Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3608: Bloodline, degeneration?

"Is it a dragon at all?" The head of the Demon Hunter frowned and muttered to himself.

The head of the demon hunter glanced at everyone else, including Senior Luo.

This is of course just a metaphor.

The snake is also better than the dragon, and the dragon is also a metaphor.

"Do you mean degenerate?" The head of the demon hunter finally looked at Xiao Yi and asked.

Xiao Yi nodded, then shook his head, "I can't tell."

Palace Master Shura held up his hand and said solemnly, "Monster beast, because of its thin blood, it will be degraded."

"Just like the ten wild beasts, the descendants of the bloodline, because of the spread of bloodline, have given birth to weaker descendants."

"Like the Blood Kaluo, the next one is the Kaluo clan."

"Xue Jialuo is one of the ten wild beasts; but the Jialuo clan is just an ancient overlord family; they are very different from each other."

The head of the Demon Hunter said in a deep voice, "The ten wild beasts, unique creatures belonging to the heavens and the earth, no matter whether the blood of their descendants is weak or not, it is impossible but the second same wild ten beasts."

The Lord Shura nodded, "Just an example."

The Master Palace Master of Asura looked at Xiao Yi and said, "It is also like Thunder Beast, once the ancient overlord Monster Beast, among the monster clan ranks, the Thunder Beast clan is almost one of the strongest clan under the Ten Wild Ten Beasts. Up."

"Once upon a time, the territory of the Thunder Beast clan was a fierce land that ordinary emperor realms dared not set foot on."

"Can still remember that little Leijun you killed after the demon domain changed."

"Little Leijun's main body Thunderhorn Beast is the blood descendant of Thunder Beast."

The head of the Demon Hunter nodded, "Such examples are not rare."

"The ancient clan that was once strong for a while, with the passage of time, the blood became thinner and degenerated into a monster clan that was not as good as before."

"Of course, this period must have passed an extremely long time."

"It's the same with our human beings." The main hall master of Shura added.

"The ancestors of the eight sects are all in the emperor realm, and they are also the most powerful emperor realm in that ancient time."

"But their offspring are not as good as one generation."

"The blood of the Emperor Realm has become thinner as the years go by."

Xiao Yi touched his chin, "It's probably what the Fire Control Beast gave me."

"The bloodline power is still there, but the bloodline power is far from insufficient."

"Obviously it should be a bunch of scarlet and dazzling high-grade blood, but it is as thin as fresh water, and there is no trace of blood in the white."

"No." Xiao Yi frowned again, "It's not exactly this feeling, it seems that something is missing."

"Anyway, it's not just this **** feeling."

"And, if it is really due to blood, then what is the ancestor of the Fire Control Beast?"

For monsters, blood is power.

So for the beast spirit, the power is naturally pure ‘soul power’.

Wuhun power is not only the constitutional power of Wuhun, but also its ability to exert its power.

Xiao Yi said, looking at the main hall masters.

Those older things, naturally these eight old people know better than him.

However, the eight old people shook their heads together.

Including the demon hunting master hall master who is most familiar with monsters, he only said in a deep voice, "Speaking of which, in the records of our eight halls, including the records left by the first generation master hall masters, there is no control of fire beasts. origin."

"Perhaps, no one cares what the Fire Control Beast is."

"This is the weakest monster that can be seen in ordinary deep mountains and wild forests, and even the average jackal beast can chase it everywhere."

"A mortal boy who has forged a body with a little aura of heaven and earth can kick him into the air."

"No one will go deep into their ancestors."

"They only have fire control specializations, other than that, they have no special features, nor do they control any special flames or special abilities."

"The flames that spew out are just ordinary fires."

Yes, fire-controlling beasts do not control any special flames, just like ordinary fire monsters, they control the most common flames.

But because of its weak strength, the most common flames that it sprays are also so weak that it can only be used for burning wood.

The Master Hallmaster of the Hunter looked at Senior Luo.

Senior Luo shook his head, "The old man doesn't know either."

"But..." Senior Luo seemed to think of something, frowning suddenly.

"How?" Xiao Yi asked.

Senior Luo said in a deep voice, "I didn't realize it in the past, but now speaking, the fire-controlling beasts are quite old."

"No, not only is it quite old, it is extremely old."

"As far as the old man knows, let alone 80 million years of ancient times, it seems that the fire-controlling beasts existed in the ancient years before this."

Senior Luo's face suddenly showed a little shock, "Speaking of which, the appearance of the Fire Control Beast is even earlier than some ancient races."

"Before some ancient races were born, before they were recorded, the Fire Control Beast was already the weakest monster known on the mainland."

"It stands to reason that this weakest monster beast should have been extinct in Hanoi over the years."

"In the vast world, even many ancient tribes have become extinct. These fire-controlling beasts still exist, and they are still full of mountains and plains. You can see a lot of them if you look for a deep mountain or forest."

Everyone thought about it for a while, but still had no idea.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.

"Fine." The main hall master of Shura said in a deep voice, "Your fire beast control spirit is strange."

"Guild with wings and horns."

"We haven't seen this look."

"Perhaps, one day you will solve the answer yourself."

Xiao Yi nodded, "It can only be so."

"Master." Suddenly, a figure leapt from a distance.

It is Ghost One.

As soon as the ghost fell, his face was full of anger, glaring at his surroundings.

"How?" Xiao Yi let out a startled cry.

The ghost said angrily, "You ask these eight old things."

"A few hours ago, I wanted to come to the Lord to help you. Before I came, I went to the main hall of the wind brake. Good fellow, these eight old things suddenly violently attacked and trapped me with the help of their main hall. "

"I had known that I would not go to the main hall of the wind brake. I will follow you directly with the perception of the master and servant."

"No, I took advantage of these eight old things to leave the main hall of the wind brake, no one controls the large array, we rushed to break the array."

Xiao Yi was surprised at first, and then suddenly.

It's no wonder that since the fighting broke out, there has been no one to see the ghost.

Now, not long after the eight main hall masters had just arrived, the ghost arrived on the back.

"Big Brother." Not far away, Gui Liu shouted excitedly, tears in his eyes.

"Ghost Six." The ghost didn't care about glaring at the main hall masters, and hurriedly flashed to the front of Ghost Six.

Ghost Six was indeed caught by Shui Ninghan and became a secret agent, but now he is unharmed, waiting outside the main formation with Xia Yiming.

at the same time.

On the dry ground in the distance, there was a slight noise.

A figure seemed to move a bit.

Xiao Yi looked at the sound, his eyes were cold.


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