Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3576: The beginning of revenge

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

Since he determined that Shui Ninghan and Bei Yin Wuwei were related, he had already understood what happened back then.

After the battle of Shengyuezong, it was during his travels that his friends either disappeared and died, or were ambushed by evil repairs.

Everything comes from Shui Ninghan Wei Bei Yin Wuwei's revenge on Xiao Yi.

However, the time when Qinglin and Ran Qi were ambushed by the evil cultivator, Xiao Yi rushed to him because of Ye Liu's notice, and saved the two of Qinglin, and the good deeds of Shui Ninghan were broken.

After that, Xiao Yi realized that he was cautious as the water was cold and had no chance, but directly imposed these revenges on Xiao Yi.

Therefore, Xiao Yi encountered the killer ambush outside the Ice Palace.

What's more, there are sudden changes in Xiao Yi's demon domain.

Inciting Dongfang Zhi to let Diro off, so that Xiao Yi almost died in the event of the demon realm.

Leaving Master Gu Xu as a backhand, let Xiao Yi take away a group of celestial arrogances while sneaking away from the demon realm and was discovered and pursued by the demon lord.

Everything is revenge.

But everything, nothing could do to Xiao Yi.

However, every time Shui Ninghan's failure, anger, may have been exerted on Ye Liu.

Shui Ninghan noticed the changing look on Xiao Yi's face and sneered more and more, "Ye Liu, being friends with people like Palace Master Xiao Yi is the biggest mistake of your life."

Xiao Yi looked directly at Shui Ninghan with cold eyes, "Later, I also waited and watched me abolish Beiyin Wuwei."

After that, Xiao Yi retracted his gaze and looked directly at Ye Liu again.

"She was right in one sentence. Becoming good friends with me... is the worst thing in your life."

"Get out of the way."

"I personally end it all."

Ye Liu's eyes were full of complicated gazes, but in the next second, his gaze suddenly became cold and he did not give in.

"Brother Xiao, I don't blame you."

"But..." Ye Liu gritted his teeth, "In these years, since the birth of Meteor, I have never seen him, and I have not fulfilled my father's responsibility."

"In the past few years, I have never seen Lian Xing, and I haven't been a husband."

"In these years, I have never seen my father, and he has not done his filial piety as a son of man."

"So, this time, sorry."

Ye Liu's eyes were already cold, "This crazy woman, can do everything."

"This time, I dare not take any risks."


Shui Ning Hanyin smiled coldly, "Hall Master Xiao Yi has always been cruel, and regards human life like grass, what hesitated this time?"

"One sword splits Ye Liu into the dead, and he can move forward unimpeded."

"Kill him, kill this guy you used to call a good friend."

Xiao Yi ignored the cold water and still looked directly at Ye Liu.

"Sorry for this, no need to say."

"It's me instead, I should say... sorry!"

As soon as the words fell, the purple lightning in Xiao Yi's hand instantly burst.


The blood-red sword body, glowing with thunder and lightning, came out wildly.

Qiang... Ye Liu also blasted a sword out of his hand.

"Today, you and I can only live alone."

Ye Liu's combat power was far stronger than that of Baili Hengyun and others.

With the double increase of the power of the holy puppet and the underworld, a sword came out, and a long river of swordsmanship came directly.

"Seventh-strength combat power of the monarchy." Xiao Yi frowned.


The two swords collided, and Ye Liu was blasted back several steps.

This combat power can stop Xiao Yi, but it is not Xiao Yi's opponent.


Senior Jian Ji's face was cold, "The voice of your little girl really makes the elderly feel harsh."

"It's better for the old man not to let you talk with this mouth."

Qiang... a sword blasted out suddenly.

The water congealed and cold reacted extremely quickly, and the water in the palm was surging to block this sword.


As before, the nether cold air above the sword body kept freezing the water.

This is the magic weapon, Bing Bai Zhanyou.

Shui Ninghan frowned.

Senior Jian Ji frowned, it seemed that she had the upper hand, but the vast power from the sword also made her uncomfortable.

That huge force, like a huge wave, layer upon layer.

The battle between the two also started at the same time.


The battle between Xiao Yi and Ye Liu was one-sided.

Xiao Yi could not defeat Ye Liu lightly, but he kept pushing Ye Liu back, and he kept moving forward.

Seeing this, Shui Ninghan's gaze suddenly fell on several dark angels.

"What? Can you think about it?"

"If you can't stop Xiao Yi, you will die..."

Before he finished speaking, Bing... Bing Bai Zhanyou blew in an instant.

Shui Ninghan didn't care to speak, his hands were raised to block, the aura that belonged to Shui Zu Dao Yin was ancient and thick.

In the distance, several secret agents who were in a fierce battle with other Tianjiao frowned.

Boom...These several people suddenly exploded in momentum, blasting the opponents who were in a fierce battle with them.

Obviously, these secret envoys were not fully capable before.

Today, they have to do their best.

"Brother Xiao, I'm sorry." A secret agent clenched the sword in his hand and gritted his teeth.

"Although I owe you my life and I owe you some kindness, I cannot die today."

"I'm dead, that guy has a bad head and is alone. What should I do?"

A secret agent in the distance also tightened the sword in his hand and gritted his teeth to himself.

"Xiao Yi, I don't owe you anything."

"But I don't want to disappoint Master again. I die, it is better to die than you."

The two suddenly violent.

Xiao Yi had noticed these two people long ago and frowned.

Just at this time.

With a cold drink.

"Ye Blade, break through the sky!"

The space trembled suddenly.

A figure appeared out of thin air, appearing in the intensive battle without warning.

The figure is Murong Lingyun!


Murong Lingyun gave a cold cry, and blasted out a sword.

The two secret envoys leaping towards Xiao Yi exploded, the surrounding space was suddenly distorted, and the two of them were forcibly absorbed and returned to the original place.

"Su Cheng." Murong Lingyun looked at one of them, his expression obviously happy.

After waiting, Murong Lingyun looked at the other person, his face wrinkled again, "The villain Gu Feihua?"

"Bastard." Gu Feihua snorted coldly while wearing a mask, "This seat is the dean of the Tianzang Academy..."

"You don't come here." Murong Lingyun interrupted coldly, before looking at him again, his gaze fell on Su Cheng tightly.

"Nerdy." Su Cheng spit out.

Murong Lingyun's face was cold, "Okay you, I have chased you for so many years, but I have found you."

"Murong Lingyun." In the distance, Shui Ninghan shouted violently while fighting.

"It came just right, so I didn't want Su Cheng to die, so I took Xiao Yi's head."

"Otherwise, I can turn Su Cheng into ashes with a single thought."

Murong Lingyun followed the sound, "Devil?"

"Do you treat me as a fool as Murong Lingyun?"

"I believe in the nonsense of a villain like Gu Feifei and will not believe you."

"You have the ability to kill Su Cheng, and without Su Cheng's constraints on me, I will go to help the **** Xiao Yi."

"You..." Shui Ninghan's face was instantly ugly.

Sometimes, she would rather face some self-proclaimed clever talents.

Otherwise, if faced with some guys with a stubborn muscle, her words are often not very good.

"Ye Blade, Tian Ni." Murong Lingyun shouted violently.

"Is everything here that has banned you for so many years?"

"I will help you break the shackles."

With Murong Lingyun as the center, the secret agents around him were immediately imprisoned and captured.


Second more.

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