Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3587: Twin Martial Spirit

"see it?"

Bei Yin Wuwei stretched his hands and scanned the surroundings.

"All of this is for you."

"Millions of evil repairs, monstrous evil formations, including calculating evil emperors."

"Of course, everything I have done in these years is for you."

"Countless creatures in the middle domain died because of you."

Xiao Yi sneered, "I remember that a fool said four words to me a long time ago, and things are like things together."

"Your mouth really matches well with Shui Ninghan."

Bei Yin sneered Wuwei, "What, don't you admit it?"

"If you hadn't appeared, hadn't you been obstructing everywhere, hadn't you taken away my approval from heaven and earth, would there be so many warriors and creatures that died?"

"I succeeded in achieving the throne long ago without many killings and sacrifices."

"I will become the hope of this world, a savior like my mother, no, I will be smarter and more brilliant than her, and I will take everything that all the creatures in this world owe her and become this world The strongest."

Shui Ninghan on one side also sneered, "Hall Master Xiao Yi used to be famously cautious, of course, now I know it is just notoriously cunning."

"You will know that you are the soul emperor of this generation, but you will not recognize it for a long time."

"You are in the Eight Halls, and you know what the eight chief hall masters think and think; you rely on the Eight Halls to monitor almost all the information on the mainland."

"You clearly know what the word soul emperor represents, and you also know the attitudes of the various forces towards the soul emperor awakened."

"Especially the birth of the first change of heaven many years ago, the soul emperor is everyone's hope."

"You know better that if you recognize the position of the Soul Emperor, you just need to raise your arms and countless forces will be your help."

"But you have resisted this ‘restlessness’. Over the years, you’d rather keep changing your identity, sneak into the dark, and accomplish everything you want in a more difficult way."

"Grabbing the Eight Palaces, frightening and conquering hundreds of families, and making this prestigious name in the Central Region."

"In terms of calculations, you are really scarier than anyone else."

"Even the eight chief palace masters whom you have so much trust in are always by your side, but you hide them from them."

"Tsk tusk, who is it despicable, Palace Master Xiao Yi, you know in your heart."

"Otherwise, do you think you can live to this day?"

The word soul emperor is indeed equivalent to mainland hope.

But this is also a crisis that is coveted by others and brings endless danger to itself.

Shui Ninghan's face was cold.

If the eight main hall masters knew about this early, she would have learned from the soul hall main hall masters back then.

Of course, before this Xiao Yi Hallmaster was still full of wings, the Heavenly Origin Realm could end everything.

No matter which point, everything will be extremely easy for her, without causing countless waves.

"Of course, no matter what you do, everything will be over today." Shuining smiled coldly.

The two faces of Xiao Yi and Bei Yin Wuwei were just half a step apart, and suddenly they faced each other.

It seemed to have spanned decades, and finally brought together the two immature faces of the year.

It's just that, compared to the immature, naive, and ignorant of the past, one is cold, determined, and mature, and the other is cold, cold, and proud.

"I'm really curious about why your trash can grow up again."

"Curious why you can cause me so many troubles."

"It's even more curious, why you trash can take away my recognition from heaven and earth."

"But, it doesn't matter anymore. When you die, everything is back on track."

Bei Yin Wuwei said coldly, with a cold smile on his face, expectation and madness, and what he constructed was an extremely hideous face.

In his hand, that sharp sword of Yin Han condensed out of thin air, a sword that stabbed Xiao Yi's heart heavily.

Xiao Yi frowned.

"The son." From afar, Yiyi exclaimed.


A pure moonlight appeared out of thin air, and then broke out, instantly flooding the Yin Han sword and Bei Yin Wuwei.

In the distance, Yiyi's eyes were cold, his killing intent was awe-inspiring, Xushe's palm was about to clenched, completely purifying everything in the moonlight...

However, Yiyi's palm was shaking, unable to hold it tightly.

"Scattered." Above the main array, there was a cold voice.

The large tracts of pure moon light dissipated instantly.

Bei Yin Wuwei, who had been flooded by the pure moon light, was completely unscathed.

"Forbidden." Beiyin let out a cold cry.

In an instant, a pure moon wheel appeared above Yiyi's head.

The huge white moon wheel will be imprisoned in an instant.

"How could it be...Jingyue Moon Wheel." Yiyi's face was startled.

"Your worried son, if you were calling me, how good it would be." Bei Yin Wuwei shook his head and chuckled.

To be more serious, Bei Yin Wuwei's hands was actually a round of condensed moon.

That... is the pure moon light.

At the same time, the spirit of martial arts was also glowing.

Yes, Qilin Ruimon is just one of the Wuwei spirits of Beiyin!

Jingyue is his second Wuhun.

Beiyin Wuwei is also a twin martial soul!

"Twin Martial Soul."

Xiao Yi and Yiyi uttered an alarm at the same time.

"Broken." Yiyi reacted from surprise in an instant, the clear moon light surging in his hands, trying to break the clear moon above his head.

However, the power of the pure moon in her hand is actually deepening the power of the pure moon and paddle wheel.

"It's useless." Bei Yin chuckled indifferently.

"My perfect body, with 80 million years of experience, you are inferior to me in terms of power control."

"The moon-cleaning ability you are best at has just become my greatest strength to imprison you today."

"You know." Beiyin turned around involuntarily and took a step forward unconsciously. In his eyes, there seemed to be no more world, only Yiyi alone.

"Jingyue ability is my mother's ability..."

Yiyi interrupted in a cold voice, "That is the ability under the Jingyue Crown."

Bei Yin Wuwei shook his head, "Below the Jingyue crown, it has already fallen in the ancient years."

"The self-purifying moon crown has fallen, and no creature in the world can awaken and control the ability of the moon."

"Only my mother is the only one in my endless years."

Yiyi said coldly, "Holy Moon Tianjun..."

This time, Bei Yin did nothing but interrupted coldly, "Your Holy Moon Sect's Holy Moon Heavenly Monarch's ability to purify the moon was given by my mother."

"In those dim years, the world only knew that the ancient emperor broke through the dimness with the dawn bell, ushered in the dawn, and awakened the first bell in the dark earth."

"But anyone knows that before the bell of dawn, it was my mother's Pure Moon Paddle who took the lead to disperse all the darkness on the dim firmament."

"The last pure pure moon really broke through the darkness, and it was also the first pure moon that hung high in the sky, giving the dark earth a bright guidance, and then the bell of the breaking dawn spread across the nine days and across the continent.

Bei Yin's Wuwei tone was inexplicably excited.

But after the excitement, it was the gentleness that he tried to show under the pressure.

"Except for my mother, you are the second person who has awakened the ability of the pure moon in endless years."

"I saw you for the first time..." Bei Yin Wuwei's eyes were full of affection and tenderness.

"You are like my mother, a stupid woman, beautiful, gentle, innocent, pure and flawless..."


First more.

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