Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3575: Mystery

Zhongyu, the area of ​​the Eighteen Houses.

Above the sky, the amazing evil power is like layers of dark clouds, covering the sky and the sun.

Amidst the dark clouds, a huge'evil dragon' stirred the firmament, and it could be clearly seen even in any place in the middle domain.

This is no longer a scene in the danger of the ‘changing sky’ in the past, where a strong person above the level of respect is needed to perceive it.

But... even ordinary people can raise their heads and see the dark clouds in the distance that the naked eye can look directly at and the huge'evil dragon'.

That kind of scene is like a scene where the world collapses and the world collapses.


Inside the main hall of the wind brake.

The main hall masters looked solemn, as if they were facing an enemy.

"What's going on?" The Master Hall Master Fengcha asked in a deep voice.

Palace Master Chengfeng replied, "Given the Palace Master, there is panic in all regions and major cities. Almost all warriors in the middle area are terrified by this huge evil power and that evil dragon."

"After all, even if it can be seen with the naked eye, the evil power in the sky above the Eighteenth Mansion is spreading outward."

The Master Yao Zun frowned, "I'm afraid not only the martial artist, but other creatures are also watching the evil power above the Eighteenth Mansion."

"I'm afraid that the evil way will eventually spread to the world, and the disaster of extinction will erupt."

Miao Shenghua nodded, "There are many rumors everywhere, and warriors everywhere are also talking in panic."

The main hall of Tang Yin said, "But you can rest assured that the main halls and branch halls have already sent law enforcement teams to announce the localities. At least, so that the warriors from all over the world don't have to worry too much."

The Master Palace Master Shura shook his head, "Such a scene, but a little familiar?"

Asura Chief Hall Master said this, he glanced at the other six people.

The head of the demon hunter chuckled, "Sura, did you mean that time decades ago?"

"The whole world suddenly fell into darkness."

"In the darkness, I even saw Qilin Rui Beast appearing in the sky."

"It was the same at the time. All the warriors in the Central Region were shocked, looking up at the sky, thinking that it was about to collapse and the mainland would fall."

The Lord Shura nodded, "The old man still remembers, that year, the grandson of Kuanglan was 12 years old."

"It stands to reason that the Tianjiao, who is directly related to the Dongfang family, should have awakened the martial soul early, I am afraid it will begin in childhood."

"But Kuanglan, this grandson, was injured due to changes in his childhood, so he has not awakened."

"The sky is endless for his Dongfang family. It coincides with the year when he was 12 years old and on this day. He began to try to awaken his martial soul, but it coincided with that dim sky and dark day."

"On that day, there was a unicorn in the Dongfang family, and the future of the martial arts road is boundless."

The head of the demon hunter chuckled, "No one knows why there is such a vision on this day, including us."

"But we can guess it too, can't we?"

"It didn't take long for us to each receive an order from the Heavenly Origin and Earth Realm, let us declare to the mainland, and only relied on the rare celestial phenomenon to justify this matter."

"In order to prevent the Central Territory from shaking, we announced the reason."

"I am afraid that as of today, not many people above Zhongyu still remember this. After all, no one will take a rare celestial phenomenon too much in his heart."

The main hall master Yao Zun said in a deep voice, "The vision of heaven and earth back then started, and today's same midfield shock ends."

"The foundation of 80 million years has been digested in just a few decades."

"Fortunately, the emperor soul fruit and all that are not in his hands, otherwise, everything will be too late."

"Huh." The head of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets snorted coldly, staring at the head of the Hall of Souls, "You are so lucky."

"Hey." The head of the Soul Palace sighed heavily.

"If the old man didn't promise Shui'er to send her back to Shuiguang Mansion, but stayed by his side; or, if I didn't hide it from you, I asked you to help teach..."

"With our ability, we will never let Shui'er embark on today's road."

"Unfortunately, everything is late, late..."

The head of the soul hall muttered to himself, turned around sadly, and left slowly.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall pouted and looked into the distance worriedly, "The old man is always worried, or..."

"Don't intervene." The main hall master of Shura looked solemn.

"If it is good for him, everything must be solved by himself."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall frowned, and there was no more words.


In the sky above the Eighteenth Mansion in the Central Region, evil ways are rolling.

Below, the range of hundreds of millions of miles was already swept by the evil wind, and the air of gloom and cold was enveloped.

In its center, a large array of evil roads is densely covered by thousands of miles.

Now, within a million miles of the main array, the intense battles among the arrogances are extremely intense.

And at the point closest to the main array, with this level of strength, it is only a matter of counting the distance between the breath of the main array... the two figures look at each other.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Even though the figure in front of him is wearing a mask, bathed in golden iron light, and wearing a holy puppet.

There is no longer the romantic and suave, vigorous spirit of the boy dressed in the past...

However, Xiao Yi always remembered the breath of this figure.

Leaf flow.

It is Ye Liu who has been missing for many years.

"Get out of the way." Xiao Yi only hesitated for a few breaths before finally spit out a word.

Ye Liu shook his head, still blocking the way.

Xiao Yi frowned, the sword in his hand paused, and his sharp eyes looked straight at Ye Liu.

"In the period after the battle of the Holy Moon Sect that year, during my travels, there was news that you were ambushed by a monster outside and died."

"I rushed to the battle site to investigate and judge you may not be dead."

"I know." Ye Liu said in a complicated tone.

Xiao Yi frowned more tightly, "Back then, when I was walking near the Qingfeng region, the mysterious person who suddenly appeared was you."

"It was you who informed me that Ran Qi and Qinglin were in danger. They were being ambushed by Xie Xiu."

Ye Liu nodded.

Xiao Yi glanced at Shui Ninghan behind him coldly, "Everything is the work of Shui Ninghan."

"What's the matter?" Shui Ning let out a cold laugh, "It's a pity, Hall Master Xiao Yi, you have an afterthought."

"Young Master Ye Liu is indeed very wise, he can tell you the news without telling me under my nose."

"After that time, I personally interrupted Young Master Ye Liu's legs, and..." Shui Ninghan's face was full of coldness and madness, "covered with a magical glaze mask, and brought him back to Ye Sheng Mansion. Palace Master Ye and Little Sister Lian Xing personally interrupted."

"Tsk tusk." Shui Ninghan grinned, "I still remember that Young Master Ye Liu didn't dare to scream even though he was in pain, for fear of shocking Palace Master Ye and Sister Lian Xing outside the Liuli Magic Cover."

"Just endure the torture like this, without saying a word, persisting for a whole hour."

"Now when I think about it, Young Master Ye Liu's face is really pleasing."

"The more he is the Palace Master He Xiaoyi, you have a deep friendship, I will treat him..." Shui Ninghan smiled coldly, "The better."

Senior Jian Ji squinted his eyes, "It's a cruel little girl."

Senior Jian Ji did not make a move, nor did he move, just blocking the water and freezing cold.

With the current battle situation and instant, blocking this nine-tiered battle force in the Sovereign Realm is the greatest help to Xiao Yi and the surrounding Tianjiao.


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