Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3661: Empty clan, slaughtered!

In the world, there are always such things, or existence, extremely special, that can create miracles and make the impossible possible.

Like a star Luo Destroyer Cone, and like a big array!

Spiritual veins can be used as a training resource, but also as a strength support.

But for almost all warriors and all creatures, the function of spirit veins is limited to the former.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be invincible as long as you have a large enough spiritual vein?

Just like the Eight Sects and the like, the spiritual veins of any sect is an astronomical number, and can it display the power to kill the emperor at will?

No, that's impossible!

As a power support, the spirit veins are almost always added to the martial artist, such as the consumption of secret methods, etc., so the martial artist is subject to great pressure and has limitations.

For Xiao Yi, the same is true.

He can now explode the trump cards that far exceed his own cultivation base combat power, there are only three of them, and they are all special, and there is no power to impose on himself.

One, Xingluo Destroyer Cone.

The prerequisite for the Star Luo God Destruction Array to be able to lay down and exist is the existence of the treasure of Xing Luo Destiny Cone.

This precious treasure can absorb the power of spiritual veins and turn it into starlight power.

Based on this, Fang and Zidian Excalibur fit together.

Xiao Yi relied on the Purple Lightning Sword to control the power of Xingluo Deity God's Great Array, and exploded a monstrous combat power that had nothing to do with his own cultivation base.

Yes, this combat power belongs to Xing Luo Divine Cone, not him.

Xingluo Deity Cone, Xingluo Deity Deity Formation, Sword of Sword Zidian, and Star Slashing Sword, all four are indispensable; none of the four can be connected to each other, and it is impossible for the four to be connected. With perfect coexistence, Xiao Yi couldn't possibly have such monstrous combat power.

The two are the original power of Fire Ancestor, Water Ancestor and Lei Zu.

These three original powers also don't need to be linked to their own cultivation base. Only the three original powers gave him control power comparable to the peak state of the three ancestors, allowing him to mobilize that monstrous power in the birthplace of the three ancestors.

It is a pity that these three trump cards are too restrictive, and they can only exert their combat power in the tribal lands.

The three are the formations.

If the martial artist is hailed as crushing all professions, and kendo is hailed as the best at fighting, then the formations together are hailed as the best at creating miracles.

The One Yuan Promise Array can turn things around and change fate against the sky.

Even if it is an ordinary battle, it can also play a role in changing the situation and turning the tide in battle.

The large formation supported by spirit veins can allow warriors to exert a power far beyond their own cultivation strength.

Yes, the power of the Great Array is not tied to the strength of the warrior's own cultivation base, nor does it add to the warrior itself.

However, the big formation needs to be controlled, and the warrior needs to have absolute control.

Otherwise, the big formation will be out of control, without hurting the enemy, it will die first.

And the strength to control the four characters is also the only link to the martial artist's own cultivation strength.

The higher the cultivation level, the deeper the understanding of heaven and earth, and the stronger the control of power naturally.

And Xiao Yi's current cultivation base is not high, so his power control is not strong.

If he is now allowed to control the formation of the monarch realm, it is likely to be out of control.

However, he has the fire-control beast, has the perfect mine-control ability endowed by it, and Fang has the control of the eight-horse dragon formation on the previous nine-horse land.

Yes, if he relied on the big formation, the only ones he could explode to the heavens now were the Thunder Dao and Fire Dao formations; for many other big formations, his cultivation base was limited and he couldn't control it.


"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled slightly, almost half of his injuries recovered.

Three trump cards, the first one belongs to a foreign object and is a special treasure, the Xingluo Divine Cone that even the Emperor Realm fought madly in the ancient years.

The latter two belong to control power; the origin of the three ancestors is opportunity, but it is extremely restrictive; the battle power of the big formation is exactly the ability that his fire-controlling beast gives.

Without these three trump cards, after the sky burial, his cultivation is almost nothing, and he can only be a soft persimmon that he can handle.

It is even more impossible to have the previous crushing Jiuhuang and today's Slaughter Kong Clan.

Today, with the first and third hole cards, that is, the combination of the Star Luo God Destroying Formation and the Thunder Great Formation, the battle power of the Lord of the Airspace can be abolished in a short time.

Of course, at the time of the Nine Desolations, he could use 120,000 spiritual veins to explode the absolute combat power that the Lords of the Other Desolates could not do.

But now there are only sixty thousand spiritual veins, only the power that is infinitely close to the ultimate monarch realm.

Perhaps, if you can use more than 120,000 spiritual veins to form an array, 130,000, 150,000, 200,000? With such a huge spiritual vein power, can it exert a stronger, even true Emperor Realm combat power?

he does not know.

But he did not dare to try.

At the time of the Nine Desolation, he already felt the terrifying power of the 120,000 spiritual veins bursting out, and he already knew that it was his limit.

If you increase it a little bit, you will lose control instantly.

Thousands of thunderbolts, supported by the 120,000 spiritual veins, might be the first to eat him back to death.

Great array, good at creating miracles.

But it is also linked to the strength of the martial artist's cultivation base, because only if the cultivation base is strong enough, will there be strong enough control.

The martial artist's control over power comes from both.

One, absolute control of power under the strength of cultivation.

Both are controlled by the corresponding power of Wuhun itself.

He himself is only the latter strong enough, but the former is far from enough.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "The origin of the three ancestors can't be used."

"But the Xingluo Destroying God Formation and the Thundering Formation are enough for me to ramp up the mainland."

"After solving the remaining miscellaneous things, I will return to the main hall to retreat and restore the cultivation base. No, break through."

Xiao Yi faintly felt that his sense of martial arts was stronger than before at his peak state.

After the retreat, it will not only be a simple recovery, but also a breakthrough.


This gnawing feast belonging to the six ghosts and demons lasted three days and three nights.

Nakong Linghao had already collapsed and was limp on the ground, unable to even sit up.

The lord of the airspace was fashionable and majestic at first, saying that one person does everything and the other person; after that, he only begs for mercy; after the last day, the rest is all verbal abuse and malice.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Yi ignored him and did not show any mercy.

Swish swish swish swish...

Six ghosts flashed back and licked the blood from the corner of their mouth.

The six ghosts and demons all increased their breath.

This is the terrible part of the ghost and monster clan, devouring creatures and turning them into their own use; even in the demon realm, they are also terrible.

Of course, his talent is terrifying.

The cultivation base breath of Ghost One reached the nine peaks of the Sovereign Realm, and it was only one step away to truly restore the peak of the Sovereign Realm.

The remaining five ghosts and monsters, their cultivation base jumped continuously, no, it was a leap at all.

"When this matter is over, let's take a trip to the Hui people to digest it." Xiao Yi looked at the five ghosts.

"The same with you." Xiao Yi glanced at Guiyi.

"Yes, Lord." All of the six ghosts and monsters were delighted, respectfully speaking.

Xiao Yi got up, his injuries had already completely recovered.

The icy and gloomy eyes scanned the vast empty clan land.

That corpse is so crippled.

If you look more realistically, they are just skinless skins without flesh and bones.

Xiao Yi said Yinhan, "Hang these corpses."

"Yes, Lord." Liu Gui Yao replied, this is just a small matter.

The corpses were nothing but empty skins. On the skins, there was panic and pain.

Looking at it, it is densely packed, hanging on the vines of these giant trees.

In the Northern Territory, amidst endless wind and snow, this former paradise has now become a strange and terrifying place!


Third more.

Update today, end

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