Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3649: There is no reason

Those vicious, icy eyes suddenly collided with those old but deep and waveless eyes.

"You... When I don't slaughter you in a strange land, is it afraid of you? I'm selling you face?"

"It's just that you didn't deal with Batianjun in the battle that day changed, so I can probably guess that you have nothing to do with this matter."

"Since I intervene in it today, I don't mind slaughtering you at the same time!"


There was a roar on the sky of the wild land.

As the Eight Desolate Thunder rushed, the fire desolate firmament at the center, suddenly thunderclouds twisted endlessly.

As the eight dragons soared, they seemed to be winding with thunder, all in every inch.

A thunder vortex suddenly emerged.

Inside the whirlpool, a giant beast roared.

Xiao Yi's hand is a brilliant masterpiece of the Holy Disk of Heaven.

Within the thunder vortex, the stars are shining.

In an instant, the heavens and stars are densely covered with the sky.

Giant beasts, accompanied by thunder and lightning stars, descended in this violent and brilliant.

With the thunderous breath of Nine Desolates, the giant beast was captured in this instant.

That is…

The lord of the strange wilderness stared at the sky, his face changed drastically, "Heaven and earth beasts, thunder and lightning unicorns!"

With Xiao Yi as the center, the world is changing and the momentum is raging beyond imagination.

Xiao Yi already put away the purple electricity.

Raise one hand, only this virtual grip.

Inside, the Fire Control Beast grinned, a pair of golden horns gleaming.


Between Xiao Yi waved, the eight dragons danced together, the unicorns rejoiced, and the endless thunder suppressed the nine wilderness!

"Hurt my elders, take my wife and children, and dare to speak up with me and make irresponsible remarks?"

Xiao Yi at this moment is basically a thunder **** who is full of anger.

Strong as the Lord of the Wilderness, at this moment, he can only tremble under the pressure of this endless thunder.

"Half tea time has passed." Xiao Yi said coldly.


The palm was vacant, and the large monsters from afar seemed to be oppressed by an invisible but irresistible force, instantaneously transforming the blood mist.

The ancient monster clan, densely packed like a demon cloud swept across, instantly turned into a basin of heavy rain under the crisp intestines of the thunder and lightning stars.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Clouds of blood mist erupted from all directions.

The blood is like rain, and it dyes a lot of desolate land.

This blood will never extinguish the anger of this young man.

"Hold on." The alien master gritted his teeth and then glared at the mine master and the three major desert masters.

"Don't send the Saint Moon Sect saint away safely?"

"Yes, yes..." The strange landlord was still trembling, and the three major landlords could only tremble under this pressure.

Lei Lord supported his majesty and looked directly at Xiao Yi, "The Lord of the Eight Palaces, your wife is in my Lei Yuan, unscathed."

"But, if you want to send it out, I can't do it..."

Xiao Yi's eyes were already dangerous.

Lei Lord no longer cared about the majesty, and hurriedly said, "Also ask the Lord Xiao Yi to come to my Lei Yuan to pick up your wife."

"Lei Yuan?" Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, his figure flashed before disappearing in place.

This piece of nine barren land is now covered by thunder.

He can walk here, fearless.

The Eight Desolate Ten Thousand Seats Array, the true center of the connection, is the Holy Disk of Heaven in his hand.

The array heart and the broken array point are also only in the holy disk of heaven.

Holding the sacred disk of the heavenly secret, he can burst out a large array of power at any time, and a single thought can wipe out hundreds of millions of thunder!


Lei Yuan.

A thunder and lightning unicorn phantom rushed past.

When the phantom disappeared, Xiao Yi's figure inside was revealed.

As the perception passed by, Xiao Yi's expression was happy, "Yiyi."

At close range, he was able to find Yiyi's breath and traces with a little guidance from the life card plus his own perception.

The depths of Lei Yuan.

One outside the palace.

Xiao Yi's figure fell instantly.


At the gate of the palace, two statues of thunder beasts came alive and roared twice.

Qiang Qiang...

The **** cold light flashed by.

The corpses of the two thunder beasts separated and turned into rubble everywhere.

Xiao Yi stepped in.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi looked at Yiyifen in front of him without any damage, completely relieved, his gaze fell on the old man blocking the road.

The old man was sitting cross-legged, "You are the rumored Lord of the Eight Palaces..."

Before the words were finished, a **** cold light had already hit.

The old man's face changed, a black thunder burst out in his eyes, and a nightmare Thunder Horse rushed out.

Xiao Yi's eyes flashed.

In the eyes of the lunar sun, the illusion is just a joke.

"Huh? The magic is invalid again, Wu Ji Huan Yue?" The old man was startled first, then his pupils shrank, "No, it's the Soul Emperor, and it's the Strong Soul Emperor..."


The **** cold light had already reached the old man's throat.

"The son." He whispered.

The sword stopped.

"So fast, so strong." The old man's face was full of horror.

"Has this generation of Soul Emperor actually grown to such a stage?"

As soon as the voice fell, the old man spit out blood.

Heaven and earth backlash!

Xiao Yi looked at Yiyi, with doubts on his face.

At this moment, only Yiyi can stop him from taking the sword.

"My son, this senior has been protecting me these past two days." Yiyi hurriedly said.

"Huh?" Although Xiao Yi was puzzled, he closed his sword.

The figure instantly passed the old man to Yiyi.

"Sky Star Talisman Chain?" Xiao Yi grabbed the Starlight Chain.

He had already seen the martial art traced fragments in the Holy Moon Sect, and he naturally knew what happened.

"Young Master." Yiyi frowned, "This Heavenly Star Talisman is quite weird. It not only suppresses my Moon Dao ability, but also the magical soldier can hardly lose a single bit."

"There are dense locks on the chain, and each lock is a complete martial art of the stars..."

"I know." Xiao Yi smiled lightly, the coldness on his face already gone.

Xiao Yi held the chain in one hand and squeezed it lightly.

"The son?" Yiyi looked suspiciously.

Xiao Yi smiled confidently, "Did you forget that your husband also cultivates the Star Path?"

"Liu Hanjiang's kind of miscellaneous, can't compare the knowledge of the endless stellar way of the predecessor Zhanxing who spy on the stars and stars?"


Xiao Yi gave a low voice.


The Star Talisman chain smashed at the sound, there were no waves, and there was no great momentum, everything seemed simple and inexplicable.

To solve this Heavenly Star Talisman Chain with Star Dao Martial Dao is simply between waving hands.

Of course, the premise is that the mastery of the Star Dao knowledge at least exceeds the 90,000 complete Star Dao built by Liu Hanjiang.

The difficulty of Star Slashing Sword Dao lies in mastering almost endless knowledge of the Star Dao.

For Xiao Yi, who had long understood the martial arts inheritance of Sword Sword Master, this couldn't be easier.

"Go." Xiao Yi hugged her waist with one hand, drifting away.

Outside the palace.

The lord of the strange land, the lord of thunder, and others have already been waiting outside.

"Now Hall Master Xiao Yi is satisfied?" Lei Master was dissatisfied, but he asked more tentatively.

I was afraid that this crazy young man would suddenly run away.

"Satisfied?" Xiao Yi's face became cold again, "what do you think?"

Waving a big hand.

Boom boom boom...

Qilin Rui Beast roared.

Three monstrous thunders descended instantly and swallowed the Lord of Thunder Desolation, Fire Desolation, and Iron Desolation in an instant.

The thunder dissipated, and the three major deserters were already three charred corpses with no vitality.

"Exit." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

Nine Desolate Sky, thunder pouring.

For a time, the entire Nine Desolation World was bathed in this endless thunder raging.

Within a few breaths, the thunder subsided.

However, just the thunder of this few breaths of time, the nine wild land is afraid that more than a billion lives have fallen.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi, you..." Lei Lord's eyes were about to split.

Xiao Yi's face was gloomy, "Collaborating with the Heavenly Origin Realm, the Ancient Realm Sect, and the airspace, calculating and setting up an ambush, you think I will just stop here?"

"If it is against me, Xiao Yi alone, I can be wronged."

"If I hurt my elders, wives and children, I will punish your whole clan for no reason."

"This time, Quan is a warning and remembered it clearly for me."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi hugged Yiyi, floating away.

No one dared to stop the lord of the strange wilderness, the lord of thunder, and countless ancient monsters.

Compared with the thunderous pouring of just a few breaths, the crazy slaughter in these two days is nothing but a faint.

And this is just a warning?

One by one, the ancient monster clan powerhouses, with anger in their eyes, but dared not to speak, they had to watch the two figures drift away.

Hiss... There was a flash of thunder on the sky.

The face of the ancient monster race present changed drastically, and even the anger in the eyes was also reduced, only fear!


Fifth more.

Update today, over.

The first two are made up changes, and the last three are updates in the early hours of last night.

As for tonight’s update, if there is no accident, if I don’t watch midway later, it will be on time from 12 am to 1 am.

I'm sorry for the past two days, but I don't want to explain some reasons.

In short, it is better to be punctual, and then go to bed early; the codewords all night, day and night reverse, it is a bit uncomfortable all year round.

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