Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3664: Fire control beast, completely detached

Xiao Yi shook his head, with horror in his heart, which was ups and downs at this time.

With a surprised look, he looked at the fire-controlling beast that swallowed the origin of the ancestor in the wind of annihilation.

"Are you too strong? So strong that the level of the four ancestors is not as good as your own level?"

"Or, the original power of the four ancestors is the power that belongs to you?"

Xiao Yi muttered to himself in surprise.

Only these two possibilities can easily swallow and laugh at the four ancestors' original power.

But which one, or both, is not known to Xiao Yi.

"What kind of surprises will you give me?"

Xiao Yi chuckled, the doubts and surprises on his face turned into joy.

This is his martial soul, even if you have doubts, don't worry.


Time gradually passed.

The power of the origin of the empty ancestor, the accused fire beast continued to swallow it.

Part of it was absorbed by the accused Fire Beast.

A small part, no, very little, just a little bit of'poor' power, is given back to Xiao Yi himself.

Controlling the fire beast, I don't know when it started, and Bingluanjian had a "virtue".

Ninety-nine percent of the power is absorbed by himself; just a small amount will be returned to Xiao Yi himself.

Of course, the gifts returned to Xiao Yi were all extremely pure power.


The aura on Xiao Yi's body was also slowly increasing.

The height of the vitality in the Qi Spring is constantly rising.

"So fast recovery speed." Xiao Yi was startled.

With the first level of cultivation at the Holy Venerable Realm, in the small world in his body, the Qi Spring's vitality is only 10% high.

But now, the height is constantly rising, 20%, 30%...

After half an hour.

In Fengyan Center, the entire origin of the empty ancestor has disappeared, and the accused fire beast has devoured it.

In Xiao Yi's internal vision, the height of the Qi Spring's vitality in his body has reached 90% of the top.

"Unfortunately, we still can't break through." Xiao Yi shook his head slightly.

The vitality in the Qi Spring is enough, once it overflows to the small world, it is the peak of the noble state, and then it can begin to attack the monarch realm cultivation base.

However, a breakthrough in cultivation requires a complete martial art in addition to the height of the original strength.

Here, there are a large number of wind-based martial arts, including the entire original force of the ancestor, the wind-based martial arts are endless and vast.

But Xiao Yi couldn't use a lot of style as his complete martial arts.

To restore the cultivation base, he still had to go back to the main hall and then slowly in retreat.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and instantly flashed to the center of the wind eye.

At this moment, he has no fear of the countless terrible winds of annihilation here.

Xiao Yi touched the fire-controlling beast with one hand, and the expression on his face became more surprised, "The wings are also golden and detached."

Xiao Yi now can clearly feel that not only has his ability to defend the wind greatly increased after acquiring the origin of the ancestor, but also has the ability to control the'Wind of Annihilation'; at the same time, the wind control ability conferred by the Fire Control Beast is far beyond the past.

Xiao Yi thought about it for a moment. Over the years, relying on the eye of the lunar sun to absorb the power of martial arts, the fire-controlling beast has grown from the weakest red-color rank to the black peak rank.

Except for the change in the color of the rank product, the appearance of the Fire Control Beast remained unchanged.

Speaking of it, the first change of the Fire Control Beast should be in the Demon Dragon Cave.

The fire-controlling beast absorbed the pure dragon power from the corpse of the demon dragon ancestor, and changed its shape. It grew two small meat wings and sharp teeth.

"No, the first change should be the second martial soul awakening of the Fire Control Beast with the ancient emperor holy pill, but that was the second awakening of a normal martial soul." Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Xiao Yi couldn't help connecting everything together.

The first change was the second awakening of the fire-controlling beast's spirit, which had consumed all the strength of the ancient emperor's holy pill, and gave birth to double horns.

Then in the heritage of the soul hall, affected by the massive amount of pure soul power, the fire-controlling beast's horns somehow possessed the ability to control lightning.

Senior Luo once explained that soul power is the closest existence to the original power.

The second change was in the Demon Dragon Cave, absorbing the dragon power of the demon dragon ancestor.

The ancestor of the demon dragon, although only the black dragon body, is the real dragon race, not the descendants of those dragon races with only thin blood.

At that time, the fire-controlling beast had wings and teeth, and possessed an amazing ability to guard against wind. The teeth were so sharp that even the sharp weapon of the **** weapon was bitten off like scrap.

Then came the Dongfang family. The fire-controlling beast absorbed the martial soul power of the Qilin Martial Spirit, and its horns completely turned into golden detachment. The lightning control ability seemed to be'qualitatively changed' instantly, and a powerful golden thunder could erupt.

After that, it is the origin of the fire ancestor, the origin of the aquarium, and the origin of the empty ancestor. The three origin powers make the controlled fire beast golden and detached, and dragon flames are contained in the teeth.

Yes, before, the fire-controlling beast was already covered in golden detachment except for its wings.

Now, after absorbing the origin of the empty ancestor, the wings are also golden and detached.

Today's ability to guard against wind is once again like a ‘qualitative change’, as if the world is the strongest.

At this point, the fire-controlling beast was completely golden and detached, and there was no more ‘black’.

"Special powers, such as the power of Wuhun's second awakening and the power of the dragon clan, give birth to abilities."

"And the original power, such as the impact of soul power and the origin of the four ancestors, completely awakened these abilities."

Xiao Yi connected everything up at once, and understood.

However, where does the fire-controlling beast come from?

Was it given by Bingluan sword, or was this the real fire-controlling beast?

Xiao Yi picked up the Fire Control Beast in one hand and looked carefully.

"Wow." The fire-controlling beast grinned, and dragon flames entangled among its fangs.

The golden shape of his body gave it a majesty that it had never had before, as well as an inexplicable coercion.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "Amidst the coercion, there is actually the effect of frightening and subduing creatures."

"Even at my level, I feel the lingering pressure."

"Go." Xiao Yi threw a big hand, and the Fire Control Beast tossed again, but this time, the Fire Control Beast flapped its wings fiercely to stabilize the figure, and then soared high in the sky, the golden figure quickly healed lightning.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned, "Come back."

One-handed virtual photo.

The soaring golden fire-controlling beast was instantly sucked back under the huge suction force.

The golden figure rolled in the air one after another, and finally Fang'bumped' onto Xiao Yi's palm.

At the same time, the fire-controlling beast was dizzy and hard to spread its wings.

"Sure enough, the anti-strike ability is still zero." Xiao Yi frowned, perceiving it carefully.

"Fire Control Beast, it seems that something is missing."

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head again, "The fire-controlling beast is already covered with gold all over his body, and it's all detached. How can there be such a sense of lack."

"Forget it." Xiao Yi shook his head, waved his hand, and the Fire Control Beast dissipated.

For questions that you don’t know, as always, don’t think too much about it. After all, one day you will know the answer.

However, Xiao Yi never expected that the answer would come so quickly, even less than a few months.


Xiao Yi's palm condensed again, and a wind of annihilation suddenly condensed.

The birthplace of the big empty ancestor, in all directions, the endless wind and wind listen to its orders.

At this moment, he is invincible in this annihilating wind field!


Whoosh... the ghost came in a flash.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded and took out the Fengzhu in one hand.

"In this birthplace of the ancestor, there is no Qilin, only this treasure of the ancestor."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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