Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3560: Fierce battle


The evil spirits of the six lights that had been burned, killed, and swallowed within the eight-color flames, the purple lightning sword array, and the blood demon blood world collapsed suddenly, turning into six streams of light and rushing toward the cold water.

Six monstrous powers added to the body, the breath of Shui Ninghan soared, and instantly stepped into the category of Invincible Monarch Realm.

However, it is only frozen in this category.

"Uh." Shui Ninghan snorted, with cold sweat on his forehead.

But his momentum, even back pressure on Xiao Yi a little bit.

Qiang... Xiao Yi didn't hesitate, and took the water straight away with a sharp sword.

A stream of water condensed in Shui Ninghan's hand, and the current was like a long whip, twisting and blocking the body of the purple sword.

Xiao Yi held the sword in one hand, stepped back a few steps, and walked with the sword, but it pulled the water continuously, only pulling the water into the cold.

"How long can you last in this state?" Xiao Yi said indifferently, as the astonishing thunder erupted on the purple power divine sword, colliding with the entangled water whip.

Different from the origin of the fire ancestor and the origin of the water ancestor, the origin power is controlled, but the power is adjusted, so even if the monstrous combat power is exerted, there is no backlash.

But the strength is added, but it cares how much strength one can withstand.

For example, Xiao Yi borrowed the power of the magic way to explode combat power with the magic brake gun in the sea east.

Just like now, Shui Ninghan added the power of the evil spirits of the six lights to several bodies.

"It won't be long before the evil formation will absorb all the evil powers and let the evil emperor come." Shuining smiled coldly, holding the stream whip in her hand, imposing aura.

"I can't kill you, the same is true of the evil emperor coming to kill you."

"Tsk tusk, will your one hundred and eight thousand-day evil formations be as easy to deal with as the clumsy big formation of Chilong back then? Can you even reverse everything?"


On the long whip of the current, a black thunder appeared, and the purple thunder on the Purple Lightning Sword collapsed.

"Xiao Yi, today you are defeated."

In just a few minutes, the evil repairs from all directions fell in a dense number, fearing that there were already a hundred thousand.

If you continue at this speed, even if you count the vitality of the large formation swallowing the region, it will be completely absorbed in at least one or two hours.

"Blood violent cut." Xiao Yi's eyes cold, and he let out a cold cry.

The amazing blood power fills the air.

Shui Ninghan instantly felt qi and blood surge and his momentum was unstable.

Blood appeared on the Purple Lightning Sword, so sharp that it directly chopped the long whip into pieces.

"Blood brake cut." Xiao Yi shot out with a sword.

A huge scarlet sword came out.

"Golden pieces." Shui Ninghan's figure withdrew, his hands all out.

The golden light in the left hand bursts out, and the sword light in the right hand condenses.

The golden light sword aura pouring out.


The collision of the bloodblade Yujin light sword gas storm made a violent roar.

The two cancel each other out, exhaust each other and dissipate.

The power of the evil spirits of the Six Lights was added to Shui Ninghan's body and then displayed by Shui Ninghan, and its power increased rapidly.


The remaining power of the confrontation has not been exhausted, Xiao Yi has once again stepped out of the sword, surpassing the aftermath of the **** Yu Jinguang, taking the water and freezing cold.

Shui Ninghan's face changed.

That feeling came to my heart again.

It's a kind of unmatched feeling.

Every time she confronted Xiao Yi personally, she would feel a sense of panic as if the opponent in front of her was unmatched by the **** of war.

That terrible fighting ability made her hard to imagine how terrifying this opponent was.

As it is now, it is clear that the two sides are fighting on the same level, but her breath has not stabilized yet, Xiao Yi is already able to rush away in an instant, the sword is like a dance, and the sword is sharp.

This is a terrifying sense of engagement that she has never felt before against any opponent.

"Water is overwhelming." Shui Ninghan did not retreat but moved forward, stepping out.

In the corner, buzzing... A sparkling wave of water erupted, and a huge wave poured out.

"Broken." Xiao Yi's sword front kept on, and the momentum was like breaking a bamboo. The huge wave was originally a barrier of endless spread, but he was divided by his sword along the way.

"Lei Mie." Shui Ninghan shouted violently.

The high-altitude black thunder was instantly dense, and then a million thunders poured out like the world.

Xiao Yi raised his head and glanced, his eyes bursting with light.

锵... 锵... 锵... 锵...

Ziyao Thunder's sword aura rose to the sky, and countless sword auras formed a sword formation on their own, enveloping the sky so airtight that no black thunder could penetrate the sword formation and fall.

"Golden Wind."


"Blood Lord."

"Phantom Tide."

Shui Ninghan moved his hands together.

A stream of water in his hand condenses, and the current is self-predictable, the cold light is compelling, and the sword body gathers golden light.

In an instant, a golden sword of light like water was held in his hand.

Under my feet, there was a surging water wave, without realizing it, but at this moment a touch of blood was added.

In an instant, the whole land turned into a tumbling sea of ​​blood.

At the same time, a phantom impact, using soul power as the source, like a tide, transforming into nine pure white dragons swallowing the sky and the earth.

Xiao Yijian kept his eyes cold, "Go away."

The Excalibur in the hand appeared out of thin air.

The sword appeared for a moment, and the surging soul power disappeared, and the nine pure white dragons dispersed without wind.


Above the sea of ​​blood, there was a clang.

Shui Ninghan came with a sword.


The swords collided in an instant, and made an extremely clear sound.


Above the sea of ​​blood, the two confronted each other close.


The collision with Yuwei has caused the two of them to burst into blood waves in all directions.

Xiao Yi frowned.

This sea of ​​blood under her feet was formed by Shui Ninghan with the power of the water spirit and the power of the blood spirit, and it became a battlefield belonging to her.

Both are invincible monarch realm combat strength, and both sides are in the same realm invincible category, it is difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat for a while, and the swords retreat without disadvantage.

"Blood heart cut." Xiao Yi cried secretly.

Ben's clear and sharp eyes instantly turned blood red.

Blood Heart Slash, the last of the four blood world styles, the heart is like a blood demon, without silence, no life, every move between moves, all blood world slashes, all blood violent slashes, and all blood brakes.

It wasn't how strong the Four Forms of the Blood Realm were, but this was the method that allowed Xiao Yi to explode to the fullest of his blood power.

Not only the blood power, but also his killing swordsmanship and the combat power of the blood demons.

Bloody heart slash, heart into blood demon, endless madness!


In an instant, Xiao Yi's eyes were blood red, and his aura soared. The bloodthirsty face looked like a bloodthirsty angry beast.

Long hair has no wind, and his face is ferocious.

Boom... Shui Ninghan was bombarded with heavy blows, and his figure glided thousands of miles above the sea of ​​blood.

Just waiting for her to settle down, and waiting for her, was the crazily **** sword dance, endlessly dying!


Time passed by in the frenzied battle between the two.

The evil repairs that have fallen in all directions have reached 20%.


Just at this moment, a sword sound became a little deep.

The air seems to be still.

The blood sea stopped rolling.

That blood-colored sword pierced through that Baize plain hand in an instant.

It penetrated from the palm of the palm, destroying the strength of the body, until the sword edge penetrated from behind the shoulder, and a blood was spilled.

Still, only for a moment.

Shui Ninghan blasted out of his other hand, "Six Spirits, disillusionment!"

Roar... The roar of the six evil spirits rushed.

Xiao Yi was repeatedly shaken back, the sword was drawn from Shui Ninghan's palm, blood flowed like a shot.


Xiao Yi instantly stabilized his figure, and a little blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The figure came violently again, a sea of ​​blood surged!


Fourth more. (Make up)

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