Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3668: Holy Moon Sect, blood flows into a river

The one who arrived in front of Liu Hanjiang was not a sharp sword.

But... a powerful palm.

With the palm of his hand, he held Liu Hanjiang's throat tightly.

Sword Qi surged around the palm of his hand.

Between the palms of the palms, all the stars and streamers are in it.

"Uh." Liu Hanjiang was immediately uncomfortable breathing, his face flushed, and he was enveloped by the breath of death.

This is completely crushing combat power.

And what really oppresses Liu Hanjiang is not so much Xiao Yi's hand, but rather the destructive power endowed by Xingluo Jianqi and Xingluo Desperate God Array.

"Seven peaks of the monarchy?" Xiao Yi grinned.

Under the invincible monarch realm combat power, this is just a joke.

"Do you know why I know you are here?" Xiao Yi stared at Liu Hanjiang ferociously.

"I went to Jiuhuang, slaughtered three deserters, perceived Lei Yuan up and down, and asked the otherlander about the truth."

"If you are not in Jiuhuang, I will let the Lord of the Other Desolation block all news on the land of Jiuhuang."

"After that, I went to the Lying Kong Family and slaughtered the master of the airspace, and then I felt the airspace up and down again, and there was still no trace of you."

"Finally, it is the ancient realm sect. I slaughtered the ancient realm sect master again, but I still don't see you."

One by one, he ‘slaughtered’ the three major deserters, the lord of the airspace, and the fluttering words in Xiao Yi’s mouth were as if they were just killing chickens.

But listening to Liu Hanjiang's ears, it was more than any words that made him tremble all over, like in an ice cellar.

His pretended confidence and pride finally vanished.

Xiao Yi grinned, "The sky is big, and there are only a few places where you can hide."

"Not in Jiuhuang, not in the airspace, not in the ancient realm sect, you can't be in the sect and clan land of another sect."

"The Eight Sects and the Four Clans, the Supreme Sword Sect has made good friends with me. The Dongfang Family and Beiyin Palace promised not to be an enemy of me. Even when I was in distress, these two families also kept their promises. I lost my promise for you Liu Hanjiang in the matter."

"The same is true for the other four cases. The ancestor's life is in my hands. After the Great War of Nine Desolation, I never dared to intervene in my affairs."

"The second of the four clans, I am invincible within the Huo clan, and the mainlanders know everything; the land of the Donghai Sea clan is now my demonic land; even less dare you to go to the land of the second clan."

"The only thing left is Shengyuezong and Tianyuan Realm."

"But Tianyuan, you won't go, because according to my judgment, you are an old fox, not an old tortoise."

"So, you will only be in the Holy Moon Sect, as cunning as your old fox, and you will definitely come back here."

"Although there is an element of guesswork, I guessed it right."

When Liu Hanjiang heard this, his heart was already horrified. When his sullen old eyes met these ferocious young eyes, he couldn't help but shrank and didn't dare to look at each other.

How terrible is this young man?

This young man had already forgotten everything.

But there was one thing he didn't know.

That is, Xiao Yi specially blocked the situation of Kong Clan and Ancient Realm Sect, including today's Holy Moon Sect.

If Liu Hanjiang cannot be found in the Holy Moon Sect today, then he will not hesitate to hit the source of heaven, even if he pays all the price!

In any case, his Liu Hanjiang is on the mortal list, and he will not survive a moment or three!

"Holy Monarch." Liu Hanjiang was frightened and violently resisted his uncomfortable breathing, and yelled, "Quickly open the Holy Moon First Land, otherwise our Holy Moon Sect will be in disaster today."

"This evil thief will surely make our Saint Moon Sect blood flow into a river."

Even if he had absorbed the Moon Emperor bloodline and a large amount of Moon Dao power before, he could not digest and use these powers at the moment his foundation was completely destroyed.

Therefore, after the Holy Moon was first closed, he once again restored the seventh peak of the Sovereign Realm.

At this moment, as long as he opens the Holy Moon First Land again, he can briefly enter the peak of the Sovereign Realm again, approaching the power of the Invincible Sovereign Realm.

Just like the time when the Holy Moon Sect, together with the master of the airspace, the master of the ancient realm, the three major desert masters, and the powerful masters of the late monarch realm, surrounded and killed the master palace master of Yaozun.

In the distance, the holy monarch sneered when he heard the words, "Liu Hanjiang, you are already a traitor to our holy moon sect, will you still believe you when you are the monarch?"

Yuezun Wusheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Yiyi girl is fine."

"Liu Hanjiang." Yuezun Wusheng stared coldly, "Are you worthy of the ancestors of the Holy Moon Sect? There are still faces today for us to open the Holy Moon Land again?"

"Hmph, in the Holy Moon Xiandi, we are all the stunning ancestors of our Holy Moon Sect in the past; if you let the Rats enter again and borrow the power of the ancestors, it would be tantamount to blaspheming the ancestor."

"Two idiots... uh..." Liu Hanjiang's face became more and more red, not only breathing more uncomfortable, but also extremely angry.

"Ask the top and bottom of the Holy Moon Sect, do you believe in the old man or the two of you that have caused the Holy Moon Sect to fall into shame again and again... Quickly open the Holy Moon First Land..."

At this time, Xiao Yi slowly relaxed the hand holding Liu Hanjiang's throat.

Liu Hanjiang's uncomfortable breathing instantly disappeared, "What, are you afraid?"

Xiao Yi ignored it and scanned the surroundings.

As early as when Xiao Yi appeared, under that big movement, in addition to Que Shengjun and Yuezun Wusheng, it also attracted countless elders and strong men in the Holy Moon Sect.

High in the sky, the faces of the Saint Yuezong warriors standing in the sky were complicated.

Suddenly, most of the figures bowed to the sage, "Please also ask the sage to quickly open the Holy Moon Land."

The neat voice is extremely loud.

There was a respectful tone in the tone, but it was obviously a strong sense of threat.

"You..." Shengjun's expression stagnated.

"Presumptuous." Yue Zunwu Sheng shouted angrily, "You also want to betray the sect?"

"Ha, ha ha." Just at this moment, a cold laughter resounded through the sky of the entire Holy Moon School.

Everyone followed the sound, and it was Xiao Yi who laughed.

"This matter, Liu Hanjiang was right." Xiao Yi's face was sullen.

"I'm here today, not only to kill Liu Hanjiang, but also to the blood of your Holy Moon Sect!"

The voice fell.

Xiao Yi suddenly clenched his palms again.


In the palm, stars linger, and nine-colored flames are contained in it.

The light of the stars merged with the fire, and instantly became a chain of hot stars.


Liu Hanjiang's figure was instantly bound by chains.


As soon as the chains were tied down, Liu Hanjiang already cried out in pain, and a blood mist burst out of his chest.

Xiao Yi grinned, "This is the star chain that I have made with the star road, a total of 90,000 stars, all from the martial arts inheritance of Sword Sword Master."

"In other words, this chain contains 90,000 stars."

"But because it is condensed by the power of Xingluo Deity Cone, each one contains the power of Xingluo Deity Deity."

"I added the power of Fire Dao to make these stars extremely violent, and every breath, one will explode."

"If you can untie it, count your skills; if you can't untie it, you will explode in this star chain with breath and breath, and your life will be annihilated. Pieces of flesh and bones will turn into powder, and eventually the bones will disappear and the smoke will disappear. "

"You..." Liu Hanjiang's expression changed drastically as he listened to the ferocious words, in a cold tone.

Boom... Before the words were finished, another star burst, and a cloud of blood mist exploded on his body.


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