Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3633: I just want you to live

"what happened?"

Xiao Yi glared at the old man, gritted his teeth, almost bleeding.

The old man chuckled, "Didn't I tell you about it a long time ago, Ba Jue, each one can become a separate cultivation system and a separate road to martial arts."

"Since he is alone, he can naturally be distinguished from our normal cultivation level."

"The old man's cultivation is indeed only the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm, and his normal strength is only about the same."

"But the old man's undead relics belong to the peak level of the Sovereign Realm."

Xiao Yi frowned, looked at the old man, perceiving it carefully all the time.

At this moment, suddenly.

"Your martial arts golden pill is exhausted." Xiao Yi squinted.

"What you mean is that you have been cultivating to the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm, so you stopped practicing martial arts."

"Therefore, I opened up another martial art path in my own body, specializing in the immortal Dao body, and also had this immortal relic."

The old man replied, "Yes, this is the particularity of Bajue."

"A long time ago, the old man was already at the pinnacle of the Holy Venerable Realm."

"The old man's methods and martial arts are all in this category."

"The complete martial arts controlled by the old man is indeed only more than 90,000, but not 100,000."

Venerable state, also known as the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways.

The realm of the monarch, also known as the holy monarch of Harmony, is the beginning of one hundred thousand martial arts.

"But after the Supreme Holy Realm peaked, the old man stopped practicing."

"Therefore, this undead relic is condensed within the body of the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm."

"This undead relic, the old man spent six million years training."

"It has never been an ordinary martial art relic equivalent to the first-tier martial artist of the Sovereign Realm. It has been at the pinnacle level of the Sovereign Realm until now, even surpassing the martial art relic of the eighteen sages."

The martial arts sacred pill is unique to the martial artist of the noble state, and those who reach the pinnacle will have the martial arts pill.

The martial arts relics are unique to the monarchy.

In other words, the main hall master of Yaozun is a special martial artist who has the peak cultivation base of the saints, but possesses the martial art relic of the peak of the monarch.

The old man continued, "As you can imagine, the old man is only at the peak of the Saint Venerable realm. If he uses the power of this martial arts relic, it will be like."

"Holy Venerable Realm peak cultivation base, Sovereign Realm peak strength is added."

"The consequence is naturally that the body is completely crushed."

"Used on weekdays, within a few minutes, there is no big problem."

"Once it is exceeded, this huge force will completely crush the body, which is the current situation."

Xiao Yi frowned and glanced at the martial arts relic.

Indeed, judging from the breath of this martial art relic, it is stronger than the martial art relic of the eighteen wise monarchs.

Such a huge force is pressed on a saint-venerable martial artist, and the consequences can be imagined.

There is a huge gap between the monarch realm and the holy noble realm.

Normally, the monarch realm is the existence of the seckill holy sovereign realm.

Not to mention that it is now the peak of the Sovereign Realm, directly crossing an absolute realm.

"Why don't you step into the monarchy?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "Six million years are enough for you to achieve this cultivation goal, not just this martial arts relic."

The old man replied, "This old man is the only step away from the monarch realm."

"But once you step into the monarch realm, the power of this whole undead relic will turn into the strength of the old man's cultivation after stepping into the monarch realm."

"The whole undead relic will be completely abolished."

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "I mean, why don't you cultivate normally, like me, still cultivating the Bajue, but step by step through the normal realm and step into the monarch realm, to the first and second realm of the monarch , And even the peak of the monarchy in the future."

The old man blurted out, "Because the simple path to the ultimate will be stronger."

"Normal cultivation, stepping into the monarchy, need to consider many factors, such as complete martial arts, symbolic martial arts, the fit between martial arts and martial arts, etc."

"This will be a martial arts road that runs through everything, from the beginning of cultivation to the monstrous cultivation base."

"The old man can't have this time."

"From the moment he took over as the head of the main hall, the old man has carried a main hall, a million-point hall, and the responsibility of this middle area."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, "And if the road to martial arts of the immortal Taoist body is opened alone, there is no need to consider these many factors."

"The old man's cultivation base remains unchanged, the undead relics started from scratch, and they have been nurtured and cultivated to the strongest."

"In this road of martial arts, there is no complete martial arts, nothing else, and some are just a powerful martial arts relic."

"Although there is no increase in the power of martial arts, because of the purity and uniqueness of this undead relic, the power of the undead body is exploded to the maximum."

"It seems that it can only be used for a few minutes, but it is enough to turn the tide and deal with any crisis between heaven and earth."

"If the old man is willing, it is enough to exhaust the power of this undead relic. Although it is the end of the body's collapse and fall, it is enough to kill any strong under the heavenly monarch, even if there are more strong ones, even ten Eight sages are reborn."

In the empty body, a powerful and invincible relic is warmed.

The empty body can only hold for a few minutes at most, and if it exceeds it, it will be crushed.

This is the special of Bajue, but it is also the price.

Bajue, called the Bajue of the Ancients, is a means of the Bajue of the Ancients.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and said, "If the power of the undead relic is completely exploded, you can completely solve the battle in a few minutes.

"Yes." The old man smiled, "but that will cause the undead relic to consume a huge amount of power."

"This undead relic has been cultivated for six million years by the old man; if the strength in it is damaged, it will also take a long time if it wants to recover."

"Maybe it's not as long as imagined, but ten thousand years are indispensable."

For the old guys, ten thousand years is nothing.

Perhaps it is difficult to have a war in a million years.

But for Xiao Yi, Wannian...

The old man looked at Xiao Yi softly, "As far as you are concerned, let alone ten thousand years, you will feel extremely long in a hundred or ten years."

"This undead relic is left to you by the old man, how can the old man be willing to waste his energy."

"It's not worth it to kill those fools."

"I don't need it." Xiao Yi said coldly.

"You need." The old man said earnestly, "As you have judged, this undead relic is enough to guarantee that you will never die."

"You don't have the idea of ​​entering the Dao with Bajue, you will only use it as a means to cultivate normally."

"This undead relic can become a single martial art path that you directly own."

"You only need to increase your cultivation base to one or two levels, and you will be able to withstand the power of this undead relic."

"Before the power of this undead relic is exhausted, no one in the world can let you fall!"

"I said, I don't need it." Xiao Yi almost shouted, "I just want you old guys to live."

The old man chuckled, "But the old man just wants you to live."

The old man's smile and tone were very light, like a drizzle, but it suddenly made Xiao Yi's body tremble.


Second more.

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