Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3663: Devour, the origin of the empty ancestor

The Heavenly Sea God Soldier is the Shui Zu Dao Yin.

As far as the entire eastern sea is concerned, that is the Heavenly Sea God Soldier, extremely majestic, and countless sea beasts are all surrendered.

For the Shui nationality, it is the Taoist seal of the Shui ancestor, left by their ancestors and passed down through the generations of the Shui nationality.

And this Feng Fengzhu seems to be the same level, but it seems more mysterious.

"Let's go, take a trip to the Kong Ancestral Heritage Site." Xiao Yi said.


The figure flashed and went to the depths of the Kong Clan.


As you can see, here is a place where the wind is violent and chaotic to the extreme.

"Is this the birthplace of the empty ancestor?" Xiao Yi stared around.

Here is a special space.

But the breath here seemed to connect the entire Northern Territory.

"It's a huge range." Guiyi was slightly surprised.

"This is just another place of independence, but the range is probably larger than the entire airspace."

"If you want to open up such a huge independent space, I am afraid that ordinary emperor realms can't do it?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "There is no trace of artificial development."

"This independent space is more like the sky and the earth, and it is completely natural."

"Lord... Lord..." The ghost swallowed and looked around.

"The atmosphere in this world is too terrifying."

"We are only at the entrance now, and it's a violent storm."

"The deeper you go, the more breathtaking and the more chaotic you are."

"I feel that if there is no door, even if my strength goes deep into it, it will be crushed by the wind in this chaotic wind."

"These winds are simply winds of annihilation."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I know that the Wind of Annihilation does not exist in the normal world, generally only in the high altitude range."

"But even at the height of thousands of miles, the wind of annihilation is only a little bit."

"If a person with insufficient strength encounters these winds of annihilation, his body and spiritual knowledge will be transformed into nothingness."

"But this place where the ancestors were born, the wind of annihilation is so strong that it forms a storm."

"If you go deep into the center, I'm afraid it will be a wind eye at all."

"I went in, I'm afraid I can't hold it for long."

The birthplace of the empty ancestor is exactly the same as the violent violent in the inner world and Lei Yuanchi.

"I'm not good at Fengdao, I may not have a way to get out..." Xiao Yi frowned.

He never wanted to come to this birthplace of the empty ancestor.

The ghost swallowed, "Or, let's go."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I will try, if it exceeds my tolerance, I will leave immediately."

If not, it will be fine.

Now they have all come, and they are defeated in order to fight, this is not Xiao Yi's style.


The purple electric divine sword in Xiao Yi's hand appeared out of thin air, just holding it.

In the other hand, holding the sacred plate of heavenly secrets, the inner star Luo Mie Shen array operated again.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed and went deep in an instant.

After tens of interest.

Xiao Yi paused and stared at the front, "The front convenience is the edge of the eye of the wind."


The eyes of the lunar sun suddenly condensed.

"Sure enough." Xiao Yi secretly said, "The origin of the empty ancestor is at the center of the eye of the wind."

Xiao Yi had no idea of ​​moving forward.

Here is just outside the edge of the wind's eye, and the wind of annihilation has already made his guardian starlight trembling.


Xiao Yi's hand condensed, and the Fire Control Beast condensed.

He already felt the restlessness of the fire-controlling beast in his body, which meant that the fire-controlling beast wanted the power of the ancestral origin inside.

"If you want, take it yourself." Xiao Yi glanced at the Fire Beast.

If you personally step into the eye of the wind, if you can't hold it, you will die instantly, and the smoke will disappear.

Even if you can hold it, if you can't get out, it will probably be the result of countless years of being trapped.

It's better to throw the fire-controlling beast into it, and take it when you can.

If you can't get it, the fire-controlling beast will annihilate it, it's just that your martial soul is damaged, and you have suffered a great backlash.

In fact, no matter what the calculation is, this is an extremely uneconomical sale.

He didn't need the origin of the empty ancestor, but he could not bear the possible consequences.

But the agitation in the fire control beast just now made him decide to take a gamble.

"Go." Xiao Yi threw a big hand.

The fire-controlling beast broke out, like a stream of light leaping into the eye of the wind.

When the streamer fell, the Fire Control Beast grinned, "Wow."

The wings slammed and flew straight to the origin of the ancestor.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, "Good fellow, ignore the wind of oblivion."

Xiao Yi also secretly wondered.

The flesh of the fire-controlling beast is extremely weak...

"No." Xiao Yi was suddenly stunned. "It's not ignoring it, but just devouring it."

Just like in the inner earth, the fire-controlling beast is in turn sufficient to control the molten flame there, while absorbing it while manipulating it, and finally absorbing the origin of the fire ancestor before the origin of the fire ancestor.

It's the same here today.

The Fire Control Beast can control the Wind of Annihilation here. Of course, the degree of control is not as strong as expected, but it is enough to protect the wind and spread its wings.

At the same time, the fire-controlling beast was also flying while absorbing the wind force here.

So far, before the origin of the empty ancestor, the fire-controlling beast swallowed again.

Xiao Yi frowned, watching the fire-controlling beast without hindrance, and easily swallowing the origin of the ancestor, feeling something wrong in his heart.

"The origin of the four ancestors, if one portion, it can be said that the fire-controlling beast has its own unique and special features, and it can swallow all four portions. What does this mean?"

Xiao Yi now has mixed sadness and happiness.

Often, the unknown is the most worrying thing.

The four ancestors of heaven and earth, they were the earliest heaven and earth creatures between heaven and earth.

Before they were born, the mainland was still desolate and there were no other creatures.

But after that, the four tones of heaven and earth gathered in the center of the continent, and the four forces of water, wind, fire, and thunder were completely integrated into the continent, making this continent a world where creatures can be derived.

In the general emperor realm, in front of the four ancestors of heaven and earth, they are like ants.

They are ancient and extremely powerful.

The original power they left behind is equally huge and terrifying to the extreme.

Under the world, there is nothing to hold and carry these four original forces, so these four original forces only exist in the birthplace of the fourth ancestor after the fall of the fourth ancestor.

These four forces are not only huge, but also raging to the extreme.

Under normal circumstances, there is only one way to obtain this power; it is to comprehend it according to the inheritance left by the four ancestors, and then slowly control this original power and digest it slowly.

The inheritance of the four ancestors is so mysterious, this has almost been stumped by the enchanting ninety-nine percent of the long years.

But even after comprehension, it is more difficult to control and digest later.

Just like Yan Yi, he had long understood the fire ancestor heritage, but he wanted to control and digest the origin of the fire ancestor, but he couldn't do it for a long time.

Just like Kong Linghao, who died just after enlightening the inheritance, and Xiaoxing, they all just managed to control the inheritance.

To really want to control this power, it is difficult and dangerous.

Even Shui Ninghan, the enchanting evildoer of the eight million year-end accumulation, spent a few years after thoroughly comprehending the inheritance of the water ancestors, but it was only controlling 10% of the original power of the water ancestor.

Inheritance is nothing but martial arts knowledge; but the origin is the category of strength.

Of course, within the origin, it is the combination of inheritance and strength.

Therefore, Fang can control the origin by controlling the inheritance.

In short, controlling the origin has never been an easy task, even for the most enchanting years.

The controllable fire beast is now easily controlled, swallowed and digested.


Second more.

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