Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3634: That face is extremely distressed

"It's...and the reason..."

The coldness, anger and blame on Xiao Yi's face were gone.

Yes, it's just a murmur like absent-mindedness.

"It's... again such a thing..."

Xiao Yi lowered his head and looked at the ground.

It seemed to be a simple action, but it seemed that the head that had always been arrogant in the past finally lowered weakly this time.

The body collapses, the spiritual consciousness collapses, what can I do to save it?

Jinhe Shengyan?

That might not have any effect, but instantly caused the old man to fly in the flames.

Staring under the eyes of the lunar sun, he could actually see that the old man's body was like countless tiny dusts connected one after another, dissipating when touched.

"Really...Is there no way?" Xiao Yi said in a desperate and low voice, glanced at the old man, and then looked at the main hall masters behind him with a cry for help.

It's just that everyone did not speak, or sighed, or lowered their heads the same, not looking at him.

He already knew the answer.

Xiao Yi fell completely silent, lost consciousness and sluggish.

Yes, again.

Such things, such feelings, such irresistible sadness and pain.

Last time, it was the old man in the Eastern Region.

The old man, lying in his arms, slowly became cold.

This time, it is Zhongyu here.

But for this old man, he didn't even have the chance to feel his last warmth. He could only watch him, helpless, and finally disappeared.

Last time, when his heart was ashamed, Senior Jian Ji gave him the last glimmer of hope.

This time, who should bring him hope?

Last time, the old man was only very tired and ‘sleep’, he could have the opportunity to wait for him, wait for him to chop the waves, and go back and wake him up after all the hardships.

This time, the old man couldn't wait any longer.


Xiao Yi had no words, no expression on his face.

He tried, tried his best, tried all the time, tried all the time.

However, such a thing still happened.

"Boy, Yiyi..." Not far away, Shengjun looked eager and wanted to say something.

However, as soon as the words were spoken, when she saw Xiao Yi's gray face, her tone was stagnant again, and the words that came to her mouth were forced back.

Perhaps, even she can't bear to disturb the current Xiao Yi.

That young and handsome face, obviously deserved to be radiant, but at this moment, it was ashes as ashes... That was a face that made people feel extremely distressed.

Behind him, the seven main hall masters have actually been perceiving, and they can also see the face of this young man in their eyes.

If we say that at the beginning, the seven people felt sad because the old man who had known for a long time was unable to return to heaven, and they were still a little relieved; after all, at their level, they had already looked down on life and death, and understood the old man’s decision better, because if it changed They will be the same choice.

However, until seeing the face of this young man, the sorrow of the seven became much stronger for some reason.

It's like watching a grass that should be vigorous, suddenly withering and withering.

What exactly is that face?

Is it distraught? No, the young man looks calm.

Is it angry? No, the young man's face is not angry.

That kind of dead ashes, that kind of feeling as if all emotions have returned to nothingness, why on earth would it appear in such a vigorous young man?

What has this young man experienced?

they do not know.

But they all know this young man very well.

Although they didn't know it, at this moment, just because they looked at this face, they had already realized why in the past few years, this young man was always reluctant to let them take action, as if they were always afraid that old guys like them would be half surprised.

This young man chooses to take care of everything.

This young man chose the most difficult road.

Perhaps the reason is simple.

Back then, the young man who had returned with great vigor and vigor stepped on the wall of the Dongfang family in the west, looked at the world and despised the millions of monster races, and received countless elite warriors in his eyes.

They remembered that spirited, smiling face, and remembered it clearly, just like yesterday.

The words that the young man said earnestly at that time, they also remember very clearly, although they have been lingering in their minds for many years.

‘From now on, I will protect you from the wind and rain! ’

"Don't be sad." The old man broke the silence after all.

The young man slowly raised his head, but his face burst into tears.

The old man stagnated.

This young man has always been extremely strong.

The old man chuckled, "I wanted to give you this shelter many years ago."

"Until today, the old man has lived longer than a teenager, watching you grow and grow stronger, so far, enough and satisfied."

Young man, keep silent.

From the moment he saw this old man became a blood man, in fact, he had already had many bad expectations in his mind.

Therefore, from the beginning, he was almost lost, without the maturity and composure of the past.

Every word and every action is done by instinct.

The old man, perhaps because he could see the truest side of this young man before he died, he was more satisfied.

It's just that the old man knows better that this young man has always made people feel extremely distressed.

It's just that this young man never wanted to show it.

And this time, the young man's face that made people feel sad and sad after just a glance, let the old man know that his decision was not wrong.

He, even after death, wanted to shelter this young man and watch this young man live.



A figure that had been indifferent took a step forward, and slowly spit out, "Emperor Soul Fruit."

The young man still looked dead, as if he hadn't heard of it.

The figure added another sentence, "Emperor Soul Fruit, can save him."

"What?" The ashes on Xiao Yi's face disappeared in an instant, and he turned his head abruptly.

"Senior Luo..."

Xiao Yi looked directly at Senior Luo, with hope on his face, as if he was afraid of hearing any ‘negative’ from Senior Luo.

It was Senior Luo who spoke.

Senior Luo nodded, "Save, go."

Everyone around, including the master of the Asura and the master of the hunting monster, frowned.

The head of the soul hall suddenly became cold, "The surname Luo, should know the meaning of the existence of the emperor soul fruit."

Senior Luo held his hand, silent, and ignored the head of the Soul Palace.

Xiao Yi's gaze returned to the old man, "Really?"

"Impossible," the old man replied.

Xiao Yi turned to look at the main hall master of Asura, the main hall master of hunting demon and others.

Everyone was silent.

"Can it be?" Xiao Yi turned around and shouted.

"That's it." The Master Palace Master shook his head again and again, "You kid go and get the emperor soul fruit."

"Can you save the old man? It depends on your own ability."

"But the emperor soul fruit is enough to give you this opportunity, and it's great."

"Heaven's Secret..." The head of the Soul Palace's main hall stared coldly at the head of the celestial hall.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall pouted, "Well, a broken fruit, sooner or later it will be for this kid."


Xiao Yi's figure disappeared instantly.

In the distance, a stream of light went straight to the main hall of the soul hall.

"Bastard." The head of the soul hall shouted coldly, and instantly rose into the sky.

The main hall of Shura frowned, "I'm looking at Old Man Yao, you follow along."

"That kid is crazy now and can do everything."

The main hall master of the hunting demon shook his head, "Go to block the way of the contemporary soul emperor? The old soul is boring."

With that said, the main hall master of the hunting demon still flashed, and left in the air.

The main hall of the wind brake, the main hall of the heavenly machine, etc., also went out in the air.

In the same place, only the main hall master of Shura and Senior Luo were left.

The Master Palace Master Shura glanced at Senior Luo, "You know the importance of Emperor Soul Fruit."

"Not only is Yu Zhi Tiandi a guarantee, the kid in Yu Zhi himself is also a bigger absolute life-saving hole card."

Senior Luo held his hand and his face was cold. "The old man just doesn't want to see that kid with that stinky face."

"When the old man was going to fall, I didn't see his expression either."

The Master of Asura smiled, "You know that is because he is sure to save you."

"What you care about... is that stinky face, which makes us old guys extremely uncomfortable and extremely distressed."

Senior Luo took a deep breath, still holding his hands, his face cold, silent.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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