Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3641: You seem to be...Xiao Yiyi

There was joy and surprise on the bald youth's face, and there was still some uncertainty.

The old man has already gone before the three major deserters.

"Senior Eagle." The three deserters arched their hands together.

The two spoke a few words.

The old man nodded and walked to the bald youth.

The bald young man had already walked towards the three of them.

"Young Master." The old man was slightly puzzled.

The bald young man waved his hand, looked at the three deserters, and said bluntly, "I want this human woman."

With that said, the bald young man pointed to Yiyi.

"Huh?" The three major deserters were taken aback first, then startled.

The lord of Lei Huang quickly took a step forward and said in a serious tone, "Little ancestor, this human woman is an extraordinary creature."

"It's better to ask the ancestors of Lei Lord to come and decide."

The Lord of the Fire Desolation and the Lord of Iron Desolation showed dissatisfaction, "Lei Clan Young Master, this human woman, but it is a major event that concerns our Nine Desolation creatures."

"You can't tolerate the young master of the Lei Clan..."

Nothing is said.

The bald young man's face became cold, "So, don't you give it?"


There was a loud roar in the air.

A giant beast appeared out of thin air, overlooking the three deserters.

"What I want, I have never failed to get it."

The sound of the giant beast is the voice of the bald youth.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom...

There were seven roars in the air.

Qigu thunder came crashingly.

"Colorful Thunder? Be careful." The Lord of Lei Huang's complexion changed drastically, and his figure retreated.

The Lord of Iron Desolation and the Lord of Fire Desolate were a little slower, shaking the thunder hard, but was repulsed heavily, although there was no damage, but his face flushed.

"Nine-tier battle power of the monarchy?" The two deserters showed shock.

"Lei Yuan." The giant beast shouted coldly.

Under the feet of the three deserters, a huge thunder vortex condensed.

The whirlpool breath is tyrannical, glowing with seven colors.

"Lei Ancestor Inheritance?" The three major deserters Qi Qi's expression changed drastically.

This place, called Lei Yuan, is the birthplace of Lei Ancestor.

At the same time, "Lei Yuan" is also the strongest thunder method created by Lei Zu.

Whoosh whoosh...

At the same time, figures leaped quickly in all directions.

Then, naturally there are countless Thunder Clan powerhouses within Lei Yuan.

"Lei Clan Young Master, you..." The two great desert masters were shocked by the colorful thunder vortex at their feet, and also furious at the Thunder Clan powerhouse surrounded from all sides.

"Just one last time." The giant beast looked down at the three of them, "I want this human woman."

"Leave that strange chain of stars, and then get out."

The voice of the behemoth was cold and domineering to the extreme.

The Lord of Lei Huang gritted his teeth and said, "I want to see the ancestors."

"I'm waiting to see Lord Thunder." The Lord of Fire Desolation and Iron Desolation said coldly.

"You are looking for death." The giant beast instantly kills the sky.


Suddenly, the old man's figure flashed by.

Bang bang bang...

Before seeing what the real old man did, the three major deserters all fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

"I can't help myself." The old man glanced at the unconscious three people with disdain.

"All go away." The old man waved his hand, and the surrounding Thunder Clan experts left.


The behemoth dissipated and returned to a bald youth.

"You..." The bald youth casually pointed to a member of the Lei Race, "Send this human woman to my room for me."

"Yes." A member of the Lei Clan who was about to leave paused, stepped forward ten meters away from Yiyi, picked up the other end of the chain, and pulled Yiyi away.

"Human Race, it is your honor to be favored by my young master."

This Lei clan member walked and talked.

The bald young man left with him.

In situ.

The old man had no words or obstruction, he held his hands and nodded slightly, "Young Master, after all, he has grown up."

"After being sleepy for so many years, he has cultivated hard day and night, and now he has achieved great success, so he should relax."


In a certain place, outside a huge palace, two huge thunder beast statues stood in it, hideous, majestic and domineering.

Inside the palace.

Yiyi was still bathed in a white light, bound by the star talisman chain.

The bald young man patted his head with one hand at a distance of ten meters, while looking carefully.

"When I saw that portrait, the woman in it was a little girl." The bald young man frowned and thought to himself.

"Now this one has almost the same face, but..."

"Oh, yes, after all these years, the little girl has grown into a big beauty."


The bald young man slapped his head, seeming to understand completely.

"Back then, the master searched left and right, and he went through the entire Yanwu Kingdom, but he couldn't find it."

"It turns out that the mistress is here in the middle of the run."

"After some years of burning, when I reach the peak of the Sovereign Realm, or even step into the Invincible Sovereign Realm, I should be able to blow the Ice Saint prohibition.

"When the time comes, take the mistress back and surprise the master."

The bald young man thought to himself, and then he laughed out loud as if seeing Xiao Yi's surprised, excited, and grateful face.

Of course, this smile looked bad in Yiyi's eyes.


The bald young man waved his hand and condensed a phantom picture, in which he was a teenager.

To be cautious, the bald youth still intends to ask more clearly.

"Hey, human woman, do you know the guy in this picture?"

Yiyi glanced, and she naturally recognized that it was the face of her son's youth many years ago.

"What to do with you?" Yiyi spit out coldly.

The bald young man looked carefree, but he was obviously not a general, staring at Yiyi's face all the time.

When he saw Yiyi's face, his heart was already certain.

"Do you know the old couples of the Xiao family?"

"Xiao Zhong?"

"Xiao Lihuo?"

"And that old lady Xiao Ruyi."

The bald-headed youth said each sentence.

Yiyi's face changed a bit, and he squinted his eyes.

The bald young man looked at the face change and was already nine points certain.

"Have you been to the Xiao Family of the Eastern Region?" Yiyi frowned and asked.

Hearing this, the bald young man was completely sure, his face was overjoyed, "It really is the mistress."

This time, the bald youth blurted out.

"Look at the mistress." The bald young man took out a broken piece of iron.

Yiyilue made a sense, his face was startled, "How can I have the breath of a son?"

Obviously, it has been many years since I watched the traces of broken iron.

Yes, this is the fragment of the beast control ring that was crushed at the beginning, Xiaoxing specially left the fragment as a souvenir.

Bald youth, it is, Xiaoxing!

Xiaoxing probably explained it.

Yiyi's face was surprised and didn't say much.

Xiaoxing smiled and said, "You can disbelieve the mistress, but please rest assured."

"With me, you can rest assured to live in the land of my thunder clan, no one can hurt half of your hair."

"After a few years, my cultivation strength is enough, and I will take you back to the Eastern Region Xiao family."

"The master doesn't know where he is now, so I haven't searched the Eastern Region."

"Oh." Xiaoxing sighed, "Master, this person is an infatuation."

"I haven't found it after so many years. I'm sure he hasn't given up yet."

"The old folks from the Xiao family also mutter you a few words from time to time. You seem to be called... Oh, by the way, Xiao Yiyi."

"Do you know the old man Duan Yun... just sits at the gate of Xiao's house every day, the wind can't run away, and the rain is sitting, like wood..."

Xiaoxing, obviously a silly talk, talked endlessly about the past.

The horror on Yiyi's face grew stronger. In fact, when Xiaoxing revealed the names of several elders in the Xiao family and the names of Deacon Xiao Ruyi, she was already sure that the bald young man in front of her was definitely related to her son, and absolutely Not shallow.

Because of these things, no one knows except for her and her son.


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