Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3544: Tianwei Commander

"In the past few years, Dean Huo had no choice but to let Gu Feihan take over as Dean. He was disappointed and determined."

"Now, Palace Master Xiao Yi has ruined your hope again."

"Oh, I forgot." Shui Ninghan laughed harder.

"If you can't get it, you have to grab it, and you have to do everything possible to grab it."

"I don't want what I can get, but I would rather destroy it than let others get it."

"Isn't this the style of the Hall Master Xiao Yi?"

"In addition..."

"Enough." Dean Huo roared.

So majestic, so loud like a bell, nowhere is it like an old man.

The old and icy eyes looked at Xiao Yi abruptly.

Upon seeing Shui Ninghan, the corner of his mouth grinned again.

Xiao Yi frowned, "Old Dean Huo..."

Dean Huo Leng said, "I heard that this girl in the water has great magical powers, and she expected things like a god."

"When talking and laughing, turning one's hands into clouds, covering one's hands into rain, and affirming that life is dead, everything in the world is clear."

"When I saw you today, you were forced to look like a shrew, it's amazing."

After hearing the first two sentences, Shui Ninghan was still smiling.

Upon hearing the third sentence, Shui Ninghan's smile suddenly solidified.

"Elder Huo, you..." Shui Ninghan narrowed his eyes.

Dean Huo looked at Shui Ninghan coldly, "Extraordinary, he even tracked you down, you know nothing about you as an old man?"

"The one who knows you knows that your mouth is full of black and white, but the reason lies with you."

"If you don't know you, you will always feel confident, omniscient, and reasonable."

Dean Huo took his hands, "In fact, the old man has long wanted to meet you for a while."

"Look at your eloquent mouth, clever tongue, and eloquent teeth, can the old man's state of mind that can read all the world's states also become clear."

"Unfortunately, the old man didn't see the word self-confidence now, only saw the crazy exhausted."

"I didn't see the eloquent words, only the clumsy reversed black and white."

"The miraculous water girl in others' mouths is just a little girl who seems to be forced into a dead end and does everything."

"Really remarkable." Dean Huo looked at Xiao Yi again, his face full of satisfaction.

"After a long life, the deep old fox in the city can't beat you. Why talk about a little girl?"

"It's just that the old fox will be driven into a desperate situation and will lose everything. He would rather be desperate and share his life and death with you."

"But this little girl, even if she is in desperation, she still tries her best to survive, and will never stand head-on with you."

"Old Dean Huo." Shui Ninghan clenched his fist, and his face instantly became cold.

"In this way, are you ignoring your grudge against Dean Gu?"

Dean Huo's face was cold, "Kill my disciple, how black and white are you as an old man?"

"Extraordinary died, so I will take your life to pay for it."

Shui Ning laughed coldly, and the laughter was extremely cold, "Old Dean Huo, you are a little girl...forcing me, even you are killed!"


A stream of water condensed in Shui Ninghan's hand and burst out in the sky in an instant.

The sky is full of water vapor, white and white in all directions.


In the distance, two figures turned into two streamers, and they arrived instantly.

Before the people arrived, two surging weather conditions had already pressured Xiao Yi and the others.

Xiao Yi's expression changed, "Nine levels of the Sovereign Realm, combat power at the eighth sect level?"

The two figures fell steadily in front of Shui Ninghan.

Those were two old men, but they looked like two guards who could guard the peace of heaven and earth.

"A person of Tianyuan." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"Yes." Shui Ning smiled coldly, "Before leaving the Tianyuan realm, Tianjun gave me these two help to help me sweep the middle territory."

"The two commanders of the Heavenly Guards, it was this person who killed countless Heavenly Guards outside of the Nine Desolations that day."

The two old men nodded indifferently.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and held the purple electric in his hand tighter.

Since he discovered that Shui Ninghan was hiding in the Beiyin Sect, he did not rush to show up and violently, just to seal off this area.

His fire fighting power, the seven powerful flames of the world and the dragon flame, were all used for the blockade.

Shui Ninghan had no chance to break through the blockade, and it was even impossible to send out a ‘seek for help’ notice to the Tianyuan realm.

In other words, the two Heavenly Guards had always been by Shui Ninghan's side.

However, in his previous perception of heaven and earth, there was no aura of these two people.

It proved that these two people were not in the Beiyin area, but outside the area.

"You are the ancestors of the Eight Sects." Xiao Yi stared at the two coldly.

This combat power is extremely difficult for him to deal with today.

Even with the Bingluan sword backlash, I am afraid that only these two will be forced to stay, Shui Ninghan can take the opportunity to escape.

"My warning to Bazong, how many Bazong warriors I have killed, you should also know."

Hearing the words, the two old men were unmoved.

Shui Ning smiled coldly, "Hall Master Xiao Yi doesn't have to threaten them."

"Even though they were once the martial artists of the Eight Sects, they have given up their names and their status as the Eight Sects since they entered the realm of Heavenly Origin."

"They will only be the heavenly guards of the Heavenly Origin and Earth Realm, dedicated to defending and guarding this continent."

"And murderers like you, Palace Master Xiao Yi, are precisely the existence they want to kill at any cost."

"Okay." Xiao Yi said coldly, "I see how many people can be sent to protect you from the Heavenly Origin Realm, whether they send more powerful people, or I kill fast."

At the time of the Battle of the Nine Desolations, the indifference and ruthlessness of the Supreme Heavenly King to the Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign is vivid.

These two people will listen to the order of the heavenly monarch, and will protect the water and cold with iron heart.

The voice fell.


Xiao Yi stepped in the air and stepped sideways, blocking the front of Dean Huo.

The sharp eyes always locked the two commanders of the sky guards in front, without turning back, "This flame blockade is easy from the outside to the inside, but difficult from the inside to the outside."

"I will release the blockade later, and Dean Huo will leave first."

Xiao Yi's voice was very soft.

Shui Ninghan listened in his ears and sneered, "Old Dean Huo, let's run away first. You may not be as good as the ants here when you wait for the peak cultivation of the Holy Venerable Realm."

"As for Palace Master Xiao Yi, let's take care of yourself first."

"If I didn't guess wrong, you can't get the spirit stone veins that can support your explosive power."

"Not only can you not kill me, you yourself will be buried here today."

Just as Xiao Yi judged whether she had the means to save her life, and dealt with it separately.

She was also judging Xiao Yi's explosive power.

If the combat power is still overwhelming, the two heavenly guard leaders may not necessarily need to show up, but just rise up in the dark to help her escape.

Otherwise, the two Heavenly Guards will only become the ‘nutrient’ for Xiao Yi’s growth in front of the Slaughter Kendo.

If not, self is the best, two heavenly guards command, enough to crush everything.

If Xiao Yi could be buried here, it would be best, and it would be a hundred.

So far, she can be sure that Xiao Yi will definitely not be able to produce the Lingshi Lingmai that can support his explosive combat power.

"Shoot." Shuining let out a cold voice.

The two heaven guards commanded, and suddenly violent.

"Little thief Xiao Yi, die here today." Yuan Ruoli also yelled.

"Return my junior brother's life."

Wow... bang...

With the dying spirit fan in his hand, a yin wind swept like a storm.


Third more.

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