Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3640: Lord...mother

"It seems that it can only be forced."

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

He doesn't mind turning this extremely wasteful land upside down.

Don't even mind facing endless ancient monsters because of this.

"It's not about walking from place to place, just flying, it won't take long." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Xiao Yi's speed suddenly soared sharply than before.

That speed is probably much faster than when he was heyday.

After half an hour.

On the edge of the monstrous wasteland, somewhere in the palace.

A sword light flashed past.

In the air, only the sharp cold light was constantly flickering, and the silhouettes fell to the ground one after another, all of them sealed their throats with swords, unmatched.

In a short time, the huge palace was stained with blood, and the pungent smell of blood filled the air for a long time.

Xiao Yi sneered.

Daoguanghuan shot out in his hand.

After doing everything, Xiao Yi's figure flashed and left again.

Before sneaking for just an hour, he already probably knew what was going on here in Jiuhuang.

Here, there are kingdoms and their ilk, as well as sect forces.

In short, it looks like a demon realm here, no, it should be said that the demon realm is actually the epitome of Jiuhuang.

It's just that the ten ancient demon races, ten demon sovereigns, and Liuheng Demon Lord dominate the demon domain.

Here in Nine Desolation, there are ten ancient monster races and ten desolate masters, and no one can command and surrender this place and become the absolute emperor of Nine Desolation.

The top ten deserters will not have too many confrontations and territorial disputes with each other.

Because every famine is the birthplace and residence of the ten wild beasts.

All desolate races prefer to inhabit and live in their own wasteland.

In addition, Jiuhuang here seems to be a desolate land, but the prosperous country in it is far better than the demon domain.

This kind of prosperity has nothing to do with the level of monsters.

The strong is not to love that extreme luxury, but to be simple and cozy.

The prosperity here represents a longer and longer civilization.

Yes, the time for the birth of creatures in the Nine Desolation Lands is far longer than that of Central Region and other continents.

Naturally, the civilization here must be more distant.


After half a day.

Iron wasteland.

Somewhere, within a luxurious palace.

An old man, sitting cross-legged.

To be more serious, the hall where the old man lives is actually made of a single color of gold and stones, so golden and dazzling.

Around the old man, countless treasures of gold and silver, rare pearls.

The old man glanced around and smiled.

The old man is not a general generation, but one of the kings of the Lord of Iron Desolation, King of Jinshi.

One body's cultivation base, reaching eightfold in the realm of King.

Within the iron wasteland, he is one of the only strong people, and even in the great nine wastes, he is also the top in strength.

Suddenly, a figure came in panic.

"King Jinshi, it's not good..." the figure said in a hurry.

"Asshole." King Jinshi snorted coldly, his face frosty.

The huge Golden Palace is melting at an alarming speed.

A long river of gold and stone rises to the sky.

King Jinshi crossed his knees and looked down coldly, "What are you doing in a panic?"

"If you lose a piece of wild gold here, old man, you can't afford to pay for it."

"The king forgive me." The figure knelt down in panic.

"What's the matter?" King Jinshi looked down and asked, majestic.

"Given the king." The figure replied in horror, "Half a day ago, a clan on the edge of our iron wasteland, its royal family was annihilated."

"Which clan?" King Jinshi asked with majesty.

The figure replied, "It's the Shuomu clan."

King Jinshi disdainfully said, "Oh, that old clan."

"A mere royal family of Shuomu annihilated the clan, as for such panic?"

"No, no...No." The figure replied in a panic, "In just a long time, the iron wasteland began to spread from the edge, and the royal families of each family were destroyed."

"So far, there have been more than a hundred ethnic lines."

"What?" King Jinshi's expression changed, and then angrily, "Where is Xiaoxiao, dare to commit my iron shortage?"

"No, no..." The figure replied in horror, "I'm afraid there is more than one person."

"According to intelligence, in just half a day, except for our iron shortage, the rest are the same."

"Over a hundred races, the royal family was slaughtered silently, leaving none."

"The desolate kings made investigations half an hour ago and have found nothing so far."

"Huh?" King Jinshi squinted his eyes. "In just half a day, slaughtering the nine deserts?"

"This is definitely not something that can be done by oneself, which force is it?"

"Evil repair? No, the evil repair has been wiped out long ago. Those clutters dare not, and don't have the ability to come to us to cause chaos."

"Where did such a mysterious force pop out?"

"Quick check." King Jinshi gave a cold cry.

"Yes." The figure quickly retreated.

Huh huh huh...

The long river of gold and stone suddenly condensed quickly and once again restored the glorious palace with golden light.


At the same time, the figure, who was mistaken for a ‘mysterious force’, was actually alone, still wandering around the nine wilderness at an alarming speed.

The cold light flickered, there were corpses everywhere, not one left!

Then, the phantom light in his hand continued.

Afterwards, Fang and the slightest trace left, drifting away.


at the same time.

The land of nine wastes, the land of thunder wastes is at the back of the center of the nine wastes.

After that, the deeper place is the deepest part of the entire Jiuhuang.

There was a place where the thunder went wild, like the abyss of thunder.

Inside, there are countless monsters, all of them burly bodies and violent faces.

The three major deserters and the strong monsters led by them are among them.

The Lord of Lei Huang was holding a chain, and ten meters away, a human woman was bathed in a pure white light, her face was cold.

"Why is it so?" On the side, the Lord of Desolation glanced at the thunderous sky, frowned, and looked at the Lord of Desolation with dissatisfaction.

"You're not going to die?" The Lord of Lei Huang glared.

"This place is absolutely controlled by the Thunder Lord, and you dare to be presumptuous?"

The Lord of Iron Desolation smiled, "It's only half a day, so why should the Lord of Fire Desolate worry."

"This is the site of our Nine Desolation, in the depths of the Nine Desolation, are you afraid that there will be no accidents?"

"This Human Race woman, with Blood Gallo sealed in her body, has a huge nine-horizon. Except for the lord of the thunder and the lord of the alien, no one is her opponent.

"And if you want to refine it, you can only rely on the Thunder Lord's Lei Yuanchi."

Yes, here is the land of the Thunder Clan, one of the four clans of heaven and earth, Lei Yuan!

It is also the birthplace of Lei Yan Beast, one of the ten wild beasts!

Cang Dang.

Suddenly, the sky star talisman choked.

The Lord of Lei Huang's eyes were cold, and he looked directly at Yiyi, "Human, the Lord of the Wild advises you to be quieter and suffer less."

"Don't be lucky. This is an absolute forbidden place for the Human Race. Don't imagine that Xiao Yi, the Lord of the Eight Palaces, can come here to save you."

The Lord of Huo Desolation sneered, "Hall Master Xiao Yi has already lost his cultivation base, and he is here, but it is just to die."

"No, I'm afraid I didn't have the life to come to us at all, and died on the edge of the nine wild land densely covered by the ancient monster race."

Just at this time.

far away.

A bald young man held his hand, patted his bright bald head, and walked boringly.

"It can be regarded as a customs clearance."

"Young Master." An old man said respectfully beside him.

The bald young man waved his hand, "Well, I wandered for a while and continued to roll back to practice."

"Uncle Eagle, you don't keep buzzing in my ears."

As he said this, the bald young man glanced boredly, his gaze suddenly fixed on the three major deserters.

"Hey, how come we Lei Yuan has a human aura?" The bald young man looked in doubt, and his eyes fell on Yiyi again.

At first glance, the bald youth frowned.

He always felt that he seemed to have seen the face of this human woman, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Moreover, this Human Race woman was bathed in a white light, and he didn't really see it.

"Old slave, go and ask." The old man went straight to the three deserters.

The bald young man thought carefully, suddenly, a memory that has been covered in dust for many years but never forgotten.

"In the past, the master used to look at the scroll like an idiot from time to time. The woman in the painting... how can she look at this human woman."

The bald-headed young man took a closer look and patted his hands, "Mother..."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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