Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3577: Reappearance

In an instant, dozens of dark causes were drawn in.

With Murong Lingyun as the center, a sword formation full of sword intent and amazing killing intent became his absolute control.

"Fool, don't be stupid." Su Cheng's tone was anxious.

"Seven kills night blade state has put you under pressure, plus five kills Tianni, you can't hold it for long."

"Although Po Kong can ban emptiness, it does not imprison the body."

"You sucked these dozens of dark emissaries into the range of the night blade. Do you want to deal with dozens of top powers including me alone?"

"You are looking for death..."

"I don't care." Murong Lingyun yelled coldly, but there was a smile on his face.

"I wanted to fight you a long time ago."

"Xiao Yi." Murong Lingyun suddenly looked at Xiao Yi in the distance ahead, "I can't hold on for long."

Xiao Yi did not have a word, only nodded.

At this moment, Xiao Yi no longer had to deal with Ye Liu alone.

Although Su Cheng and Gu Feifei were stopped by Murong Lingyun, there was still another secret agent, both Jian Xiu, who stopped in front of Xiao Yi.

"This guy..." Xiao Yi fought hard against the two, and said inwardly.

This person's strength is even more powerful than Ye Liu.

The two teamed up to force Xiao Yi to no longer be able to score.

"It's you..." Xiao Yi recognized this person's sharp eyes.

It was the mysterious sword repairer who suddenly appeared outside of Jiuhuang to rescue Shui Ninghan.

This person is also a Tianjiao, but Xiao Yi doesn't remember when such a terrifying sword repair evildoer appeared in the Central Region.

锵... 锵... 锵...

In the air, the sound of swords clashing is extremely dense.

This is the battle of the three sword repairs.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Even if he fights this mysterious sword repair alone, he may not be sure to win easily.

Now, plus a Ye Liu whose strength is only weaker than him.

The two teamed up, but Xiao Yi was completely at a disadvantage.


Xiao Yi blasted out with a sharp sword, "Dawn Promise."

With one sword, the power is amazing.

However, it is not split between the two, but between the two.

The eyes of the two were shocked, but they were forcibly separated.

Boom... At the same time, there was another roar.

Xiao Yi punched out.

The eight-colored flames in the palm of the sacred fire giant are overwhelming, and seven powerful flames in the world, a dragon flame, surround the leaves.

Xiao Yi took the mysterious sword straight away for repairs.

Although they are equally strong opponents to these two people, at least they have not let them join forces.

In addition, although his Fire Dao strength and Sword Dao strength were in the middle, Xiao Yi still felt that his Kendo was even better.

Therefore, the weaker Ye Liu fought against the Shenhuo giant.

His own sword confronted this mysterious sword repair.

Fight for a few points.

The two are always in a stalemate.

Xiao Yi was secretly surprised. With his eyesight, he couldn't even tell which swordsmanship this mysterious sword repair envoy was using, or which Tianjiao was.

Where did Shui Ninghan find such a mysterious kendo evildoer?


Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something, perhaps, there was only one answer.

Fierce fighting, always at a stalemate.

Xiao Yi secretly worried.

If Ye Liu is missing, his fire and kendo strengths will come out together, or he may be defeated in a short time.

But... he couldn't kill Ye Liu.

Six Sealing Demon Swords forcibly sealed it?

Impossible, not to mention that he hasn't reached Senior Luo's level of easily confining the sky, and he doesn't have the monstrous combat power under such external force increase.

Today, he has only one Sovereign Realm triple cultivation base, the battle power of the Seventh Sovereign Realm peak.

This level of kendo combat power is due to the purple electric magic sword, and because the purple electric magic sword is the sword of kendo, it absorbs a large amount of stellar power absorbed by the spiritual pulse, which fits his kendo power.

Based on this, only this increase.

The strength of the fire road is naturally due to the increase in the eight fire cycle and the terrifying fire control ability of the current fire control beast.

From the triple to the seventh peak of the monarchy, it not only crossed the fourth, but also crossed the middle and late stages of the monarchy to reach the seventh peak of the monarchy.

Such an increase is already quite terrifying, but it is already the limit.

In the absence of external forces, Xiao Yi now can't add even half of his combat power.

With the battle power of the seven peaks of the Sovereign Realm, slightly suppressing Ye Liu's gap, it is impossible to seal him with the Six Demon Swords, unless he is willing to expend a huge amount of energy.

However, in addition to the Lan Lu in front of him, what he has to deal with afterwards is breaking the formation and Bei Yin Wuwei in the main formation.

Now that the vitality is exhausted, how to deal with it afterwards?

There were countless thoughts in Xiao Yi's mind.


After thinking about it, the swordsmanship confrontation fell slightly.

The sword of that mysterious sword repair shook the purple electricity and took Xiao Yi's throat directly.

Xiao Yi was taken aback, and only had enough time to dodge the vitals, one side of his figure.

Sneer... a sharp sword, across his shoulder, scratched a blood mark.


Senior Jian Ji fought with Shui Ninghan, but while also watching Xiao Yi's battle, he secretly frowned upon seeing this.

"What's the matter with the kid?"

On the other side, Princess Yingyue had already lost the power of the underworld, and she was also at war with a dark emissary.

Of course, almost all of Princess Yingyue's thoughts were on Xiao Yi.

"not good."

"Li Fang has gone through a big battle, and his injuries are not light, but now I am a little restless... After a long battle, I will definitely lose."

Princess Yingyue furrowed her brows, and she was also a heaven-defying evildoer, so she naturally understood what was going on with Xiao Yi's fight.

First, there was a battle with Shui Ninghan, the invincible monarch level, and ended with the exhaustion of the strength of both sides and their injuries.

The injury suffered by the invincible monarchy state is no small matter once it is under the power of the seventh peak of the monarchy.

Later, a group of secret envoys were besieged one after another, and it was not until the arrival of one by one to relieve the pressure.

During this period of time, Xiao Yi did not stop fighting and kept advancing towards the main line.

Repeated battles, coupled with serious injuries, and now against a powerful opponent, coupled with restlessness, naturally fell into a disadvantage instantly.

If you continue to fight like this, how long can Xiao Yi last?

Xiao Yi's battle is always the key to the victory of both sides.

Therefore, even though the fighting around is intensive, everyone's attention is almost entirely on Xiao Yi.

Shui Ninghan grinned, "Xiao Yi, you can't hold it for long."


Xiao Yi's sword fell into the wind, and this mysterious sword repairer took advantage of the situation and pushed Xiao Yi's sword back.

"Can't consume it anymore." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, his expression ugly.

At the same time, a trace of determination flashed across his face.


Xiao Yi blasted out with a sword, "The Promise of Dawn."

With one sword coming out, the scarlet sword shadows layered on top of each other, and the purple thunder went wild, finally stabilizing the increasingly fierce attack of this mysterious sword repair.

At the same time, Xiao Yi punched out.

The Sacred Fire Giant took Ye Liu straight away without reservation.

"Ye Liu, I'm sorry." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

In the palm of the sacred fire giant, the eight fires ran away.

Eight mad and fierce wandering dragons swallowed back towards Ye Liu.

Ye Liu had only time to shrink his pupils, and was swallowed by eight fierce fire dragons, drowning in a sea of ​​fire.

far away.

Shui Ninghan's face was startled, "Is it really a killer? As expected of the Lord Xiao Yi, so cruel, friends who used to be called brothers and sisters can actually kill the killer..."

Shui Ninghan grinned, and glanced around Tianjiao, "This is how you trust Xiao Yi..."

Before he finished speaking, Shui Ninghan's words suddenly stagnated.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Shui Ninghan's face was startled. She obviously noticed that what was glowing on Xiao Yi's face at the moment was not painful, but... a trace of pride.

"No." Shui Ninghan was shocked. In her perception, Ye Liu's breath did not dissipate at all.


In the sea of ​​fire, a figure jumped out instantly.

The figure, taking advantage of the bombardment of the eight fierce fire dragons, took the Bei Yin Wuwei on the main line at an astonishing speed and left.

Shui Ninghan's gloomy eyes scanned Xiao Yi and Ye Liu, "You two cheated me?"

"Ye Liu, you are looking for death." Shui Ninghan's face was furious.

"Miss Water." Ye Liu sneered without stopping, "Your biggest mistake is to keep me by your side for so many years."

Ye Liu was never like Ran Qi.

Not the reckless man like Qinglin or Murong Lingyun.

But Xiao Yi, a wise man.

Bei Yin Wuwei is still practicing with his eyes closed.

Ye Liu's figure had jumped into the main formation, and there was no one in the main formation at this moment, and no one could stop him.

"Dead." Shui Ninghan was shocked, ignoring Bing Bai Zhanyou's heavy bang in front of him, and only condensed his fingers suddenly.

On the main battle in the distance, the holy puppet on Ye Liu's body instantly cracked, and an aura burst out.

Yes, the holy puppet is something that is cold and watery. It is not only the ‘big treasure’ that amplifies the power of these arrogances, but also the ‘yoke’ put on these arrogances.

Shui Ninghan only needs a handprint to cause the holy puppet to explode, and the Tianjiao inside the holy puppet will be shattered.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ye Liu's figure paused and sneered, "I'm just waiting for your handprint."

Ye Liu burst out with a palm.

The holy puppet exploded.

But the power of self-detonation, there is no time to swallow him in the future, and it has already grabbed his palm in an instant.

"Ye Sheng Liujue." Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

With Ye Liu's strength, the holy puppets he could bond with far surpassed the holy puppets on any dark messenger present.

Its self-destructive power, even Xiao Yi dare not eat it defenselessly.

"The water is cold, after all these years, Laozi will pay you back." Ye Liu shouted violently.

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

The true birth and death is that no matter how much words are spoken, they are inferior to the tacit understanding between the eyes and know what the other party thinks.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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