Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3586: Recognized by Heaven and Earth

Zhongyu, the area of ​​the Eighteen Houses.

Within the power of the monstrous evil Dao, above the main formation.

Bei Yin Wuwei, seemed to be immersed in this pride.

"What are you trying to say?" Xiao Yi squinted.

"Don't worry." Bei Yin chuckled lightly, "It's your turn."

Beiyin paused for nothing, "Originally, everything should stop there."

"The Qilin fell, and the world returned to normal after a short period of dimness."

"But, not long after, the three great heavenly monarchs came to the Beiyin Palace again with a baby, and came to me."

"Tsk tusk." Beiyin Wuwei suddenly sighed twice, seeming to sigh.

"Although I was a baby at that time, under the background of 80 million years, my mind is no longer weaker than an adult warrior."

"I can see this baby, equally perfect, equally powerful, and amazingly talented."

"Although it is not as good as me, it is absolutely unique."

"Of course I can also hear the three heavenly monarchs admiring this baby, admiring his strong blood, admiring his amazing talent."

Bei Yin Wuwei stared at Xiao Yi suddenly, "You know, why are the three heavenly monarchs holding this baby in front of me?"

Xiao Yi said nothing.

Bei Yin Wuwei sneered, "The three heavenly monarchs, want to use this to increase my talents and make my foundation deeper."

"I can even swallow the vitality of heaven and earth, how can I talk about the gift of a baby?"

"Unsurprisingly, I swallowed all the blood, Taoism, and talents of this baby. This baby has completely become a waste."

"What surprised me was that this baby not only made my talents go further, but also made my foundations completely stable."

"Originally, everything ended here, and everything should stop." Bei Yin Wuwei shrugged again.

"Yes, but in a short time, a mad woman broke in."

"I still remember a woman's face as true, beautiful, and beautiful to the extreme. Even though she was crazy at the time, she couldn't conceal her face that made no creatures untouchable."

"I don't know how to describe her, her face is very cold, and her breath is also very cold."

"It's hard for me to imagine that such a beautiful woman, who is absolutely unique in the world, is as crazy as a beast."

"Her eyes fell on the baby first, and then snatched the baby in front of the three heavenly monarchs."

"After that, it is completely crazy."

"If it weren't for the three great heavenly monarchs to lead her away, I'm afraid the entire Beiyin Palace would be turned into ashes under her anger at that time."

"Even so, the three heavenly monarchs were seriously injured and almost died."

"In the end, no one knows why this woman suddenly stopped. According to Tianjun, she was clearly unscathed, only the three of them were seriously injured."

"In the end, no one knows where this woman took this baby."

"This woman and this baby disappeared completely, as if they had never appeared."

Bei Yin's words of nothingness stop here, no more words, just staring at Xiao Yi.

It's been a long while.

Beiyin Wuweifang opened his mouth again, "That baby, it's you."

"That baby, Bai Ze, is obviously just a baby, but he was born so good-looking and so handsome."

"Even after all these years, even if you are no longer a baby, I still recognize your face."

"Of course, and more importantly, you, and that crazy woman are almost made out of the same mold."

"But... so what." Bei Yin Wuwei's eyes suddenly cold.

"I don't owe you, I'll say it again, I am innocent, and I don't owe you."

"This world, and all the creatures in this world, owe my mother a life."

"Even if I swallow the vitality of the heaven and the earth, gather all the gifts of the heaven and the earth, even if I swallow everything from anyone, that's all we should."

"I just took back everything that originally belonged to my mother, and took back what you owed her."

Xiao Yi sneered, "Is that what you want to tell me?"

Xiao Yi's expression was instantly gloomy, "Keep it in mind, if you owe it, you owe it, you will have to pay it back!"

Xiao Yi's voice was extremely cold.

Beiyin Wuwei stagnated first, and then laughed loudly, "Also? Want me to pay for it? It depends on you? Hahahaha."

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth." Bei Yin Wuwei stopped laughing wildly.

"In fact, I never thought that one day, I will meet you again."

"I never even thought that one day this trash could come to me again, defeat me, and cause me countless troubles."

"Of course, perhaps, destiny always extends to the future handover because of the intersection of the past."

Beiyin clenched his fists involuntarily, "I was born with the strongest talent in the world."

"I am extremely confident, and no creature is more talented than me."

"Since I was born, I have been recognized by the world and possessed the law of time, the soul emperor of this generation of iron plates."

"What's missing is that I haven't recognized this world yet."

"I am confident that since this world recognizes me, no one can **** everything that belongs to me."

"I'm not recognizing Heaven and Earth for a long time. I just want to wait for the cultivation to become a great achievement, so as to take this opportunity to break through the emperor realm, and to recognize Heaven and Earth to become a true generation of Soul Emperor."

"But... but..." Bei Yin Wuwei gritted his teeth, "When I was 16 years old, the recognition of heaven and earth quietly disappeared."

"Even if I still retain and control the law of time, this world no longer recognizes me as the strongest talent and the strongest martial arts."

"In other words, no matter how I plan and work hard, I will no longer be able to become the soul emperor."

"I am extremely angry, but I am extremely puzzled, and I am extremely helpless."

"This sky, are you crazy? Are you blind? Who can be qualified to be stronger than me?"

"I have searched all eight cases and the Central Region, including Beiyin Wudi, Dongfang Danran, Jinluo and others. None of them are approved by the heavens and the earth, and there is no Soul Emperor aura above the Central Region."

"Initially I thought that everything would come to nothing."

"Until..." Beiyin sneered Wuwei, "Until I met and knew your existence, that encounter happened again."

"I knew it at first glance. It was you who took away my soul emperor's approval. You have the aura of heaven and earth's approval in your body."

"Of course, I am more confused and more angry."

"You are just a trash. Why can you keep blocking my way, and why can you grab my position as Soul Emperor?"

"In the end, fate arranged for us to meet, or the thief God is playing tricks on me, or the broken God is really crazy and blind."

"I still don't understand."

"However, it doesn't matter anymore." Bei Yin Wuwei shook his head, "Nothing matters anymore."

"You haven't recognized Tiandi, you are dead, and Tiandi will recognize it and return to me."

"I am going to set this opportunity, and it will only break out today with my 80 million year-end accumulation and the strongest foundation."

Bei Yin Wuweiyin smiled coldly, "Do you think I'm afraid you will stop me?"

"Everything today, I am waiting for you!"


Third more.

Update tonight, over.

Keke, the third watch last night, I fell asleep in the codeword.

After waking up, she was no longer sleepy, so today's three shifts were combined and updated.

Now that I have finished coding these six chapters, I am dizzy and go to bed...

Good afternoon, everyone!

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