Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3639: Into the nine wilderness

The main hall of the wind brake, inside the study.

As always, the eight old people always like to look into the distance through the window edge of the study room and the back that disappeared after Xiao Yi left.

"He has only returned to the highest level of cultivation at the highest holy realm, and now he has gone to the extremely wasteful nine places..." The main hall of the heavenly secret held his hand, and he was hiding back and forth worriedly.

The Master Palace Master Shura chuckled, "You have so little confidence in this kid?"

"He has learned all of your abilities anyway, and he is better than blue than blue."

"Just relying on his formation skills, coupled with the huge spiritual veins, is enough for him to blast the utterly desolate nine lands."

The Master Yao Zun laughed lightly, "After this time, the old man is very confident in this kid."

"No matter how impossible things are, they can turn decay into magic in his hands."

"Heh." The head of the Demon Hunting Hall had a slightly inexplicable smile, "The eight halls of spiritual veins, including those replenished over the years, obtained from the underground spiritual veins, and the savings over the long years, he took All."

"The extremely barren nine lands are going to change."

The Master Hunter turned around and looked at everyone, "Do you believe it or not, this time, he will go crazy for a long time?"

"His anger will never cease only in the extremely wild nine places."

The host of Yandian let out a laugh, "It's strange that he can swallow this breath."

"Hahahaha." The head of the demon hunting hall suddenly burst out laughing.

The gaze among the old people also showed a smile.

It's just that why that smile is so complicated, so inexplicable, and so worrying.

"Oh." The main hall master of Shura got up and shook his head. "He protects us at all costs, but he never thinks that what he will do next is just to push the eight of us into the abyss. "

"Don't tell him about these things."

The main hall of the wind brake said with a wry smile, "One day, he will find out by himself."

The Lord Shura chuckled lightly, "That is also a foregone conclusion."

The main hall master of Shura glanced at Senior Luo, "The surname Luo didn't say anything to that kid."

"Don't you mean you don't want to see his stinky face?"

The head of the demon hunter smiled, "When the time comes, how stinky his face is, but I can't imagine it."

The eight old people were talking about their own life and death, but they were talking and laughing.

Senior Luo said indifferently, "But the old man also said that if he can live easier, the old man does not want to see him become a savior, but should be a world destroyer."


West, beyond the end.

Demon Realm, at the west end, at the Forest of Six Levels.

A stream of light flashed by.

Streamer is Xiao Yi.

Fly fast all the way, across the Middle Territory, to the Eastern Home in the west, across the Demon Territory, to the Forest of Six Levels.

However, Xiao Yi did not fall, just stayed for a short time and glanced below.

Since the end of the Nine Wilderness Transformation War, there are only a few elite guards left in the forest of the six balances.

Liuheng Demon Lord, Mad Lion Demon Lord, etc., have already returned to the inside of the Demon Realm.

Xiao Yi's gaze was now fixed on the desolate land outside the huge wall of the Forest of Liuheng.

There is nothing unusual.

However, Xiao Yi could clearly perceive that beneath the ground, there was an extremely secretive breath of the underworld that was difficult for outsiders to perceive.

Yes, that's a lot of his masters.

At the end of the Nine Desolation Wars, Xiao Yi was cautious and left these ghosts outside the Forest of Liuheng to prevent accidents.

The Demon Territory is a great moat between the Middle Territory and the extremely desolate nine lands, and it is also a buffer point, which should not be lost.

Now, these more than ten thousand underworld generals, all the power of the monarch realm, can be awakened only by a thought.

However, Xiao Yi had no such plans.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed and left in an instant.

At this moment, he had already put on a ghost mask and sneaked silently.

The Forest of Six Levels is still hundreds of millions of miles away from the real edge of the nine wilderness.

Of course, this distance is nothing.

Beyond the edge of Jiuhuang.

Xiao Yi's figure paused.

The cold and sharp eyes squinted and stared.

As long as one step is taken, the front is within the truly extremely barren nine places.

That is the most desolate place in the world, and it is also an absolute forbidden place for human beings.

The battle of the nine wildernesses that day was extremely fierce, but it was only fighting outside the nine wilderness.

Now, you really want to be alone and step into this nest of ancient monsters.

Xiao Yi had nothing to fear, only the extreme coldness.

"Thousands are counted, but these **** have been missed after all." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth slightly.

Originally, he thought that after solving the Eight Heavens Monarch, he could barely sit back and relax if the Tianyuan realm was no longer able to fight.

Therefore, in that battle, he would not hesitate to spend everything, even at the expense of cultivation.

He counted eight sects, counted the Tianyuan realm, and counted many other factors.

However, he even missed that there is an old monster "Liu Hanjiang" in the eight sects, and also missed that the human race and the demon race, who have always been incompatible, would join forces and participate in it in a wild nine places.

Xiao Yi glanced at his Universe Ring.

This is his greatest guarantee and confidence for this trip.

At the same time, Xiao Yi secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, in the past, I was always ‘stubborn’ and refused to abuse the cultivation resources of the Eight Palaces. If I owe it, I will make up for it anyway.

Otherwise, if those spiritual veins were in their own hands in the past, they were pouring in various battles indiscriminately...Today, how can they have the confidence to break through the nine famines?

I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, but I’ll count the changes in the future.

This is the guarantee for all kinds of unknown changes.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed and dived into it completely.


An hour later.

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at a jade pendant in his hand.

The breath of jade pendant belongs to Yiyi, which is Yiyi's life card.

The jade pendant is fine, and even without this jade pendant, Xiao Yi can probably feel whether Yiyi is in danger.

What he wanted to do was to use this jade pendant to find Yiyi's whereabouts and location.

The life card has the effect of pointing to the one who belongs to it.

But at this moment, he couldn't perceive where Yiyi was.

This means that Yiyi's breath is completely blocked.

As in the previous Holy Moon Sect, even if the Chief Hall Master Yao Zun was seriously injured, there was no sign of his life card.

It is not surprising that the Bazong and the Nine Desolate Demon Race have such methods.

"Nine wasteland, I'm afraid that any place is much larger than the demon domain." Xiao Yi frowned even more tightly.

One hour is enough for him to sneak in many places.

However, if he wanted to search inch by inch in this huge wild nine lands, it would take a long time for him to be at his peak.

Simply leaping across, and walking the entire area are two different things.

"The eye of the lunar sun may not be able to cover this area." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

Not to mention that the eyes of the lunar sun have been used frequently these days, which has already put a lot of pressure on his eyes.

Coupled with the force of spying and controlling the law of limits not long ago, the pressure of the eyes of the lunar sun has reached its limit.

Forcibly reused, the consequences are unpredictable.

Even if he is willing to desperately continue to condense, using the world's perception, I am afraid it will be difficult to cover this huge place where the ten wild animals lived.


Second more.

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