsing after the storm.

Xiao Yi retreated with the sword, unscathed.

When the figure fell, the raging waves destroyed the sword.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly and scanned the front.

The evil repairmen wearing masks did not take action.

Yuan Ruoli was already vomiting blood, and his injuries were serious.

But that... that human corpse actually... the same blood gurgled.

Xiao Yi's heart was startled. It was obviously a corpse, and he had already died in the hands of Murong Lingyun and other Tianjiao in the disaster of the Demon Region.

But now...except that there is no vitality in the body, the gurgling blood, the body that moves freely and does not have a rigid body, and the muddy eyes seem to have their own thoughts. How is everything... different from a living person?

Xiao Yi's gaze finally fell on Shui Ninghan, frowning even tighter.

Shui Ninghan's combat power is absolutely comparable to the Eight Sect Masters, and even a bit stronger, only slightly weaker than him.

No matter how each has no external increase, it will take a lot of effort for him to kill her.

However, it was also because without this external factor, he had greater certainty instead.

In all directions, he was completely blocked by his flames.

His fire fighting power will also be used to block this area, Shui Ninghan has no chance of escape.


Xiao Yi raged again, and the battle revived.


In just a few minutes.

Xiao Yi was unscathed.

Shui Ninghan was already covered with sword marks, severely injured.

Xiao Yi squinted.

His normal combat power is only slightly better than her.

Representing the two sides of the game, the most enchanting Tianjiao of this time, she has countless assistance, and he has a stronger combat power.

In the East China Sea battle, he was seriously injured, and she would only be injured more severely.

He was seriously injured, and he was healed by the Jin Yan sacred fire and his own medicine alchemist.

She was seriously injured, and there was no such thing as Tianjun's law of life, but there were countless precious heavenly materials and earth treasures and heaven-defying healing elixirs that were far beyond the secular and ancient levels.

Of course, she also has more time.

When Xiao Yi's injury was not healed, but the injury was stabilized, he had to quickly clear away the evil and repair the troubles, ran across the middle of the field, staring at the dry and uncomfortable eyes of the lunar sun, and the battle continued.

She only needs to stay in a hiding place, heal her injuries easily, and then make plans. She has countless subordinates to work for her, and she does not need to fight herself.

If it were both in full strength, I am afraid that this short few minutes would be enough for Xiao Yi to kill her instead of just being wounded by the sword.


It was another minute later.

Xiao Yi still squinted, but his heart was already grinning.

He couldn't use the power of the Emperor Silver for the time being, and it had only been a few days since the East China Sea War. The power of the Emperor Silver Dragon had not yet been used again, otherwise, he would be demonized by backlash.

However, he still has Bingluan sword.

In these few minutes of fighting, the Purple Lightning Divine Sword almost caused the water to fall down on the spot.

Shui Ninghan had no other options.


On the Purple Lightning Divine Sword, this moment of **** light was astonishing.

In just a few minutes of fierce battle, the entire battlefield has been devastated, and the strength of the waterways and the sword aura are raging inexplicably.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

Must kill a sword!

Shui Ninghan was full of blood and was embarrassed. These serious injuries were already the limit.

Faced with Xiao Yi's sword, she could hardly resist it.

But at this moment, her hand, the other hand holding Gu Feifei's throat, suddenly stood in front of her.

Xiao Yi's sword stopped suddenly.

If this sword does not stop, it will first penetrate Gu Feifan's heart, and then through Shui Ninghan.


On the side of the sword, Xiao Yi suddenly retracted his sword, his eyes were full of cold eyes, but his heart was colder.

This sword will be his last sword.

Shui Ning Han, there really is no life-saving means.

Therefore, it is time to end everything.

"Bingluan sword." Xiao Yi cried out in his heart, and a breath of extreme cold was about to explode in his body.

Just at this time.


Shui Ninghan held his palm.

Tianshui whirlpool, took the lead to swallow Gu Feifan.

Gu Extraordinary body and spiritual sense disappeared in smoke at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shui Ninghan grinned, "Sorry, Hall Master Xiao Yi, you made a choice that made the little girl quite dissatisfied."

at the same time.


In the flames blocked outside, a crack was cut open.

An old man leapt in.

Ka... At the same moment, a piece of jade pendant on the old man's waist suddenly shattered.

The old man's body suddenly stagnated, and he looked at his waist with unbelievable eyes.

The old palm picked up the jade pendant, the jade pendant was shattered.

"Extraordinary..." The old man was dull for a while.

"Puff." The old man spouted out blood, his face turned pale for an instant, and his figure in the sky was unstable.

"Old Dean Huo." Xiao Yi was startled, quickly retracted his sword, and drew back to take the old man.

Boom... Xiao Yi shot it out with a palm, and the pure and vigorous vitality penetrated the old man's back.

Yes, the person here is Dean Huo.

Dean Huo took a deep breath, the qi and blood tumbling in his body calmed down, his eyes turned to the distance, Shui Ninghan's subordinate.

There, where Gu Feifan's smoke disappeared, there was still a bit of residual aura.

"Extraordinary..." Dean Huo spit out.

"Old Dean Huo." In the distance, Shui Ninghan leaned slightly, "The little girl is polite."

"The little girl is determined to keep the dean alive, but it's strange, I blame Palace Master Xiao Yi for being aggressive."

In just an instant, Dean Huo's eyes suddenly cold, with an astonishing aura, shaking back the supporting Xiao Yi half a step.

The old body and face were all sharp and cold.

Xiao Yi frowned, it was the first time he saw this old man showing such a terrifying murderous intent.

In the distance, Shui Ninghan grinned, "The respected Dean Huo showed such an angry and sad color, and even the little girl was surprised."

"I just don't know that Palace Master Xiao Yi made such a decision a few minutes ago, can you regret it?"

Shuining looked at Xiao Yi with a cold smile.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold and silent.

Dean Huo turned his head slightly and looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi still had cold eyes, "Sorry, I tried my best."

"Choose again, I still focus on killing water and cold."

"Tsk tusk." Shui Ninghan smiled jokingly, "It really fits the indifferent wording of Palace Master Xiao Yi."

"However, if I change what I have in my hands today is not President Gu who has no sympathy with him, but the guys he calls his friends..."

"I don't know." Shui Ning smiled coldly, "I wonder if the Lord Xiao Yi can still have such a cold tone, as if it was not a creature who died, but a cat or dog."

"I don't know whether the Hallmaster Xiao Yi can still be so indifferent and look like grass."

"Hey." Shui Ninghan covered his mouth and smiled, "When Xiao Yi's hall master was not full of wings, Dean Huo treated him favorably and well, and he even kept him a college student, allowing him to learn. The elders in the palace are opposed to it in many ways, and Dean Huo always rejects all opinions."

"It's just that it's also obvious that I am as arrogant as the lord of Xiao Yi. I have never been such a caregiver in these years, and I have never cared about the favor of Dean Huo."

"Everyone in Zhongyu knows these things."


Second more.

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