Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3635: Why treat me unfairly?

high altitude.

A stream of flame flashed by.

Behind him, a white streamer chased him instantly.

"Soul Kongso."

The head of the soul hall shouted violently and took a virtual shot with one hand.

In the distance, the white Soul Dao cables around the flame streamer instantly bound.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, and a sword with no edge in his hand appeared out of thin air.

Although the sword has no sharp edge, it delicately cut off the bound soul ropes in one swipe.

"Boy, you..." Behind him, the head of the Soul Palace looked at Xiao Yi's movements and the sword in Xiao Yi's hand with an ugly expression.

Killing the God Sword, restrains all the soul and Dao methods in the world, all the soul power.

"You must force the old man?" The head of the soul hall looked ugly, and turned to hold his hands empty.


In front of Xiao Yi, a large space collapsed, and a force of space confinement pressed towards Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi now has the first level of cultivation in this area of ​​the Holy Venerable Realm, how can the space confinement of the main hall master.


Just at this time.

A blast of wind blew past, instantly blowing away the confinement of space, and carrying Xiao Yi into the distance at a faster speed.

"The Master of the Wind Brake." Xiao Yi was overjoyed, looking at the old man who was flying by his arm.

Behind him, there was a sound of despair.

"Old man soul, if you hurt Xiao Yi boy, the old man will never end with you."

Accompanied by the voice, there is also an astonishing array of power, forcibly trapping the head of the soul hall.

The head of the soul hall gritted his teeth, "The old man just trapped this kid and didn't intend to hurt him."

"The ice storm eats the soul."

A storm of spirit power rushed past, and the great array disappeared.

The head of the soul hall chased quickly again.

Xiao Yi turned around and glanced, and it was true.

The first person in the Soul Dao controls countless soul Dao methods. Although the Ice Storm Soul Eater was created by the Ice Venerable, he will also.

The streamer chasing high in the sky continued.


The main hall of the soul hall.

A stream of astonishing aura, before they arrived, already astonishing wind pressure swept across.

Inside the main hall of the Soul Palace, a group of figures leapt out, like a big enemy.

After seeing the figure in the streamer, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Hall..."

"Master Hall..."

"Master Hall Master..."

The masters of the retreat hall were shocked.


Streams of light were ignored, and flashed above their heads.

To the depths of the main hall of the soul hall, outside the place of inheritance.

The master of the wind brake stopped his figure and frowned.

The inheritance of the soul hall main hall is restricted, and he cannot open it.

"Open." Xiao Yi yelled violently, making handprints in his hand.

Shattering... The ban was instantly opened, and Xiao Yi stepped in.

The master of the Wind Brake Palace did not enter, but waited outside with his hand held down.

After a few breaths, a figure flashed by his side, it was the head of the Soul Palace.

The figure flashed for a moment, and the main hall of the wind brake could clearly see the cold and dissatisfied gaze of the main hall of the soul hall, but he didn't care and just smiled.

In the heritage of the soul hall.

The head of the soul hall just paused, and in front of him, Xiao Yi was already holding the emperor soul fruit in one hand.

"Boy, put down the emperor soul fruit." The head of the soul hall's face was cold.

"Impossible." Xiao Yi also looked cold, and looked directly at the head of the Soul Palace, holding the Divine Killing Sword in his hand.

The head of the soul hall squinted his eyes, "Don't force the old man to attack you."

Xiao Yi sneered, "Don't forget the master hall master, now I am the soul hall master hall master. The soul hall inherits all the power in the earth, listen to me."

"I have been in control of all the restrictions within."

"Plus the Divine Sword, I am here, and I am absolutely invincible."

"It's the palace master, don't force me to attack you."

The head of the soul hall took a sudden step, and suddenly, an astonishing aura was overwhelming.

Xiao Yi's face changed.

The head of the soul hall said coldly, "Although the old man is the head of the soul hall, he is not a single soul cultivation."

"With your cultivation base now, the old man can subdue you by casually using some wind and fire methods."


Inheritance outside, the master of the hunting monster, the master of the Yandian, the master of the wind brake, and the master of the heavenly machine frowned and watched.

"Get out of the way." Xiao Yi stared coldly, "I don't have much time now."

To be precise, the Master Yaozun didn't have much time.

Within an hour, even if no one touches it, it will automatically dissipate.

Counting the rush time, there will not be much left.

With his current cultivation strength, if it were not for the entanglement with the head of the Soul Palace, it would be extremely troublesome.

How can it be a general generation who can be the master of a hall.

The head of the soul hall stared at Xiao Yi coldly, "No, you have a lot of time."

"If you eat this emperor soul fruit yourself and use it for cultivation, the old man will not stop him, he will be quite happy."

"It can be used elsewhere, it is wasted, but it is absolutely essential."

"Never mind the old man Yao, or the old guys, we have lived long enough and don't care about falling."

"But you... still have a long way to go, you are still young."

"This emperor soul fruit is enough to give you an absolute life-saving ability and an absolute chance to save the world."

Xiao Yi said coldly, "If you were not for you, would you think I would guard this middle domain? Do you care about the common people in this middle domain?"

"The sky is big, where can I go, Xiao Yi?"

"If it weren't for you, what would it do to me in this danger?"

"The sky is high and the earth is thick, where is the unrestrained Xiao Yi in danger?"

"Just say one last time, get out of the way."

The head of the soul hall did not move, and his face was still cold, "The old man has the responsibility and mission of the old man."

"Although this emperor soul fruit is kept by the old man, it is also the promise of our soul palace for generations to give the protection of this world."

"If you want to leave, unless you kill the old man first."

In fact, each of the eight old guys is actually old and stubborn.

"Okay, as you wish." Xiao Yi's face was murderous.


Xiao Yi shot instantly, smashed the Divine Sword with a sword, and took the head of the head of the soul hall.

This sword, ignoring all soul power, is also a sword that must kill.

The head of the soul hall did not move, only holding his hands.


Jian Feng, after all, was fixed a half inch above the head of the soul hall main hall.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

The head of the soul hall's expression remained unchanged.

He was unmoved by the Sword of Destiny, which also gave Xiao Yi the absolute trust.

"Chop it down." The head of the Soul Palace said indifferently.

Xiao Yi suddenly took the sword.

Upon seeing this, the head of the soul hall showed a smile, "then put down the emperor soul fruit..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Yi stepped out and leaned to the side of the head of the Soul Hall. The extremely cold eyes looked directly at these old eyes at such close range.

"If today I asked you to take the emperor soul fruit, it was Bei Yin Wuwei or Shui Ninghan, would you give it or stop it?"

Xiao Yi's tone was extremely cold.

The head of the Soul Palace trembled, looking at the cold eyes that were an inch away, those eyes were extremely disappointed, as if they were looking at a stranger.

Listening to this cold and angry and unwilling words...

The head of the soul hall was actually speechless for a while.

Xiao Yi's face grew colder, "Why is it unfair to me?"

The head of the soul hall's face changed, and his face was no longer cold, but he was anxious and apologetic, "Boy, I didn't mean that."


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