Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3572: Help connect to

Xiao Yi retreated, frowning.

This feeling is the same as before.

If you want to kill Beiyin Wuwei, you must first kill Shui Ninghan.

Now to break the big formation, you must first kill these hundreds of secret agents.

Because what he has to face and surpass is not just hundreds of figures, hundreds of warriors.

Rather, that endless means to obstruct.

That already surpassed the glorious collection of ancient martial arts, and became the biggest obstacle that lay in front of him.

What he was facing was indeed like a long river of years, which made it difficult for him to cross it by himself.

Of course, it is only difficult, not impossible.

Above the main array.

Shui Ninghan looked at Bei Yin Wuwei, who was sitting cross-legged next to him, closing his eyes and practicing, with a serious expression on his face.

"My son, don't worry."

"In any case, Shui'er will not let anyone harass you to affect you."

"Even at all costs!"

Shui Ninghan narrowed his eyes, and looked at Xiao Yi again with cold eyes.

As for the battle between Mo You and Beiyin Invincible, she ignored it at all.

Mo You, who has the origin of the sword emperor, and the increase in the holy puppet, even if he can't defeat Beiyin Invincible, he will never lose.

The only thing she cares about is Xiao Yi, the ‘monster’ who is best at creating miracles.

"A group of secret agents are enough to stop him, until the young master completely breaks through." Shui Ninghan watched the battle tightly.

Xiao Yi's sword is now against all directions.

The sword shadow is like a dance, unable to make an inch, but it is also undamaged.

However, this will not be a good result.

It is impossible for him to watch the passage of time.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, the sword in his hand suddenly changed.

Instead of blocking these hundreds of secret agents, it is better to use injuries for life, use injuries to support the main formation, and completely break the formation.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

Murong Tian's Seven Killing Sword Intent struck again, Xiao Yi did not dodge, only completely locked Murong Tian's figure.

Shit... Shit...

Two penetrating sounds sounded at the same time.

Murong Tian's sword penetrated Xiao Yi's body.

The purple electric sword also penetrated Murong Tian's heart.

"You..." Murongtian's pupils shrank, and his face was full of incredible color.

However, it was too late, and he could already notice the rapid passing of life in himself.

Until the body fell slowly, it became a corpse completely.

Xiao Yi drew out the sword on his chest, a trace of blood spilled from his mouth, but the injury on his chest healed instantly.

Immortal body!

Although it is extremely exhausting of the body's vitality, even if the injury recovers, it will bring weakness to itself.

But now this is the best way.

"Want to exchange life with injury?" Baili Hengyun sneered in the distance, "We don't want to fight you close."

"We have so many powerful people here, and it will consume you too much energy."

Baili Hengyun suddenly raised his hands.

The sand-chewing vortex suddenly regenerates, and this time it is not only condensed in the earth, but condensed in the air, condensed in all directions.

Xiao Yi frowned.


Suddenly, a thunder gun pierced through the space and arrived, and the thunder destroyed the sand.

At the same time, a dream ray lingered in the air, engulfing the sand-devouring vortex, the light dissipated, and the sand-devouring vortex disappeared out of thin air.


In the air, a **** storm and a sky-shattering sword aura arrived instantly.

The two extinguished the remaining sand-chewing vortex.


Several silhouettes flickered, and fell beside Xiao Yi.

"Asshole, don't you notice a fight?"

"I thought that the evil cultivators had finally disappeared, and fools usually wandered around in various regions."

Ran Qilei's gun was shocked, his face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi, I can always fight with you this time, right?"

"I have been looking forward to this day for a long time."

Qing Lin's face is no longer the same as that of a hooligan who is not serious, or is he more mature with the baptism of years? Now there is only a serious look on his face.

"Sorry, I'm late, I finally got rid of the elder of the family."

"I just received the news from the Eight Halls that you are here, hurry up."

Meng Piao Piao gave a chuckle, somewhat apologetic.

The last person, wearing a mask, slowly took off at this moment, looking at Xiao Yi's eyes, full of worship.

Then, he glanced around, "Why, deceive me, Senior Brother Xiao Yi?"

Only the young master of the sword domain, Lin Zifeng, would show admiration to Xiao Yi in this way and shout again.

"Four more to die." Baili Hengyun sneered.

"Four **** that is not between the first and second level of the monarch realm, dare to come here to speak out?"

Xiao Yi glanced at the four of them, and said in a deep voice, "Time is limited, a quick fight is quick."

"Yeah." The four nodded.

Ran Qi's spear shook, "We are at the monarch realm cultivation base anyway, Baili Hengyun, you have not entered the monarch realm if I read it right.

"Relying on that pile of broken copper and iron... Oh yes, holy puppet, also called skill?"

"I will let you see, what is the evil evildoer!"


The spear shook again, and a mad dragon rose into the sky, piercing the clouds and breaking the sky.

Kaka Kaka...In a short time, the sky ran away, and a giant blue beast appeared through the layers of dark clouds.

That... is a huge thunder beast.

The thunder beast's power has taken the momentum of the mad dragon through the clouds just now and turned into a shocking thunder dragon.

Thunder Dragon swooped down like thunder from the sky, devouring everything.

Baili Hengyun's expression changed, "Soul in the soul, ancient thunder beast?"

Boom... The thunder dragon fell instantly, and the power of the overwhelming thunder spread, making the whole world seem to be bathed in a dazzling thunder light.

"Humph." Baili Hengyun coldly snorted looking at himself unharmed, "It turns out that I have only the triple combat power of the monarch realm, and even my holy puppet can't be broken..."

"What if you add me?"

At this moment, in the thunder light, a sharp sword jumped out instantly.

A figure came in an instant, a diagonal split.

"Xiao Yi..." Baili Hengyun was shocked, only having time to take a step back.

Sneer...The holy puppet on his body was cut through with a sword.

If he hadn't taken a step back in a hurry just now, I'm afraid he would have been dismembered and died.

But even so, there was still a sword mark on his body that started on his shoulder and spread throughout his upper body, and he was seriously injured in an instant.

"Shoot." Ran Qi no longer hesitated, holding the Crazy Dragon Cloud Piercing Spear, and Thunder shot.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi." Qing Lin said, "I don't have as much **** as Ran Qi, but I promise that the people here can't kill me, and I can kill a few of them."

Qing Lin also shot in an instant, gathering the strongest defensive kendo and the strongest attacking kendo of the elder Yunyuan and the deacon Taboo, plus one of the ten wild beasts, the blue dragon beast martial arts, his combat power should not be underestimated.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi." Meng Piao Piao laughed bitterly, "Piao Piao dare not say how much it can help you, but it's okay to share a little pressure."

What is Tianjiao and what is evildoer?

The real Tianjiao evildoer has the power to leapfrog fighting.

The real evildoer is more dependent on the power that he can control.

These three people, all monarch realm cultivation base, completely broke out, enough to relieve Xiao Yi a bit of pressure.

Only Lin Zifeng did not move for a long time, but took a deep breath with a solemn expression on his face.

"The first time I fought side by side with Senior Brother Xiao Yi, I was a little excited, Senior Brother asked me to relax."

The voice fell.


An amazing martial arts power and sword power burst out in an instant.

It was almost a moment when the power exploded, and it instantly filled the world.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi glanced, even he was shocked.

Behind Zifeng, there was a huge phantom place. It was a place that couldn't be more familiar. There was the Sword Territory Forest of Steles, and that... his martial soul phantom.

Yes, Lin Zifeng's martial arts are actually the Sword Territory Forest of Steles. The huge sword steles are left by countless kendo predecessors from ancient times to the present, including the predecessors of Star Slashing.

In the middle, the huge sword emperor stele was extremely dazzling.

The most important thing is that there is no lack of golden light in the virtual shadows of the small sword monuments.

In addition, including the phantom of the sword emperor monument and most of the sword monuments, they are full of deep black light.

"What a terrible talent." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

Lin Zifeng's face was cold and he glanced at all the martial artists present, "If Senior Brother Xiao Yi is destined to be alone in the years, then Zifeng will accompany Senior Brother to walk side by side and break this time!"


Fourth more. (Make up)

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