Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3607: The snake wins the dragon, or is it the dragon at all

Xiao Yi frowned, "I haven't decided yet."

"According to the rules of the Eight Palaces, we, the Eight Palaces, do not interfere in the disputes of various forces, and the only targets are the Evil Monarch Mansion and Xie Xiu."

"But now that these million warriors have no evil powers, they are no longer evil cultivators."

The master of the wind brake frowned, "It's a trouble."

The main hall of the demon hunter said, "You can tell me what you think."

Xiao Yi shrugged, "I don't care."

"Either follow the palace rules, or...

As soon as the voice fell, the faces of the surrounding warriors changed drastically.

Since their evil powers were absorbed and consumed by the big array, they had no combat power and could only sit weakly, and they have remained until today.

The meaning of that sentence is a hundred, obviously it is to kill them clean.

The Master Fengcha frowned and said, "They are no longer evil cultivators now."

"Even if they did commit a felony, you have to be a murderous name."

"Of course, that's all, and no one will dispute this."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "I said, I don't care."

The master of the hunting demon hall thought for a while, his face was solemn, "Since this evil repair disaster, countless forces, sects, or families have flowed into it."

"This uproar should be over."

"Since they are no longer evil cultivators, the Eight Palaces is no longer a choice that must kill them."

"This time there are enough killings in the Central Region. There is no need to add unnecessary casualties."

The Master Palace Master Shura on the side also nodded, "Among these millions of martial artists, most of them have new faces, evil cultivators newly cultivated by Shui Ninghan."

"The last time they cooperated with countless evil beasts to slaughter creatures wildly, they did not participate."

"Among them, although there are no martial artists in our eight halls, there are many demon hunters and windshields in each hall."

"Some, even those who responded to the edict in the last evil repair, have merit."

The main hall of the wind brake said in a deep voice, "If it hadn't been for Shui Ninghan's intimidation and temptation, they wouldn't have ended up as evil repairs."

"They have no choice between falling and becoming an evil cultivator."

Yes, the evil repair disaster swept across the entire middle region last time.

That time, after Xiao Yi issued the edict of the mainland, the warriors of all parties should order to eliminate the evil repairs and evil beasts in the entire middle region.

Xiao Yi was directly in the southern area, all the way to eliminate the evil repairs in the southern area.

Since that day, there have been very few evil repairs on the mainland.

Now these millions of evil cultivations were all cultivated by Shui Ninghan later.

The Master Yaozun sighed, "Xie Xiu has always been notorious, and warriors know that once they enter their way, there is no chance of turning over."

"Those who are willing to take the initiative to become evil cultivators are those who either have blood and deep hatred, or there are always some cause-ridden people who want to quickly gain strength at all costs."

"These, after all, are a minority."

"If there is a choice, who would be willing to be the evil cultivator that will never recover."

"If there hadn't been this unreasonable disaster, they would still be a genius, a famous warrior."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I don't have any comments. Regarding the rules of the palace, the main hall masters are more familiar than me, so you can decide."

The head of the Demon Hunter nodded and scanned the surroundings, his expression majestic and solemn, "The casualties of the warriors in the middle area are big enough."

"Eight Halls, there is no need to see unnecessary bloodshed."

"Now you are no longer evil cultivators, but you have your own choice."

"But remember, capital crimes are forgiven, but living crimes cannot escape."

"After returning to my own region, family, and sect, I went to the main halls and branch halls of various places, and truthfully reported my participation in these days."

"The Eight Palaces have their own screening and judgment, and they are handled according to the Palace Rules."

The warriors of the Quartet, as if they were amnesty, bowed their weak bodies and bowed, "Thanks to the main hall master."

Xiao Yi shook his head and said nothing.

When he traveled all over the world to clean up the evil spirits, he did hear a lot of words about killing for the sake of strength.

But at that time these warriors had already become evil cultivators, and their minds were affected by evil ways.

But in fact, as the Master Yao Zun said, there are very few people who are willing to be evil cultivators unless they are forced to die.

The Quartet Martial Artist said with shame, "I am waiting to report my sins truthfully, and there is no fluke, and I will live up to the pardon of the Chief Hall Master today."

One by one, the warriors also began to leave.

at this time.

Next to Xiao Yi, there were only eight Chief Hall Masters, Yiyi, Princess Yingyue and Xia Yiming.

Xiao Yi turned around and walked to the corpse of Yin Wuwei and Shui Ninghan to the north.

A few steps away from the two corpses, Xiao Yi's eyes of the Taiyin Sun suddenly condensed.

In the eyes of the lunar sun, there is nowhere to escape.

These two people had already lost their vitality, and their spiritual consciousness disappeared.


Xiao Yi began to absorb the martial souls of the two.

This is the reason why he didn't let Bei Yin Wuwei take away Bei Yin Wuwei's body.

Two corpses, but three martial souls, Qilin Martial Spirit, Jingyue Martial Spirit, and Liuli Magic Cover Martial Spirit.

The three are all black grades with golden light, and the degree of detachment is at least 70%.

After a long while, the three martial arts powers were all absorbed.

Xiao Yi glanced inwardly, and the golden light on the fire-controlling beast inside his body became richer.

But nothing else has changed much.

Moreover, when absorbing these three martial spirits, the fire-controlling beast in his body did not move, and there was no expected agitation.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was slightly puzzled.

In fact, the eyes of the lunar sun have always been the effect of absorbing the power of the martial soul, but not the effect of absorbing the power of the martial soul.

Wuhun ability and Wuhun power are two different things.

What the eyes of the lunar sun had absorbed had always been Wuhun power.

In the impression, the Fire Control Beast had only four huge changes and four violent changes.

Once, in the Demon Dragon Cave, the power of the Dragon Clan belonging to the ancestor of the Demon Dragon was absorbed.

At that time, the fire-controlling beast was only darker in color of the black grade, and then it had stronger fire-controlling ability and had long wings on its back. As well as adding extremely strong wind protection ability, and the teeth become sharp, even the magic weapon can be crushed in one bite.

The second time, the Dongfang family absorbed the Qilin Wuhun power of Dongfang Qilin.

At that time, the fire-controlling beast's horns turned into a golden detachment, controlling the Qilin Thunder, and possessing the world's strongest lightning control ability.

The third time, the origin of the fire ancestor was absorbed in the heart of the earth.

At that time, the upper body of the fire-controlling beast, including its teeth, was completely golden and detached, and directly controlled the dragon flame perfectly.

The fourth time, it was on the East China Sea, taking the origin of water ancestors.

At that time, the fire-controlling beast had more golden and detached parts, and somehow obtained the strongest water-control ability in the world.

Speaking of which, four changes and four restlessnesses are all controlled by new abilities.

But this time, the Fire Control Beast was not agitated, unable to increase, but the light golden light aggravated it a bit.

In other words, for the Fire Control Beast, the absorption this time only absorbed the power of the martial soul.

Even if Xiao Yi absorbed other martial arts, as long as there were more, it was worth the gain this time.

Xiao Yi was secretly disappointed.

But at the same time, suddenly suddenly.

What the Fire Control Beast really needs is not just martial spirit power, but... ability!

It had already absorbed the power of the Qilin Martial Soul and acquired the ability; therefore, it absorbed the Martial Soul again this time without any change.

And the abilities of the Jingyue Martial Soul and the Liuli Magic Cover Martial Soul are obviously not as good as the abilities of the Qilin, Fire Ancestor, and Water Ancestor, and cannot reach the category of controlling the agitation of the Fire Beast.

In other words...

Xiao Yi couldn't help but feel a terrible thought.

What Fire Control Beast really wants is not only ability, but also...the strongest shares in this world.

The eyes of the lunar sun can only absorb the power of the spirit, not the ability of the spirit.

How does the Fire Control Beast obtain these abilities?

Is it possible that Fire Control Beast has these abilities from the beginning? Just need these powers that have these strong abilities to inspire?

The master hall masters looked at Xiao Yi's frowning and confused expressions, and asked, "What?"

Xiao Yi couldn't help but spit out, "Fire Controlling Beast, really is the weakest and most useless monster in this world?"

"I feel that this is no longer the detachment of the snake and the dragon, is the dragon at all."


Third more.

Update today, over.

Two days ago, it was only updated in advance, but I did not delay the update today.

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