Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3632: Body and spiritual consciousness are all broken


Xiao Yi turned his head and said with a smile, "What last words? The main hall of Yaozun is still alive, so what nonsense?"

Smiling, but the smile was so stiff that anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was forcibly squeezing out.

The master hall masters sighed, no one said anything.

Xiao Yi's smile became more rigid, and in the next moment, it turned into gritted teeth and self-confidence.

"In my perception, although the main hall master Yaozun is extremely injured, his vitality is not weak to the point of death."

"With my ability, as long as a person is not dead, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be saved."

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and slowly stretched out his hand a few inches in front of the old man.

He has the Golden Crane Holy Flame, the strongest healing sacred fire in the world, stronger than Yaojun’s Yaosheng Fire.

Perhaps the state of the old man is very special now.

However, with Jinhe Shengyan, it should be possible to save the life of the old man.

After that, it was a big deal to go to the Huo Clan and **** Yaojun's Yaosheng Fire.

Yaojun's medicine is the best at curing these special injuries.

Xiao Yi's hand stretched forward slowly.

Behind him, the heavy words of the main hall master of Asura came again.

"He does have vitality, but vitality is only temporarily stored in every part of his body."

"If you touch it, he will disappear in an instant, and his life will be exhausted."

Xiao Yi's hand froze.

The Master Palace Master Shura sighed, "Let's take a look with your own essential ability."

Xiao Yi's eyes flashed, his left eye was lunar, and his right eye was the sun.

All things in the world, under these eyes, the essence is fully displayed.

Xiao Yi looked at the old man closely.

At this moment, Xiao Yi was also completely stunned and completely understood.


Xiao Yi staggered back a few steps, his face was full of shock and disbelief.

Under the gaze of his lunar sun, the old man who was originally unobstructed by the naked eye is now full of cracks.

Yes, it is like a mirror with many cracks and a statue with countless cracks.

With a touch, it will be instantly fragmented and divided into countless pieces.

Xiao Yi's body trembled, "The flesh...the flesh completely collapsed."

It doesn't matter to the naked eye.

In fact, every piece of flesh is already separated.

The cracks between the flesh and the flesh are very small, too small to be seen by the naked eye, and even normal martial artists cannot perceive them.

But in the eyes of the lunar sun, everything is unfolding.

The whole body has numerous cracks.

Is this still a body?

It seems that vitality still exists, but in fact, it is separated in every piece of skin and flesh that has been separated.

"How... how could it..." Xiao Yi's face was full of incredible expression.

Do not believe that there will be such a strange situation.

Even more disbelief, that old man... actually appeared in his eyes like this, it is very likely... to disappear in an instant and leave him forever.

"Oh." The head of the Demon Hunter sighed heavily, "The old man is always reluctant to talk, and he is also neat and free."

"Boy, what do you want to tell him, let's talk now."

"After all, give him a good time."

"Not only did his physical body collapse, but his spiritual consciousness also collapsed, and then the smoke disappeared, completely annihilating the world."

"Impossible...Impossible...Impossible..." Xiao Yi was a little crazy, but he suppressed the madness, for fear that if he moved a little bigger, the old man in front of him would completely disappear.

At the same time, on the other side, the Hallmaster of Yandian had already reduced the sigh and complexity on his face, leaving only complete anger and sadness.


The martial arts went back and flowed at an astonishing speed.

Although this level of battle, most of the space martial arts will be destroyed in the battle.

But the complete picture before the battle, the sporadic pictures during the battle, and the complete picture after the final battle are enough to make people guess the complete matter.

In just a few breaths, the main hall master of Yandian watched all the scenes from the occurrence of the abnormal change to the outbreak and the end of the battle.

The head of the Yandian Hall was angry, "Liu Hanjiang, the old dog in the ancient world, the birdman in the airspace, and the three big monsters."

"Liu Hanjiang." The expression of the main hall master of the hunting monster was extremely cold.

The master of the previous generation of hunting monsters, his master, was seriously injured because of the collapse of a part of his body because of the power of the Holy Moon for Liu Hanjiang.

Although the cause of the fall was not due to this, it was also inseparable from the injury left by the incident.

Xiao Yi also looked back at the martial arts in a few breaths.

"Is that...?" Xiao Yi's gaze fell on the black bead on the top of the old man's head.

"Budo relics? Immortal relics?"

"Yes, there is also the undead relic. Observing the breath of this undead relic, it is clearly in good condition."

"The immortal Dao body of the peak level, when the power is not exhausted, no one can kill you."

The Master Palace Master Shura said in a deep voice, "Outsiders can't kill him, but if he wants to die, it's another matter."

The main hall of the wind brake is a bit sad, "boy, let him go more comfortable."

"You should know what intense pain he is suffering in this state."

The flesh is fragmented, as if glued to each other, it is even more painful.

Spiritual consciousness is the most fragile, and the pain is a hundred times more intense than the physical body.

"He has been waiting here, never falling down, just waiting for you to come, see you, and then completely dissipate in your hands."

"Why?" Xiao Yi said with a cold face, clenched his fists, and looked directly at the old man, with sorrow and blame.

The old man did not move, only his eyes looked up slightly, "The undead relic is the refuge left by the old man."

"As you judged, this undead relic..."

"I don't need it." Xiao Yi interrupted coldly, his face completely cold, even glaring at the old man.

"Tell me, what is going on."

"I don't believe that there is no way to save you."

"What's the matter?" the old man asked.

"Your body is broken now." Xiao Yi said quickly.

"Haha." The old man smiled complacently when he heard the words, "It seems that even though you have cultivated Bajue over the years, you never thought of using Bajue as your path to the Emperor Realm.

"It also seems that the decision made by the old man today is correct."

"Boy." Behind him, the main hall master of the hunting monster suppressed the cold color on his face.

"If you can't make it, the old man will come."

"What do you want to ask, then go back to the main hall and talk to you slowly."

"Now, give him a good time, otherwise, do you still have to suffer this torture if you want him to die?"

"Even if you don't touch him, within an hour, his physical body will no longer be able to hold, and will automatically disappear."

The head of the demon hunter took a step forward.

"Give him joy..."


A sharp sword radiating purple thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air in Xiao Yi's hand.

"Let me see who dares." Xiao Yi turned his head coldly, and it was already a demonic face that was far colder than ever before.

"Heh." The old man smiled knowingly.

He knew that the boy in front of him, how cold his face was, how angry and blaming his eyes were, how sad and painful he was.

Xiao Yi turned back.

The old man was stunned when he looked at this face, which was obviously young but more mature than anyone else.

For some reason, he seemed to be able to feel that the young man in front of him was bleeding in his heart, and he was suffering a hundred times more painful than the physical collapse he had suffered now.


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