Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3573: Golden Broadsword


"Star Slash." Lin Zifeng yelled, and immediately shot.

Xiao Yi glanced at Lin Zifeng and chuckled.

Just about to continue to shoot.

In the distance, Baili Hengyun still sneered, "Four more ants will be sent to death, what can we help?"

Just at this time.


The air suddenly became cold.


The snow is cold, the land is frozen!

But the snow is black.


A piece of black snow fell on Baili Hengyun's shoulder, and a blood stain was instantly drawn.

After that, the blood stains continued to flow.

"How could it be..." Baili Hengyun's face changed drastically.

A black snow flakes worthy of falling in front of him, the snow disappeared, and a figure appeared out of thin air.

A black sword flashed by.

Baili Hengyun only had time to shrink his pupils, and then... his head fell to the ground!

"He who offends the Palace Master, die!"

Surrounded by secret agents, all eyes were horrified.

"Black...Hei Xue Xia Yiming..."

The three words of Xia Yiming are obviously far more deterrent than Ran Qi, Meng Piao Piao and others.

The murderer doesn't blink, the sword must die... Xia Yiming!

"Yi Ming is late, please the palace lord to confess." Xia Yiming, as always, the sword towards outsiders, always stern and arrogant, only when facing Xiao Yi, only respectful.

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

Behind him in the distance, a group of figures flashed over.

"I'll be late and hope the palace owner will forgive me."

The people here are the envoys of Ice Imperial Palace and Ice Storm Sword Pavilion.

Xiao Yi frowned, "Under the monarchy, retreat."

In terms of cultivation, they will not be weaker than the secret agents here.

But these secret agents, there are holy puppets, and the power of the underworld, their combat power is amazing.

All the envoys, except for Lu Lingxue and Bingman, everyone else had to respond with a ‘yes’ and leaped away.

"War." Xiao Yi glanced at the three of them and snorted coldly.


On Xiao Yi, a flame giant suddenly emerged.

That is the **** fire vein.

Shenhuo pulse is a means, even if he doesn't have a sea of ​​icebergs, he can still use it.

It's just that, compared with the former ten thousand zhang giant, the power is amazing, but now it's only a thousand zhang more, and the strength of his own kendo.

Fighting with a sword in one hand; the flame giant, surrounded by eight fires, crushed forward.

On the main line.

Shui Ninghan glanced at Bei Yin Wuwei, frowning, "The son is about to break through the next level of repair."

"Until you break through the emperor realm, you must not be disturbed, otherwise all previous efforts will be abandoned."

Shui Ninghan's eyes suddenly became cold, and he glanced around, "Kill all those ants, otherwise, you will die."

The voice fell.

A handprint formed in Shui Ninghan's hand.

The holy puppets on the hundreds of dark envoys instantly burst into light, seeming to shrink a little.

The eyes of the dark envoys showed a little bit of pain at the same time, but their aura suddenly increased a little.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi, don't blame us."

"It is better to die than we die."

One by one, the eyes were mad, but perhaps, it was the fear of death.

Compared with the previous containment and siege, a group of secret agents were instantly unreserved, mad, and they seemed to have become monsters who were not afraid of death.

Xiao Yi split an attacking dark messenger with one sword.

"Useless things." Shui Ninghan gave a cold cry, "Blast."


The secret envoy who had been dismembered, including the holy puppet, immediately blew himself up.

The spontaneous detonation of the king's realm is naturally no small thing, and Xiao Yi's sacred fire giant was swayed by the impact.

"Wonder, you..." A secret envoy was finally angry.

Shui Ninghan's eyes were cold, "You know my temperament, but even your family, your relatives and friends, will be buried with you?"

"Of course." Shui Ning laughed coldly, "If Xiao Yi died first, you don't have to die, let alone many consequences afterwards."

The secret agents looked at Xiao Yi with only killing intent.

The siege became more and more fearful of death.

After his death, that time after time he blew himself up, and almost blasted Xiao Yi's divine fire giant into dispersal.

Xiao Yi frowned.

If this goes on, I am afraid that his vitality will be exhausted first.

Shui Ning smiled coldly, "What can you do with a few more ants? You will never be able to change all this."


Just at this moment, there was a roar and another explosion, and the Shenhuo giant was instantly blasted away.

The explosion of Yuwei even submerged Xiao Yi.

A secret agent, just like Xiao Yi before, crossed Yu Wei and came straight to Xiao Yi.

"Not good." Xiao Yi said secretly.

Even if he could kill the attacking secret agent in an instant, he could blew himself up in the next instant and could hurt him a lot, or in other words, it would consume more power from the Immortal Dao body.

"The Lord of the Eight Halls, it would be quite interesting to be consumed alive." Shui Ninghan sneered.

"Of course, Palace Master Xiao Yi will eventually be remembered by the mainland, but that may be notorious."

"After all, the future history will be written by myself and the son."

"Oh?" In the air, there was a sharp but cold voice.

"The old man hates writing, but with regard to Xiao Yi's history, you little girl may not be enough to comment on it."

"Let's add a sentence from the old man, Xiao Yi, the strongest sword master of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, is famous in the mainland, and he is very young, how about it?"


In the air, a sharp white sword smashed through the space.

A figure in white clothes walked out slowly.


Suddenly, a purple streamer flashed by, and instantly passed by Xiao Yi, like a gust of wind, and instantly cut the warrior in front of Xiao Yi, like a sharp sword.

The purple light seemed to be the sharpest wind in the world.

The streamer diffused, revealing a Tianjiao with purple wings.

"Flying?" Xiao Yi's expression was startled.

"Some ants came out again?" Shui Ninghan's eyes became cold and his handprints knotted, "Blast."

The warriors who dismembered the corpse at the moment, including the holy puppet, blew themselves up instantly.


A thick urn roar sounded.

A giant beast, I do not know when it will appear on the earth.

A huge palm stood in front of Xiao Yi and Qin Feiyang.

No matter how amazing the spontaneous detonation is, it can't damage the skin of the giant beast.

That giant beast, whose body is far greater than a lofty mountain, covered the clouds above its head, and its body was hundreds of thousands of miles.

"The earth-shaking sacred cow?" Xiao Yi was startled, "Iron cow?"


A white figure flickered to Xiao Yi's side.

"Senior Jian Ji." Xiao Yi said.

Yes, the people here are the Heaven Splitting Sword Fairy and the arrogances of the Eastern Region.

"Seventh peak cultivation base of the monarchy." Xiao Yi's face was shocked.

"Tie Niu and they are all in the monarchy."


Senior Jian Ji chuckled, "Boy, I'll talk to you after these things."

"Before we came, we went to lie down in your Eighth Hall. We didn't see you, but those old guys seemed to know everything here."

"Haha." Senior Jian Ji glanced at the secret agents.

"I heard those old guys say that these are the top arrogant evildoers in the middle of this time."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Except for a few people, that's right."

Indeed, this kind of hint nowadays is almost the strongest among the younger generation, except for the eight young masters such as Beiyin Wudi and Dongfang Danran.

Senior Jian Ji nodded and looked around coldly, "Why, get together to bully Xiao Yi kid, is there no one to bully me in the Heavenly Splitting Sword Sect?"

"The top heavenly arrogances and evildoers of the Middle Territory gather, there is no younger generation in the East Territory?"

"You want to get past these masked little guys and break the formation, right." Senior Jian Ji glanced at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded.

Senior Jian Ji yelled coldly, "Lin Jin, make a way out."

"Yes." A familiar voice sounded, it was Lin Jin's voice.


A golden sword rose from the sky.

Starting from the knife, that heavy force has already pressed from high to the ground, making the complexion of everyone present greatly changed.

"It's terrible gravity, it's triumphant, just relying on this gravity is afraid that it can instantly squeeze a strong monarch into flesh." Xiao Yi's face was full of shock.


The golden sword fell instantly.

The earth cracked!


Fifth more. (Make up)

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