Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3559: Six Spirits


There was a roar, shaking the earth.

The world faded in that moment, even slightly overshadowing the evil power of the confused world.

"Dead?" Shui Ninghan smiled triumphantly, but a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

After a few interest.

The streamer scattered, the world returned to normal.

However, what I saw before my eyes suddenly shrank.

Xiao Yi, surrounded by the six behemoths, was completely unscathed.

A flame giant traverses the world, majestic as a god, and the flame on his body seems to burn the sky.

Under my feet, a flame winded out and spread all the way.

On Xiao Yi's body, the two colors of light were dazzling to the extreme, one color of purple electricity rushed, the other color of blood raging.

The sword in the hand is half dyed in two colors.

"Invincible Monarch Realm combat power?" Shui Ninghan's expression changed.

"When was the big formation laid?"


Xiao Yi was speechless and threw a punch.

The flame giant blasted towards the illusion behemoth with eight flame dragons winding around on its fists.

Fire light, strong surrounding phantom light.

Xiao Yi came out again with a sword.

To break through the one hundred and eight thousand heavenly evil formations, you can only kill Shui Ninghan first.

First kill the water and congeal the cold, then break the big formation to prevent the evil emperor from coming.

With one sword, thousands of purple swords followed.

"Lei Mie." Shui Ninghan shouted violently.

The water behemoth and the thunder behemoth shot together instantly.

The monstrous wave and the black thunder merged into a huge wave of extinction.

Xiao Yiyi was not afraid.

Thousands of swords, all purple thunder rushing, formed a sword formation by themselves, strangling the water behemoth and the thunder behemoth, including the power of the fusion of the two.

For a time, thousands of swords flew, purple thunder and lightning rushed endlessly.

"Golden pieces." Shui Ninghan both hands out.

The golden light beast and the sword light beast roared together.

The incomparable majesty of the sword light added the invincible golden light and sharpness, and it instantly became a real golden light sword aura storm, strangling Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi backhanded with a sword, "Blood Brake Slash."

Hengtian giant blade, blood-colored sharp edge, flashed by, but stopped the golden light sword energy storm.

In the distance, the blood-light behemoth had acted, but saw that the sea of ​​blood spreading across the earth had been swallowed by the winding sea of ​​fire.

Everything happens between several interest.


Between the sky and the earth, the roar continued, but it returned to peace in a very short time.

Divine Fire Vein, Ziyao Sword Formation, and Blood Demon's law, three major means will stop these six light evil spirits.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's combat power is overwhelming.

In the distance, Shui Ninghan's face was instantly ugly, "The evil spirits of the six lights couldn't kill you?"

"As expected of the Lord Xiao Yi, he never fights uncertain battles."

"If you dare to come alone, it proves that you are well prepared."

"Huh, the means to support you with the big formation? I see how many spirit stones you can consume."

"Your combat power today is even worse than that of the Nine Desolations. I want to see how long your Lingshi Ling Veins can last."

"Oh, no." Shui Ninghan seemed to think of something and smiled.

"With such a strong combat power, isn't it that Palace Master Xiao Yi intends to use it against Heavenly Sovereign?"

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity, I was the first to be forced out."

Xiao Yi's face was cold and speechless.


At this moment, he is surrounded by the Eight Chakras in one hand, and the purple electricity is clenched tightly in the other, pressing the evil spirits of the six lights.

He did come prepared.

The combat power revealed now is indeed better than when the Star Luo Destroy God Array was used outside of Jiuhuang.

However, the Lingshi Lingmai needed to consume will also far exceed.

Sword, fire, and magic are the three main paths he cultivated.

Shenhuomai, Zidian, and Gorefiend are one of his three trump cards and methods.

As long as there is enough strength to support, you can play a monstrous combat power.

As for these three large formations, they are nothing. As the head of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, there are a number of strong masters in the mainland, and the first disciple of the Demon Sect, he created a sword formation, knowing and controlling this large flame and blood. The magical array couldn't be simpler.

The formation method, as long as it fits with these three methods of oneself.

What is missing is just the array points and the spiritual veins of the spirit stone that are generally written on that day.

This preparation, he had already begun preparations half a month ago.

Lingshi Lingmai, temporarily borrowed from the Eight Halls.

The array points are his holy disc.

Contrasting Star Luo Deshen Array can only act on Sword Doo, he chose these three large arrays.

This preparation was indeed reserved for the Heavenly Lord of the Heavenly Origin and Earth Realm.

There is more than one Tianjun, and he naturally can't have a single method to deal with it.

It's just never expected that everything today completely exceeded his previous expectations.

What is about to come is not the Heavenly Monarch, but the evil emperor who can regard Tianjun as an ant, the real emperor realm.

With this endless evil power, each of the six great evil spirits derived from the Six Lights Great Array has the invincible power of the monarch realm and directly forced out his trump card.

"It's going to speed up to kill these six evil spirits and the water is cold." Xiao Yi secretly said, also secretly anxious.

He could already feel the rapid consumption of the spiritual veins on the sacred plate of heavenly secrets he carried with him.

The same is the increase of external forces, but these evil forces of Shui Ninghan are almost endless.

But his spirit stone spirit veins are running out.

Most importantly, the time left for him is quite limited.

Before the millions of evil cultivators and the vital power of this area are absorbed and consumed by the vast array of evil spirits, the formation must be broken to prevent the evil emperor from coming.

In all directions, within the large formations, the evil cultivators fell into pieces, and the power of the evil dao was continuously sucked into the evil formations for one hundred and eight thousand days.

"Break it for me." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

The body of the'evil dragon' condensed faster and faster.

Fortunately, these six evil spirits are now derived from the Six Lights Great Array, and the Six Lights Great Array is left behind by six of the 18 sages.

The evil spirits were born in the Great Array, and the strength they can bear cannot surpass the Great Array, so they are in the realm of Invincible Sovereign.

In other words, in a sense, these six evil spirits are almost equivalent to the rebirth of six wise monarchs.

However, with the same level of combat power at the same realm, Xiao Yi... is not afraid of anyone, even if the six great sages are reborn.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

On the phantom behemoth, eight flames burst in a row.

The powerful flames of the seven-color world plus dragon flames quickly burned the phantom behemoth.

Even if it is the rebirth of the magic light Xianjun, it will not match Xiao Yijin's monstrous fire control ability.

"Nine kills and nine kills, all kills are all killed."

The Ziyao Thunder and Lightning Flying Sword was instantly mysterious and unpredictable, the sword aura was flying all over the sky, and the dazzling thunder raged and raged.

The behemoth of water light and behemoth of thunder light are constantly being destroyed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Blood World."

On the Purple Lightning Sword, the blood is astonishing.

A **** storm swallowed the golden light behemoth and the sword light behemoth.

Although the sword light was cold and the golden light was sharp, it was ultimately inferior to the blood demon killing.

Blood Dao Jian Qi, known as the sharpest sword Qi.

The six evil spirits were not only suppressed, they were also destroyed at an alarming speed.

Shui Ninghan's expression changed drastically, "God and Fire, the Supreme Sword Sect's nine kills, the way of blood demon... The evil spirits formed by the martial arts of the six great sages seem so vulnerable..."

Shui Ninghan gritted his teeth and condensed Taoist mysterious handprints in his hands.

"Six spiritual phantom bodies, dreams in harmony with the heavens."


Third more.

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