Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3660: Purgatory, feast

"How is it possible, I..."

Kong Linghao's face was full of disbelief and unwillingness.

He originally studied the Wukong ancestor inheritance in the birthplace of Kongzu. He had just enlightened and completely controlled the Kongzu gods, but he heard the astonishing sound of thunder erupting in the clan, and the panic shouts of countless people.

He should be vigorous, and he should be about to usher in his glory.

Kongzu's inheritance and Kongzu's divine weapons are opportunities that even the patriarch of this generation failed to understand and control.

He is the strongest evildoer in the history of the empty clan.

But now... this sharp sword has cut off his path of brilliance that should have been radiant; no, to be precise, he was the first to be cut off hope before he even set foot on this road.


Another golden thunder erupted from Xiao Yi's hands.

On the sky, endless thunder is coming again.

In the sky, the blue light flickered and burst again.

But to be more honest, Thunder did not run away at all, but precisely all fell on Kong Linghao's body under perfect power control, destroying everything in this physical body.

Counting interest.

Kong Linghao held the Gongfeng beads in his hand, and fell weakly with both hands, and the beads fell from a high altitude.

In the same way, the cultivation base is completely abolished and the meridians are completely destroyed.

This is already a waste.

Xiao Yi retracted the sword and threw it away.

Gui Er caught it.

Xiao Yi grinned, "This is for you."

"Thank you, Lord." Gui Er Gongsheng said.

"Brother Hao." On the one hand, Feng Yinyi watched Kong Linghao fall into the hands of the ugly "Ghost Monster", furious.

"Little Thief Xiao Yi."

"If you dare to indulge your ghost and enchanting beast to destroy Brother Hao's life, I will ensure that Qiong Yuzong will never die with you."

"The anger of the Eight Sects and Four Clans is enough to turn you and the Eight Palaces into ashes..."

"I'm waiting." Xiao Yi interrupted in a cold voice, and the ferocious color instantly became stronger.

"You... what do you want to do?" Feng Yinyi looked at her gloomy eyes like evil spirits, her body instantly chilled.

Xiao Yi's face was gloomy, "If you didn't participate in this matter, I'll give you a good time."

Of course, it is also not qualified to participate.

In the battle of Saint Moon Sect, what was qualified to participate was at least the strength of the deserter level.

However, for Xiao Yi, ‘give me a pleasure’ is already his gift.

He came to the airspace to kill people.

Who stopped him, who died, nothing more!


The Purple Lightning Sword flashed past, and a star burst into pieces.

Feng's charming body was completely swallowed by the stars.

When the stars dissipated, there was nothing in it, and the wind turned into ashes.

"Feng'er." Kong Linghao exhaled painfully in the distance.

The cold on Xiao Yi's face was unabated, and it fell to the ground.

"Get started, your feast."

Xiao Yi left the coldest and most indifferent words.

Next, what will be staged in the Kong Clan Clan will only be a **** feast of drinking blood and gnawing meat.

That would be terrifying pictures like Shura Purgatory.

The blood in the air was pungent and chilling.

But for the Six Ghosts, this is a feast for them.


An hour later.

Kong Linghao fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, his expression seemed to collapse.

He is a useless person.

Liu Gui Yao's unhesitating but precise and skillful stabs and stabs fell on his people, and sometimes the sound of Eviscerate was so clear as to hit spiritual consciousness.

Those hideous faces were eating the flesh and blood of his people with big mouths, and there was a ‘swish’ sound between chewing on his teeth, and every sound seemed to linger in his heart for a long time, lingering.

"Xiao Yi." The owner of the airspace also sat on the ground, looking at Xiao Yi coldly.

"The old man does everything, and as far as the old man knows, the main hall master Yaozun has not fallen."

"Now that the old man's cultivation base has been abolished, and the clansmen have killed countless people, what else do you want? Still not willing to give up?

"Stop?" Xiao Yi grinned.

Since Liu Gui Yao began to eat, he has just watched indifferently, seeing this purgatory scene, his expression has not changed.

He can be colder than anyone else.

"You use your empty clan lock-in method to block the Holy Moon Sect, no one can go out, no one can enter, leak without interest, block everything."

"Today I also used the Star Luo Deshen God Formation to seal your empty clan land, no one can go out, no one can enter; before I unlock the great formation, no one can know what is happening here now."

"You, together with the Sect Master of the Ancient Realm, Liu Hanjiang and the three major desert masters, blasted my elders to death, and today I will pay you the same injuries, abolish your cultivation base, and cut off your vitality."

"Everything, fair!"

The lord of the airspace said coldly, "The old man said, one person does the job, the other person, how do you torture the old man, the old man has no complaints..."

Xiao Yi interrupted with a grinning smile, "But I don't want you to fulfill your wish."

"You are not dead and clean, my heart is angry, nothing more."

Words fall.

Xiao Yi turned around, ignored it any more, and went away from the distance, and then sat down cross-legged in the back, without looking at the **** slaughter feast.

It's not that he can't bear it, it's not that these purgatory pictures make him uncomfortable, the so-called killing, the so-called blood, he has long been used to seeing it, and he has long been taken lightly.

The old man covered in blood, the scene of sadness waiting for death, he could not forget for a long time, lingering.

If it was him that was besieged, he was covered with injuries, and it was him who was covered in blood, he would never have the cold and angry as he is today.

The so-called injury, no matter how serious it is, if it is tied to himself, he can still be wronged today.

Despite the surging wounds, he can smile and look at it lightly.

But it was the old man.

Despite the constant wailing in the empty clan land, the coldness on Xiao Yi's face has not been reduced.

Set ambush to siege the old man he cherished, and forcibly take his wife away. His anger is greater than ever before, and he has suffered countless attacks and countless conspiracies and sieges that he has suffered since stepping into the Central Region It has to come to make him even more angry.

If it weren't for the emperor soul fruit, that day, the old man would have died, and his bones would have disappeared.

If he hadn't rescued Yiyi, I am afraid that Yiyi would have been bombarded with endless thunder in the Thunder Abyss until it was wiped out.

Today, even if these sixty thousand spiritual veins are exhausted, he will have the blood of the empty clan flow into a river, leaving no one!


"Huh." Xiao Yi sat cross-legged, taking a deep breath.

He no longer paid attention to the killings in the empty clan land, but restored the disordered breath and injuries in his body.

The empty race will not be the end of this matter.

His sword will not stop there.

"Fortunately, the problem is not big." Xiao Yi's body Jinhe Shengyan gathered, quickly recovering from his injuries, and nodded secretly.

All this injury came from the two palms before the Lord of the Airspace.

His cultivation base now is only the first level of the Holy Venerable Realm.

However, the power of these two palms was just offset by the starlight of Xingluo Deity God's protective body.


The golden gentle flame quickly circulated throughout the body.


Second more.

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