Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3650: Origin Sky Thunder, Dark Thunder


Above the sky, there was a sudden thunderous roar.

No, it was a terrible thunderous breath that raged in the distance, soaring to the sky, it could fight against a part of the endless thunder that was already filling the sky.


Xiao Yi, who was already drifting away with Yiyi, suddenly paused.

"What an amazing thunderous momentum." Xiao Yi looked into the distance.

"It's just that the momentum is chaotic, just like out of control."

at the same time.

Within Lei Yuan, outside the hall.

Lei Lord's face changed suddenly, "There... it's Lei Yuanchi, oh, it's Xing'er."

The old man's expression changed first, his figure instantly turned into a black thunder, and he walked towards Lei Yuanchi.

The black thunder turned into a fierce flying eagle at an astonishing speed.

Far away on the other side.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "In the chaotic runaway thunder, there seems to be an aura..."

It seems that there is a sense of Dao a little familiar, but can't remember it for a while.

Yiyi recognized this aura, "Young Master, it's the monster you used to be in the Eastern Region."

When traveling in the past, Xiao Yi also mentioned to Yiyi about his stay in the Eastern Regions in those years.

Yiyi naturally knew that he had a gatekeeper monster.

It's just that Yiyi couldn't be 100% sure about that bald young man.

But when Xiao Yi heard the words, he immediately remembered, "Yes, it's Xiaoxing's breath."


Xiao Yi's face was startled, and he disappeared in place with Yiyi in an instant.



In the deepest part of Lei Yuan, a certain piece of sky above seemed to be an independent world.


Two thunder silhouettes shuttled in with a frenzied force.

The first one is the senior eagle.

The second way is Xiao Yi and Yiyi.

"Huh?" The old man looked at Xiao Yi with a little surprise, "What a fast speed."

The previous Xiao Yi was already far away, but at this moment, he came to Lei Yuanchi at the same time.

"Here?" Xiao Yi ignored the old man, only frowned and scanned the independent world.

The whole world is huge, and the thunder is rolling and raging in it, and it is a world of thunder and lightning.

Such a situation...

It's like a world in the center of the earth.

It's just that inside the inner world of the earth is molten molten, and here is thunder raging.

"Is this the place where Lei Zu was born?" Xiao Yi let out a shock.

This is Lei Yuan, one of the Lei Clan of the four clans of heaven and earth.

This terrifying world of thunder raging, it can only be said that the birthplace of Lei Zu.

Xiao Yi's sharp eyes stared into the distance.

In the center of the world, within the densest and most violent thunder, a bald young man crossed his knees.

To be more serious, the bald young man was already smashed under the thunder that day, dripping with blood.

The sky is rolling, hundreds of millions are raging, and the king's realm is nothing but tiny ants.

When the old man saw this, his face was ugly, "Damn it."

"It has only been two days since I entered Lei Yuan Pond, how can I start trying to absorb and control the origin of Lei Zu so soon?"

"You should first let the original Tianlei temper your physical body and gradually adapt to the thunder here. This is the right way."

"If you act too hastily, you will only fall short of your success, and even now you are locked up and trapped in the original thunder..."

The old man gritted his teeth.

Hundreds of thousands of thunders flooded under the original thunder that was already out of control, and even the invincible monarch could not hold it for long. What about the young master of the thunder clan?

Lei Yuanchi, the birthplace of the Lei Ancestor, contains the strongest original sky thunder in the world. With this original sky thunder, it is enough to refine everything in the world.

"Fight." There was a trace of determination on the old man's face.

However, a figure is faster than him.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi stepped forward, and instantly came next to the bald young man.

At this moment, the bald young man closed his eyes cross-legged, gritted his teeth in pain, and convulsed all over, unable to even open his eyes.

Xiao Yi carefully examined the face and breath of the bald young man.

After seeing it really, Xiao Yi instantly confirmed, "It really is Xiaoxing."

Although Xiaoxing is stronger now, his face has not changed much from the appearance of previous children.


Xiao Yi's hand is a brilliant masterpiece of the Holy Disk of Heaven.

As soon as the fire-controlling beast inside his body moved, a thunder burst out, forcibly stopping the original heavenly thunder from all directions.

Until this time, the bald young man, Xiaoxing, heaved a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes.

When I opened my eyes, what I saw was a figure from the back, firmly standing in front of him, standing in front of him with endless thunders in all directions.

Despite the thunder rolling in the surrounding sky, the tyrannical Thunder World was terrifying, but it was hard to get past the guardian of this figure.

This back view is so familiar.

There was a buzz in Xiaoxing's mind, and a scene of many years emerged.

At that time, before a cliff, there was also a back, stopping the fierce thunder for him.

That back figure, as long as it exists, can stop the sky and the earth from collapsing, can stop all wind and rain, and it will always be so reassuring, and it will always be so warm.

Now, this back figure is almost the same as it was back then, the same young man's suit, the same kind of comfort and warmth, but it's a little wider than before.

"Master..." Xiaoxing let out a utter loss.

But for an instant, Xiaoxing smiled bitterly again, "It's over. I was struck by this original sky thunder and became delirious, and the hallucinations came out."

"The master is waiting for a weak cultivation base, and now I don't know where he is walking in the Eastern Region. How could it be possible to come to the Central Region and come to Lei Yuan."

"Oh." Xiaoxing sighed, "It seems that I will never see the master again in this life."

"The original sky thunder is now adsorbing my spiritual consciousness and physical body, and I can't get out of it. It won't be long before I will be turned into ashes in this billowing thunder."


Xiao Yi's face twitched as Xiaoxing murmured.

But at this moment, he has no room to answer.

The power of the billowing thunder here is far beyond his imagination.

It's not difficult to contend a little bit.

What he wanted to do was to rescue Xiaoxing from it, and then retreated from this thunderous land.

However, he found that although he blocked the original sky thunder in all directions, he could not get out of it.

In the Thunder, there seemed to be some amazing involvement, which firmly absorbed him.

Lei Ting was extremely fascinating, and he knew it.

Normal martial artist, being struck by lightning, still feels numb.

"The Sky Thunder controlled by Lei Zu seems to have the same level as Qilin Rui Beast's Thunder, but they are different." Xiao Yi thought secretly.

"No, the thunder here is a bit weird." There was something wrong with Xiao Yi's heart.


The eyes of the lunar sun condense instantly.

Staring in his eyes, Xiao Yi looked into his eyes, his complexion changed suddenly and his heart was shocked.

Under the eyes of the lunar sun, the world of thunder and thunder was completely dark, like an abyss.

Those billowing thunders were terrifying dark thunders at all.

"These are dark thunders? Bad." Xiao Yi was shocked at the moment.

Dark thunder is the most special kind of thunder path in heaven and earth, and it can even be separated from thunder path and used as one of the laws of heaven and earth martial arts alone.

He doesn't know exactly how, but he knows that once involved, there is little chance of getting out.

Xiao Yi glanced at the sacred plate of heaven in his hand, gritted his teeth, "If this goes on, my 120,000 spiritual veins may be exhausted."

Xiao Yi quickly looked inside.

"Don't you?" Xiao Yi took the lead to look at Bingluan Sword.

This is always his most confident trump card.

But Bingluan sword did not move.

"What about you?" Xiao Yi could only put the last glimmer of hope on the Fire Control Beast.


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