Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3561: Ghost ghost sea, Bai Zhi Ku Ling


The two swords fought instantly again.

The sound of the sword spreads in all directions, overflowing the world.

Shui Ninghan's hand was already bloodied, and it was almost destroyed.

But with a sword in one hand, he can still fight endlessly like Xiao Yi.

In this battle, the victory and defeat has obviously been pouring out.

The **** sword dances constantly, the sword sword is fierce, and the sword sword will kill.

In a short while, Xiao Yi could cut Shui Ninghan under the sword, and then began to break the formation.

On the other hand, Shui Ninghan was already pale, holding the Golden Light Sword, and was forced to retreat step by step.

"I'll be able to keep it." Shui Ninghan gritted his teeth.

In this battle, she has no retreat.

If you retreat, everything will fall short.

Whether she was acting in Shuiguang Mansion and became the first arrogant of the Eighteenth Mansion, or later incorporating tianjiao, cultivating evil cultivators, and the evil cultivating evils.

Everything is prepared for today.

She had planned for many years, and when the other Tianjiao was still a rookie, she had already wandered around.

Beginning with the cardamom years, I worked hard, and finally waited for today.

She will not allow today's failure!

"More, more." Shui Ninghan drank secretly.

The power of the evil spirits of Six Lights gradually continued to increase to her body, and the pressure had already exceeded the limit she could bear.

However, she had no choice.

Shui Ninghan's beautiful face is now looming, with twists and ferociousness.

"Today, there is no failure."

"Only you die, and I will trample mainland creatures under my feet."

Shui Ninghan's voice was crazy and harsh.

A sword blasted out, instead, Xiao Yi's fierce **** sword dance was forced back.

Xiao Yi's expression remained unchanged, only indifference on his face, bloodthirsty and craziness in his eyes.

The figure stagnated, and ran out again.

This battle is destined to be fierce!

This battle is doomed to madness!

The evil repairs that have fallen in all directions have reached 30%.

A large amount of evil power was absorbed by the large array, and the body of the'evil dragon' gradually became somewhat solid.

"Today, you will lose." Xiao Yi's voice was indifferent like a demon.


The sea of ​​blood under his feet, like listening to the order of the blood demon, rolled up.

Nine giant blood dragons moved with Xiao Yi's figure.

Starting from his heart like a blood demon, Xiao Yi has completely entered the state of blood demon.

Stepping on Jiulong, the sea of ​​blood is rolling, and the purple power is unparalleled.

Shui Ninghan gritted his teeth, "The sea is condensed by me, it's up to me."

"The blood is mine, and I should also listen to it."

"Why should I listen to you?"

Bang... bang... bang... bang...

The aura of Shui Ninghan once again soared to the limit, but a cloud of blood exploded on his body.

That kind of pressure was far beyond what she could bear.

But she did not stop.

"Nine Dragon Bound." Shui Ninghan seemed to be unaware of the pain, and he didn't even notice the blood mist on his body.

The sword of the moment, the **** sea once again stretched her hand.

The nine blood-colored dragons that Ben followed Xiao Yi's feet tumbling fiercely, surrounded Xiao Yi instead.

Nine Dragons dance wildly, devour Xiao Yi wildly.

Xiao Yi's footsteps are dotted, and the purple lightning dances in his hand, and the defense is airtight.

"Puff." Shui Ninghan spouted out a mouthful of blood, but bit his blood and drank coldly, "The blood is immortal, the golden wind is endless, and the sword is cold."

The blood dragon, which had been devouring wildly, instantly gathered a rich golden light, adding an incomparable frontal cold.

Xiao Yi smashed a blood dragon with a sword, but saw the blood dragon regenerate instantly.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi couldn't get off under the Nine Dragon Dance, as if his body was bound, fighting fiercely.

Shui Ninghan moved his hands continuously without stopping, the blood in his teeth oozes, but he didn't care.

"My strength, after all, listen to me."

"Why do you have to **** everything from you?"

"Why do you want everything, listen to the Eight Palaces."

"My father, my mother, after listening to your eight palaces, Fang died tragically."

"My Shuiguang Mansion, I believed in your eight palaces, and Fang ended up being slaughtered by me today."

"I don't listen, I don't believe it."

"Whoever listens to you, I will destroy; whoever believes in you, I want them to become evil cultivators, destroying humanity, life is better than death."

Shui Ninghan's face became more and more crazy.

The nine scarlet dragons became more and more fierce.

"Why should the life of the people in this world want my parents' lives to survive?"

"They desperately blocked the gap in the evil domain, I want to open it, hahahaha..."

"No, I not only want to open the gap, but to release the entire evil domain."

"My mother gave me eight million year-end accumulations, so I waited until today, and will eventually slaughter all the villains of your eight palaces, and the ants who are so weak that they can only rely on others to pay their lives to protect them."

"Ant, you don't deserve to live in this world, and so are you."

Shui Ninghan was already crazy to the extreme.

In the dancing of Kowloon.

Xiao Yi's face was cold and bloodthirsty.


A flame giant came into being.

God fire vein!

In the hands of the flame giant, there is a huge purple thunder sword.

Kendo and fire are blended together!


The flame giant blasted out with a sword, and the Nine Dragons were all destroyed.

The sword came out like thunder and swiftly like electricity, but it also captured the power of the powerful flames of eight colors.

The monstrous blood sea was split in half directly under this sword.

The sword power went unstoppable, with nothing to stop, taking the water and freezing away.

This sword, blasted by the flame giant, was almost at its extreme, and it was also extremely strong.

Shui Ninghan didn't even have time to evade and was swallowed directly.

After a few interest.

Everything is calm.

Shui Ninghan stood in embarrassment, with blood stains in his mouth, and his body was bathed in blood. The blood had already wetted the aqua blue dress.


Xiao Yi Jianfeng so far.

If Shui Ninghan is not dead, his sword will not stop.

Shui Ninghan was defeated in this battle.

The defeat was so thorough, so tragic!

However, there was no fear on her face, but she still showed a smirk.

"Sister Zhi, don't leave at this time, when will you stay?"

A crazy roar.

In the distance, a figure in white clothes appeared out of thin air.

It is Dongfang Zhi.

Dongfang Zhi did not hesitate, and put his hands together.

"Nine Qu Styx, ghost sea, repeated past lives, listen to my guidance!"

That is not a means, but more like... some kind of stimulus of the law of heaven.

Om... a huge Baizhi flower glowing with black light, traversing the world.

The huge angelica flower still exudes pure light, tearing the space apart.

A huge spatial passage was born from this. At the other end of the passage, there was a dark and turbulent sea.

The sea is more turbulent than the sea in the east; the undercurrent of the sea is unprovoked, even more so than the sea in the south.

It seems to be a sea of ​​heaven and earth that separates life and death.

Xiao Yi has been to that sea.

It is the land of the underworld, the sea of ​​souls!

In the billowing black sea, countless spiritual consciousness floats and sinks in it endlessly, or it can't reach the end after millions of years; or the nether water that has lasted for thousands of years does not disperse.

There are countless spiritual senses in the sea, only endless resentment, endless anger, endless sorrow, and the vastness that seems to be able to transcend the years.

The huge Baizhi flower shining through, seemed to bring hope of life.

The cold and dark glow in the flowers seems to be a bridge between life and death.

In the giant sea, the gazes of spiritual consciousness all fell on this huge Baizhi flower.

In my eyes, there is hope!

That light is the power that guides them out of this sea of ​​souls.

Wow...Boom...In an instant, endless spiritual consciousness surged out.


Fifth more. (Make up)

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