Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3552: Evil repair, suddenly nothing

Middle domain, a certain area.

Qiang...A purple sword light flashed past.

The battle started quickly and ended extremely quickly.

Everything, as if the wind passed without a trace, nothing happened.

Only the evil corpses repaired over and over again proved that the battle broke out just now, and also proved how terrifying and terrifying that shocking sword was.

not far away.

There were also a few warriors wearing masks, standing still, not daring to take action, but not daring to escape.

They knew very well how terrifying the young man holding the purple thunder sword in front of them was.

If they act, they will die.

If they escape, nothing else is possible.

"Sure enough, there is another secret agent." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"Let's go."

Xiao Yi's palm took a virtual shot, and a force of imprisonment restrained the few people, and immediately took a virtual shot and left.


From the depths of Yuanzong, next to Mingyuan Lake.

Xiao Yi followed the law and let these people disperse the power of the underworld.

"Thanks to the Lord Xiao Yi." Several people had already taken off their masks, showing gratitude.

"In the next ancient family, Gu Shuang, he will report to Palace Master Xiao Yi for his great kindness today."

"Under Xu Jiaxu Meng..."

These few people hadn't finished speaking, but saw that Xiao Yi had disappeared, and fled away.

Xiao Yi is not interested in wasting time.

These arrogances can return to the family by themselves.

During the period before the East China Sea War, he had already done the same, saving a large number of ‘secret envoys’, to be precise the arrogance of all parties.

Therefore, after the Qin Family Tianjiao, who was the first to be rescued and returned to his family a few days ago, told the story, there will be other Tianjiao who was rescued later as evidence, and Baijia believes all of them, there is no doubt.


A few days later.

By the shore of Mingyuan Lake, Xiao Yi nodded, the coldness in his eyes eased a little.

The number of Tianjiao missing from hundreds of families and various places is probably recorded in the Eight Palaces.

If he continues at his current rate, he will be able to save more than 80% in another ten days at most.

Of course, the premise is that they are not yet evil cultivators.

Here in Mingyuan Lake, the only thing that can be done is to let the envoy get out.

"Thanks to the lord Xiao Yi..." The crowd bowed to thank you.

Xiao Yi had already left in the air.


one day later.

Middle domain, a certain area.


A sword gas flickered past.

There are still corpses all over the place.

Not far away, there are still a few secret agents wearing masks.

But this time, Xiao Yi frowned.

"You have not only the breath of the underworld, but also the breath of evil dao, you have become evil cultivation."


Xiao Yijian didn't take it, his eyes shouted killing intent.

An envoy quickly took off his mask, "Xiao Yi, you can't kill me."

"In the next Meng Family Mengxu, the son of the Meng Family elder, Meng Piao Piao is my elder brother."

"If you kill me..."

Xiao Yi interrupted coldly, "From the moment you became an evil cultivator, you should know that you will end up like this."

Xiao Yi said nothing more.


After the sword passed, several secret agents fell to the ground.


It was a few days later.

In a certain area, Xiao Yiqing suppressed all evil repairs.

Among the evil repair corpses everywhere, there are also more than a dozen secret agents wearing masks who have become evil repairs.

Xiao Yi frowned.

In the past few days, he has killed a large number of secret agents.

These secret envoys were no longer pure envoys, but not only possessed the power of the dark realm, but had also become evil cultivators.

In addition, the number of dark ambassadors has also increased.

"It's too late." Xiao Yi squinted.

His speed is fast, and the speed of the water congealing cold will not be slow.

However, Xiao Yi is now secretly puzzled.

Knowing that these secret agents would only be the corpses under his sword, Shui Ninghan actually released more and more, letting him kill?

It stands to reason that these secret agents should have shrunk up long ago.

In addition, during the past few days, he always felt that these evil cultivations seemed to do something.

No, to be precise, Shui Ninghan wanted to do something.


It was a few days later.

Xiao Yi looked at the corpses everywhere and shook his head.

Since he once again began to eliminate the evil cultivation in the Central Territory, he has killed countless evil cultivations, but the number of the assassins he killed has far exceeded the number he saved.


Wind brake main hall.

Patriarchs of the hidden family came one after another.

Naturally, all of them looked angry.

"Eight Halls, but when we are all fools?"

"Badian, as for such a cruel one?"

"In the past few years, the Tianjiao had just disappeared, and at least their lives were safe."

"Now, how long is this? In a short period of time, one after another died, each family's Tianjiao life card was broken one after another."

"Don't tell us this is not what the Xiao Yi Palace Master did."


"Eight Palace, I must give an explanation."


"Please also the Chief Palace Master to capture the Xiao Yi murderer, to prevent him from continuing to kill the Tianjiao."


For a time, there was no end to the noise in the main hall of the wind brake, and the anger continued.

"What's the noise?" The master of the wind brake stepped out calmly.

"If you have a way to restore Xie Xiu to a normal martial artist, just say it."

"If not, since the various Tianjiao have become evil cultivation, if they don't kill, they will be allowed to slaughter creatures wildly, and continue to grow into a monster that exterminates humanity?"

The main words of a group of hidden families are stuck.

Evil way, weird and domineering, once in, there is no chance to withdraw.


It was a few days later.

Xiao Yi stepped over the corpses everywhere, stepped on the land that was already red with blood, and clenched the sword.

"Half a month." Xiao Yi squinted.

"The evils in the Middle Territory have also been able to eliminate the evils."

Yes, compared to the scourge of evil repairs that broke out in thousands of regions at the beginning, people were massacred.

With Xiao Yi's continuous elimination, as time passed, the area where evil repairs broke out decreased.

So far, there are still less than dozens of regions.

In other words, at most two or three days, he can be completely wiped out.

The remaining evil repairs are no longer a climate.

If it is normal, everything should be over.

But for some reason, Xiao Yi's heart became more and more disturbed.

Above the sky, the evil spirit aura became stronger and more frightening.

"That's it, let's clear and suppress first." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

At this moment, a masterpiece of jade pendant light spread from his waist.

"Huh? Is it a messenger from the nearby main hall?" Xiao Yi's expression was startled.

Generally, messages from nearby main halls are mostly distress signals.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi left in the sky in an instant.

In just a few breaths, Xiao Yi had fallen into the nearby main hall.

However, in this main hall, the wind is calm at the moment, don't come to attack without evil.

"Master of the main hall." The person in charge of the main hall hurriedly arrived.

The person in charge of the main hall held up a pile of files, "This is the latest information, sent from the main hall, and it is an urgent report."

"According to the intelligence, the situation is suddenly something wrong."

Xiao Yi took the dossier and read it all over, with doubts in his eyes, "The evil cultivators everywhere suddenly disappeared, and the evil cultivators no longer appeared."

These days, even if one is cultivating evil in the Qing, there will always be twos and threes wandering in the area of ​​the Qing and suppression. Although it can't overcome the storm, it will always inspire something like spreading rumors.

And even today, more than 90% of evil repairs have been eliminated, but some of the remaining evil repairs are still rampant.

But now, all of a sudden disappeared?

According to Badian’s intelligence, all parts of the Central Region suddenly seemed to have never broken out evil repairs.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed, Yukong left quickly.


Xiao Yi went all the way back to the main hall of the wind brake.

On the way, whoosh... the ghost came quickly.

"Lord." The ghost looked surprised, "About half a day ago, Xie Xiu suddenly disappeared."

"I know." Xiao Yi nodded.

The ghost frowned and said, "I always feel something wrong."

"If the girl surnamed Shui is afraid of you, she will accept all evil cultivators, but she doesn't look like it."

"But the evil repair disaster suddenly disappeared. She was willing to stop, but it was obviously impossible."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I'll go back to the main hall first. You will continue to wander in the Central Territory. If you see evil cultivation, you will kill you without mercy."


Fifth more. (Make up)

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