Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3553: Endgame

Wind brake main hall.

As soon as Xiao Yi stepped down, he was already sending orders quickly, causing all the detailed information to be gathered quickly.

The main hall masters rushed around.

The main hall master's study room suddenly opened.

The master of the wind brake stepped out, "Little Xiao Yi, come."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Time is running out. Can I go after I read all the files?"

"Come first." The main hall of the wind brake master's face was stern.

Xiao Yi frowned and walked away quickly.

The eight main hall masters are all in the study.

"Whether." The master of the wind brake said displeased, "Since you have completely taken charge of the Eight Palaces, especially since you personally dealt with evil repair disasters, it seems to have separated our eight old guys."

"Let the main hall masters conceal information, we don't ask, they will not take the initiative to report."

"You look up the dossier information and would rather go to the chamber than to the study."

Xiao Yi said helplessly, "Didn't you say that you will be old-aged?"

"The wind and rain outside, I will stop."

The head of the Demon Hunter said in a deep voice, "You can naturally block light winds and showers, but violent storms, what can you block?"

"The Battle of the East China Sea, a few days ago in the Northern Hidden area, we were not there, and you suffered a great loss one after another."

Xiao Yi shrugged, "Anyway, I am now the main hall master."

The Master Palace Master Shura chuckled, "You isolated us from the whirlpool, which proves that you smell something strange."

"You are not sure."

"But you forgot, our eight old guys, even if they no longer pay attention to the affairs of the Eight Palaces, as long as they are alive for one day, they will always be inseparable from this middle domain."

"It involves the vortex of the Middle Territory. We will never be able to get away, and we will always be in it."

Xiao Yi said sternly, "In the realm of the source of heaven, the Eight Heavens Lord was in a coma, and now he is seriously injured three."

"I want to deal with them, I just have to figure it out slowly."

"It's not worth fighting for you."

"I can take a little longer to solve it."

"Really?" The main hall master of Shura smirked.

Xiao Yi nodded.

The head of the demon hunter looked at Xiao Yi directly, "But in our opinion, you obviously don't want to waste time anymore."

"You want to solve all this more urgently than anyone, including the Heavenly Origin Realm."

"Taking advantage of Batianjun's coma, four were injured and three were seriously injured. This is your best chance to calculate them, and it is also a rare opportunity."

"If the old man changed you, now the idea should not be a gradual idea, but a pot."

"The old man is right?"

Xiao Yi frowned.

This group of old foxes have never been ugly.

The main hall of the wind brake said in a deep voice, "You came back because of the abnormal changes several hours ago."

"Evil repairs everywhere suddenly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before."

"There are only two possibilities."

"One, the water girl is afraid of you, gathers the remaining power, and shrinks."

"That's obviously impossible."

"Then there is only the second possibility left..." The Master Fengcha squinted her eyes, "She is impatient."

"She wants to pull the game to the end. She wants to see the final result."

Xiao Yi's face was ugly, "I am more inclined. She has everything ready and cast a big net, just waiting for me to get in."

"I noticed it more than a month ago. She seems to have been procrastinating for time."

"Be prepared." Senior Luo left a voice of indifference.

"No matter who is in front of you, kill them all, don't keep your hands."

Xiao Yi glanced at Senior Luo.

Senior Luo was obviously referring to Mo You.


one day later.

In the courtyard.

Xiao Yi's brows were tightly frowned.

A slightly warm hand stretched out gently and smoothed it slowly.

"The son is worried about the evil repair disaster in the middle domain?" Yiyi asked.

Xiao Yi hugged Yiyi, and the two were leaning on a railing to watch the moon.

"I am worried," Xiao Yi said softly.

"Although the eight halls are elite, and the first law enforcement teams in the main halls are still patrolling."

"Detectives everywhere are also closely monitoring the situation in various places."

"But I obviously don't have much hope."

Xiao Yi's face was solemn, "The four words'violent storm and rain' spoken by the master of the Hunting Demon Hall are obviously not trivial."

Yiyi paused, "This time, let Young Master Yiyi share his worries?"

Xiao Yi chuckled, scraping the bridge of Yiyi's nose, "That's not necessary."

In the past, even if it was the disaster of two changes, Xiao Yi had not yet felt such an uncontrollable dignity or even a sense of crisis in his mind.

It's just that there is a precursor to the disaster.

Regardless of the Eight Palaces or the various forces, there will be time for preparation after all.

More importantly, under the changing world, everyone is in danger, and the swords of all parties are always facing the source of the disaster.

But this time...

There is no warning, no judgment or prediction.

I know that the storm will come, but I don't know where the wind will come from, and where the rain will gather into scorching waves.

The powerless feeling of waiting is maddening.

More importantly, a kind of violent storm is approaching, and the hardship that he will walk alone in the wind and rain after all is born spontaneously.

"All alone, the world is enemies."

"Heh, such a wonderful martial artist's intuition, am I preparing to regret the whole world?"

Xiao Yi looked up at the sky, thinking in secret.

The solemnity and despair in his eyes were well hidden, and he did not want to affect the person in his arms.

When he saw the bright moon in the center of the sky, he smiled again.

This laughter shocked people.

"Why is the son laughing?" Yiyi asked doubtfully.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "I promise, in the endless years to come, this bright moon will be bright after all, and will not be dirty."

"This day, this night, can't hide this bright moon."

Yiyi tilted his head, "Why?"

Xiao Yi smiled, "Because you like the brightness of this month."

Yiyi smiled sweetly and said nothing.


The middle area, the area of ​​the Eighteen Houses, a certain place.


The sound of the cup is very crisp.

The water girl was enjoying the tea, smiling proudly, "Is it done?"

Yuan Ruoli knelt on one knee with a smile on his face, "Miss Shui, everything is done."

"Just waiting for the water girl's order, this world will be at your fingertips."

The water girl put down the tea cup, "Years of preparation, years of planning, only waiting for this day."

"On this day, I waited for it after all, and everything was finally done."

Miss Su stood up and smiled, "Let's start."

"Yes." Yuan Ruoli led the way and left.

Miss Shui's eyes suddenly looked at one place.

Here, obviously not in the room, but in the lobby.

In the lobby, in addition to the girl Chushui, there are also a number of bound and bound figures.

"Father...oh no." Shui Ninghan smiled playfully, "According to seniority, you should call me an ancestor."

Among the bound figures, one person was actually Palace Master Shuiguang Palace.

"And all the palace owners." Shui Ninghan scanned the surroundings.


It's true that all these figures are actually the powerhouse masters and elders of the Eighteen Houses.

"Everything is about to end." Shui Ninghan smiled triumphantly.

"I will let you know how unbearable the Palace Master Xiao Yi that you have been believing in, how like a joke."

"This time, he has no chance."

"Do you still want to turn the tide and go against the sky? It will eventually be blasted into dust under the majesty of the sky, and disappear!"


Sixth more. (Make up)

Update today, over.

Tomorrow, continue to make up.

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